1 Anapphed hnguist in principle and practice GUY COOK AND BARBARA SEIDLHOFER 1
Acknowledgements 10
2 Teacher professionalism and reearch CHRISTOPHER BRUMFIT 27
3 The apphed hnguist and the foreign language teacher :can they talk to each other?CLAIRE KRAMSCH 43
4 Concepr and conduct in language pedagogy N.S.PRAHU 57
5 Appraising second language acquisition theory in relation to language pedagogy ROD ELLIS 73
6 Analysability,accessibihty,and abihty foruse PETER SKEHAN 91
7 Situationalcontext,variation,and second language acqulsltion theory ELAINE TARONE AND GUO-QIANGLIU 107
8 Three functions of output in second language learning MERRILL SWAIN 125
9 Proficiency or the native speaker what are wetrying to achieve in ELT? ALAN DAVIES 145
10 Crammar and lexis in communicative competence HEIKKI NYYSSONEN 159
11 Cultural meaning and rhetorical styles:toward a framework for Contrastive Rhetofric YAMUNA KACHRU 171
12 The paralinguistics of reference:representation in reported dIscourse GEORGE YULE 185
13 Grammarin discourse:attitude and deniability ROB BATSTONE 197
14 Field-guides in strange tongues:a workshopfor Henry WiddowsonJOHN M.SWALES 215
15 Explorations in applied ling uistics 3:forensic styhstics MALCOLM COULTHARD 229
16 Corpus evidence for norms of lexical collocation MICHAEL STUBBS 245
17 Corpora in language pedagogy:matching theory and practice GUY ASTON 257
18 T ranscultural creativity in worldEnglishes and literary canons BRAJB.KACHRU 271
19 Anapproach to th eteaching and learming of poetry in Nigeria JOSEPHO.BISONG 289
20 Discourseand creativity :bridging the gap between language and literature RONALD CARTER AND MICHAEL MCCARTHY 303
21 The impact of the Army Speciahzed T\raining Program a reconsideration BERNARD SPOLSKY 323
22 'Reading with a srspicious eye ':Critical Reading in the foreign language classroom CATHERINEWALLACE 335
23 What is this class about ?Topic formulation in an Li reading comnprehsion classroom LRIZPAULO DA MOITA LOPES 349
24 Discourse ana lysis and the teaching oflisteming MARIANNE CELCE - MURCIA 363
Notes on the contributors 379
Bibhography 385
Index 419