
  • 购买积分:24 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Mitch Tulloch,(美)Ingrid Tulloch编著;邓云佳等译
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7030114191
  • 页数:939 页

2B+D 1

2G 1

目录 1

译者序 1

2.5G 1

2B1Q 1

数字和符号 1

1Base5 1

3G 2

4G 3

第二版前言 3

5-4-3 rule 3

3.1 kHz bearer service 3

8mm 4

10Base2 4

6to4 4

6bone 4

10Base5 5

绪论 5

10BaseT 6

10BaseF 6

802.3u 8

10G Ethernet 8

10GbE 8

64-bit architecture 10

24×7 10

64-bit Windows 11

100BaseT4 12

80/20 rule 12

100BaseFX 12

100BaseT 12

100BaseTX 13

100VG-AnyLAN 14

100BaseVG 14

100BaseX 14

568-B 15

568-A 15

802.1p 16

802.1 16

802.3ad 17

802.1Q 17

802.2 17

802.3 17

802.3ab 17

802.5 18

802.3ae 18

802.3af 18

802.4 18

802.3z 18

802.11 19

802.10 19

802.6 19

802.7 19

802.8 19

802.9 19

802.11a 20

802.11b 21

802.12 22

1000BaseCX 23

802.17 23

802.13 23

802.14 23

802.15 23

802.16 23

1000BaseLX 24

1000BaseT 25

1000BaseSX 25

3270 27

1822 27

1000BaseTX 27

1000BaseX 27

1394 27

5250 28

AAA 29

A6 record 29

A 29

A+Certification 29

A record 29

Abstract Syntax Notation One(ASN.1) 30

absolute path 30

AAAA record 30

AAL 30


Abilene 30

access 31

acceptable use policy 31

access control entry(ACE) 32

access control 32

Accessibility Options 33

access control list(ACL) 33

access list 34

Accessibility Wizard 34

access mask 35

access point(AP) 36

access mode 36

access method 36

account 37

access token 37

access provider 37

account operator 38

account lockout 38

account domain 38

Active Desktop 39

ACR 39

Account Operators group 39

ACE 39

ACK 39

ACL 39

ACM 39


Active Directory 40

Active Digital Profile(ADPr) 40

Active Directory Domains and Trusts 42

Active Directory Client 42

Active Directory schema 43

Active Directory Installation Wizard 43

Active Directory Service Interfaces(ADSI) 44

active hub 45

Active Directory Users and Computers 45

Active Directory Sites and Services 45

Active Server Pages(ASP) 46

active scripting 46

active partition 46

Active Platform 46

active volume 47

Active Setup 47

ActiveX control 48

ActiveX component 48

active window 48

ActiveX 48

adapter 49

ActiveX Data Objects(ADO) 49

address book view 50

ADC 50

adaptive acceleration 50

Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation(ADPCM) 50

administrative alert 51


address record 51

Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) 51


administrative tools(WindowsNT) 52

administrative tools(Windows 2000、Windows XP,and Windows.NET Server) 52

Administrative Management Domain(ADMD) 52

administrative share 52

ADO+ 53

ADO 53

administrator 53

Administrator group 53

ADSL modem 54




ADPr 54

ADR 54


Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) 55

Advanced Data Recording(ADR) 55

Advanced Configuration and Power lnterface(ACPI) 55

Advanced Intelligent Tape(AIT) 56

Advanced Infrared(AIr) 56

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) 57

Advanced Mobile Phone Service(AMPS) 57

Advanced Streaming Format(ASF) 58

Advanced Program-to-Program Communications(APPC)protocol 58

Advanced Power Management(APM) 58


agent 59

Advanced Technology Demonstration Network(ATDnet) 59

AES 59


Alerter service 60

AIX 60

AH 60

AIM 60

AIr 60

Air Interface 60

AIT 60

Alpha platform 61

Always On/Dynamic ISDN(AO/DI) 61

alias 61

analog 62


American National Standars Institute(ANSI) 62

American Registry for Internet Numbers(ARIN) 62

AMP 62

anchor 63

analog transmission 63

analog modem 63

analog-to-digital converter(ADC) 63

anonymous user 64

anonymous access 64

announcement 64

Announcement Manager 64

antenna 65

answer file 65


ANSI C/C++ 65

ANSI character set 65

Apache 66

AP 66

Anycast 66

AO/DI 66

AOL Instant Messenger(AIM) 66

Apache XML Project 67

Apache Software Foundation 67

Apple Open Transport 68

APPC File Transfer Protocol(AFTP) 68

API 68


APM 68

APM 68



AppleTalk 69

applet 69

AppleShare 69

AppleShare IP 69

Application Center 70

appliance 70

application level gateway 71

application layer proxy 71

application layer 71

application programming interface(API) 72

Application Performance Management(APM) 72

application log 72

application service provider(ASP) 73


archiving 75


archive attribute 75

ARP command 76


ARC path 76


ARP 76


AS/400 77

AS 77

Asia Pacific Network Informaton Center(APNIC) 79

ASF 79

ASCII file 79

Association for Computing Macinery(ACM) 80

ASR 80

ASN 80

ASN.1 80

ASP 80

ASP 80


Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL) 81

asymmetric multiprocessing(AMP) 82

Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) 83

async 83

asynchronous transmission 85

ATM over SONET 86

ATM Forum 86

ATDnet 86

ATM 86

ATM Adaptation Layer(AAL) 86

attrib command 87

attuenuation to crosstalk ratio(ACR) 87


attenuation 87

attribute(Active Directory) 88

attribute(file system) 88

Authenticated Users group 89

AUI connector 89

ATU-C 89

aTU-R 89

auditing 89

Audit policy 89

authentication provider 90

authentication protocol 90

Authentication Header(AH) 90

AutoComplete 91

auto-appication 91

Authenticode 91

Authorized Academic Training Provider(AATP) 91

Automatic Private IP Addressing(APIPA) 92

automatic logon 92

autodial 92

Automation controller 93

Automation client 93

Automatic System Recovery(ASR) 93

Automatic Version Synchronization(AVS) 93

Automation 93

autonomous system number(ASN) 94

autonomous system(AS) 94

Automation server 94

auto naming 94

AXFR request 95

AWG 95

autosensing 95

availability 95

AVS 95

B2B 96

B 96

backbone 97

B2C 97

backboning 98

BackOffice 99

background 99

backup 100

Back Orifice 100

BackOffice Server 100

backup agent 102

backup domain controller(BDC) 103

backup catalog 103

backup browser 103

Backup Operators built-in group 104

Backup Operator 104

backup strategy 105

backup set 105

BACP 106

Backup Wizard 106

backup type 106

bandwidth 107

balun 107

balanced line 107

bandwidth throttling 108

bandwidth on demand 108

Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol(BACP) 108

Bandwidth Allocation Protocol(BAP) 108

baseband transmission 109

BAP 109

Banyan VINES 109

Basic authentication 110

baseline 110

bastion host 111

basic volume 111

basic disk 111

Basic Rate Interface ISDN(BRI-ISDN) 111

batch command 112

B channel 113

bCentral 113

batch file 113

BeOS 114

benchmarking 114

BDC 114

beaconing 114

BEEP 114

BGP 115

best effort 115

BER 115

Berkeley Internet Name Domain(BIND) 115

BERT 115

bindings 116

bindery 116

Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless(BREW) 116

Binary Tulloch Transport Protocol(BTTP) 116

BIND 116

Bit/Block Error Rate Tester(BERT) 117

B-ISDN 117

biometric authentication 117

BizTalk Framework 118

BizTalk 118

Bit Error Rate(BER) 118

bits per second(bps) 118

Blackcomb 119

BizTalk Server 2000 119

Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol(BEEP) 120

block coding 120

black hole 120

BLEC 120

Bluetooth 121

blue screen 121

BNC connector 123

bonding 124

B-node 124

Boot.ini 125

boot files 125

boot 125

boot partition 126


boot loader menu 126

bootstrap protocol(BOOTP) 127

Bootsect dos 127

boot process 127

Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) 128

boot volume 128

bottleneck 129

border router 129

breakout box 130

bps 130

bounce 130

bridge 131

BREW 131

broadband Internet access 132

broadband 132

bridgehead server 132


broadband wireless communications 133

broadband transmission 133

broadband ISDN(B-ISDN) 133

broadcast packet 135

broadcasting 135

broadcast domain 135

broadcast frame 135

browsing 136

browser(Web browser) 136

broadcast storm 136

brouter 136

browse list 136

browser(Computer Broswer service) 136

building-block services 137

BSP 137

BSD 137

Building-centric Local Exchange Carrier(BLEC) 138

built-in global group 139

built-in domain local group 139

built-in account 139

bus 140

burst 140

built-in group 140

built-in identities 140

business-to-consumer 141

business-to-business 141

business logic 141

bus topology 142

C 143

C++ 143

C 143

cabinet 144

CA 144

C2 144

cable modem 145

cabinet file 145

cable tester 147

cable run 147

cabling 148

CA certificate 149

caching 150

Caching Array Routing Protocol(CARP) 152

caching service provider(CSP) 153

caching-only name server 153

campus area network 154

Callback Control Protocol(CBCP) 154

CAL 154

callback 154

Carnivore 155

capture window 155

CAN 155

CAP 155

capture 155

carrier 156

CARP 156

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance(CSMA/CA) 157

Carrierless amplitude and phase modulation(CAP) 157

cascading style sheets(CSS) 158

cascaded star topology 158

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) 158

carrier signal 158

Category 1(Cat1)cabling 159

catalog 159

Cat5 cabling 159

Cat5e cabling 159

Cat6 cabling 159

Cat7 cabling 159

Category 4(Cat4)eabling 160

Category 3(Cat3)cabling 160

Category 2(Cat2)cabling 160

Category 6(Cat6)cabling 161

Category 5(Cat5)cabling 161

CDDI 162

CBT 162

Category 7(Cat7)cabling 162

CBCP 162

CBQ 162

CDMA 2000 163

CDMA 163

CDE 163

CDF 163

CDF file 163

CDFS 163

CD-ROM File System(CDFS) 164

CDPD 164

cdmaOne 164

CDN 164

CDO 164

CDP 164

cell(Cellular communications) 165

cell(ATM) 165

CDSL 165

Cellular Digital Packet Data(CDPD) 166

cellular communications 167

central office(CO) 169

certificate mapping 170

certificate authority(CA) 170

Centrex 170

certificate 170

certificate revocation list(CRL) 171

certificate request 171

challenge/response 172

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP) 172

Certified Technical Education Center(CTEC) 172

CGI 172

channel bank 173

channel(Active Channel) 173

Change and Configuration Management 173

channel(Microsoft Windows Media Player) 174

channel Definition Format(CDF) 174

channel bar 174

Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit(CSU/DSU) 175

Channel Service Unit(CSU) 175

CIM Object Manager(CIMOM) 176

CIM 176

CHAP 176

child domain 176

CICS 176

CIDR 176

CIFS 176

circuit layer proxy 177

circuit 177


CIP 177

CIR 177

circuit-switched services 178

circuit-level gateway 178

Class A 179

class 179

circular logging 179

Class C 180

class-based queuing(CBQ) 180

Class B 180

classful routing protocol 181

classful domain 181

Class D 181

Class E 181

classless domain 182

Classic desktop 182

Classical IP(CIP) 182

classless interdomain routing(CIDR) 183

cleartext 184

CLB 184

classless routing protocol 184

client access license(CAL) 185

client 185

cleartext authentication 185

ClearType 185

CLEC 185

Client for Microsoft Networks 186

client certificate 186

Client Services for NetWare(CSNW) 187

client/server 187

Client for NetWare Networks 187

client installation point 187

cloud 188

clustering 189

cluster-aware application 189

cluster 189

coaxial cabling 191

coax 191

CMAK 191

CMP cabling 191

CN 191

CNAME record 191

CNRP 191

CO 191

Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) 192

codec 192

code-operated switch 193

Multiplexing(COFDM) 193

Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division 193

Cold Fusion 194

cold boot 194


collision 195

collapsed backbone 195

Collaboration Data Objects(CDO) 195

COM component object 196

COM+ 196

collision domain 196

COM 196

command line 197

command interperter 197

command 197

Commited Information Rate(CIR) 198

commercial service provider(CSP) 198

command prompt 198

Commerce Server 2000 198

Common Gateway Interface(CGI) 199

Common Desktop Environment(CDE) 199

Common Internet File System(CIFS) 200

Common Information Model(CIM) 200

Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA) 201

Common Name Resolution Protocol(CNRP) 201

Competitive Local Exchange Carrier(CLEC) 202

community 202

Component Load Balancing(CLB) 204

complete trust model 204

Component Object Model(COM) 205

Computer Browser service 206

computer account 206

CompTIA 206

Computer Management 207


Computing Technology Industry Association(CompTIA) 208

computer name 208

computer-telephony integration(CTI) 208

connectionless protocol 209

connection 209

COM Transaction Integrator(COMTI) 209

concurrency 209

connected network(CN) 209

connectoin pooling 210

connection-oriented protocol 210

Connection Manager Administration Kit(CMAK) 210

connector(device) 211

connectivity server 211

connector(Microsoft Exchange) 212

Connector for Lotus Notes 212

Connector for Lotus cc:Mail 212

Content Analyzer 213

Content Advisor 213

Consumer DSL(CDSL) 213

container(Active Directory) 213

container(Microsoft Management Console) 213

container(NTFS) 213

content delivery network(CDN) 214

content caching 214

contention 215

content filter 215

Content Delivery Provider(CDP) 215

Control Panel 216

control message 216

content rating 216

control set 217

copper cabling 218

cookie 218

convergence 218

Core-Based Trees(CBT) 219


Copper Distributed Data Interface(CDDI) 219

copy backup 219

copying files 219

country code 220

counter 220

credentials 222

Creator Owner 222

coupler 222

CPE 222

CRC 222

CrytoAPI 223

crosstalk 223

crimper 223

CRL 223

CRM 223

crossover cable 223

CSNW 224


Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard 224

cryptography 224


custom authentication 225

Ctrl+Alt+Delete 225

CSP 225

CSP(commercial service provider) 225

CSS 225

CSU 225


csv file 225

CTEC 225

CTI 225

Customer Relationship Management(CRM) 226

customer premises equipment(CPE) 226

Customer Information Control System(CICS) 226

customer premises 226

cyclical redundancy check(CRC) 227

custom recipient 227

DAO 228

D-AMPS 228

D 228

DAB 228

DACL 228

daemon 228

daily copy 228

Data Access Objects(DAO) 229

dark fiber 229

DAP 229

database 230

data alarm 230

data communications equipment(DCE) 231

database owner(DBO) 231

data integrity 232

datagram 232

Data Encryption Standard(DES) 232

Data Link Control(DLC) 233

data line protector 233

data isolator 233

data-link layer 234

Data Over Cable Service Inter face Specification(DOCSIS) 235

Data Manipulation Language(DML) 235

Data Service Unit(DSU) 236

Data Provider 236

data tap 237

Data Space Transfer Protocol(DSTP) 237

data source name(DSN) 237

DB connector 238

DAWS 238

data terminal equipment(DTE) 238

DCOM 239

D channel 239

DBO 239

DCE 239

dead spot 240

DDS(Digital Data Storage) 240

DCOM Configuration Tool 240

DDNS 240

DDoS 240

DDR(Demand-Dial Routing) 240

DDR(Dial-on-Demand Routing) 240

DDS(digital data service) 240

dedicated line 241

DECnet 241

decibel 241

default gateway 242

Dedicated Token Ring(DTR) 242

delegation 243

defragmentation 243

Defense Messaging System(DMS) 243

demand priority 244

Demand-Dial Routing(DDR) 244

Delegation of Control Wizard 244

denial of service(DoS) 245

DEN 245

demarc 245

demilitarized zone(DMZ) 245

dense mode 247

desktop 248

DES 248

dense wavelength division multip lexing(DWDM) 248

destination address 249

Desktop Management Interface(DMI) 249

DHCP client reservation 250

DHCP client 250

device 250

Dfs 250

DHCP 250

DHCP options 251

DHCP lease 251

DHCP Client service 251

DHCP console 251

DHCP relay agent 252

DHCP Server service 253

DHCP server 253

DHCP scope 253

differential backup 254

DID 254


Dial-on-Demand Routing(DDR) 254

dial-up line 254

Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service(D-AMPS) 255

digital 255

Differentiated Services(DS) 255

Diffie-Hellman(DH) 255

Digital Audio Broadcasting(DAB) 256

digital certificate 256

Digital Advanced Wireless System(DAWS) 256

Digital Data Service(DDS) 257

Digital Dashboard 257

digital line 258

Digital Data Storage(DDS) 258

Digital Signal Zero 259

digital nervous system 259

Digital Linear Tape(DLT) 259

digital modem 259

digital signature 260

Digital Subscriber Line(DSL) 261

direct burial fiber-optic cabling 265

DIME 265

Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer(DSLAM) 265

digital transmission 265

directed packet 266

directed frame 266

Direct Cable Connection 266

directory 267

direct inward dialing(DID) 267

Direct Internet Message Encapsulation(DIME) 267

Directory Enabled Network(DEN) 269

directory database 269

Directory Access Protocol(DAP) 269

directory hierarchy 270

directory export 270

directory replication(Windows NT) 271

directory replication(Windows 2000 and Windows.NET Server) 271

directory import 271

directory service log 272

Directory Service Migration Tool(DSMigrate) 273

Directory Service Markup Language(DSML) 273

Directory Service Manager for NetWare(DSMN) 273

direct sequencing 274

Direct Sequence Spread Spect rum(DSSS) 274

directory synchronization(Microsoft Mail) 274

directory synchronization(Windows NT) 274

disaster recovery 275

discretionary access control list(DACL) 276

discrete multitone(DMT) 276

disk mirroring 277

disk imaging 277

disk duplexing 277

disk quotas 278

Diskperf command 278

distance vector routing algorithm 279

(DVMRP) 279

disk status 279

Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol 279

distance vector routing protocol 280

distributed application 281

distinguished name(DN) 281

Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) 282

distributed computing 282

Distributed Component Object Model(DCOM) 282

Distributed Management Task Force(DTMF) 284

Distributed file system(Dfs) 284

distribution server 285

distribution list 285

distribution box 285

distribution group 285

DNS client 286

DNS 286

DLC 286

DLL 286

DLT 286

DMI 286

DML 286

DMS 286

DMT 286

DMTF 286

DMZ 286

DN 286

DNA 286

DNS namespace 287

DNS datahase 287

DNS console 287

DNS Security Extensions(DNSSEC) 288


DNS query 288

DNS server 289

document type definition(DTD) 290

Document Object Model(DOM) 290


domain blocking 291

Domain Admins 291

DoD model 291

DOM 291

domain controller 292

Domain Guests 293

domain forest 293

domain(DNS) 293

domain(Microsoft Windows) 294

domain master browser 294

domain local group 294

domain modes 295

domain model 295

domain name 296

Domain Name System(DNS) 297

domain tree 299

down 300

DOS 300

domain user account 300

Domain Users 300

DoS 300

DS-0 301

DS 301

drain wire 301

drop 301

drop cable 301

Dr.Watson 301

DS-3 302

DS-1 302

DTMF 303

DTE 303

DSL 303


DSMigrate 303

DSML 303

DSMN 303

DSN 303

DSSS 303

DSTP 303

DSU 303

DTD 303

dynamic disk 304

DWDM 304

DTR 304

dual boot 304

Dual Tone Multiple Frequency(DTMF) 304

duplex 304


dynamic DNS(DDNS) 305

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) 306

dynamic packet filtering 307

dynamic-link library(DLL) 307

Dynamic HTML(DHTML) 307

dynamic routing protocol 308

dynamic routing 308

dynamic volume 309

E-carrier 310

ebXML 310

E 310

EAP 310

EBGP 310

e-busine 310

edge router 311

EDGE 311


EFS 312

EFI 312

EDI 312

eDirectory 312

effective permissions 312

election 313

EKP 313

EGP(exterior gateway protocol) 313

EGP(Exterior Gateway Protocol) 313

EIA 313

EIA/TIA wiring standards 313


EIP 313

EJB 313

Eleetronic Data Gathering,Analysis,and Retrieval 314

Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language(ebXML) 314

electromagnetic interference(EMI) 314

electronic data interchange(EDI) 315

Electronic Industries Alliance(EIA) 316

e-mail 317

electronic tape vaulting 317

embedded system 319

e-mail address 319

emergency repair disk(ERD) 320

Emergency Management Services(EMS) 320

Encapsulating Security Payload(ESP) 321

emulation 321

emergency startup disk 321

EMI 321

EMS 321

Encrypting File System(EFS) 322

encapsulation 322

encryption 323

encryption algorithm 324

Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution(EDGE) 325

enhanced Category 5(Cat5e)cabling 325

End-User License Agreement(EULA) 325

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) 326

Enterprise Information Portal(EIP) 327

Enterprise Admins 327

enterprise 327

Enterprise Knowledge Portal(EKP) 328

Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) 328

enterprise resource planning(ERP) 329

environmental subsystems 330

enterprise server 330

Ethernet 331

EtherLEC 331

environment variables 331

ERD 331

ERP 331


ESP 331

Ethernet switch 334

Ethernet/IP 334

Ethernet address 334

Ethernet Industrial Protocol(Ethernet/IP) 334

ETRN 337

Exchange Server 338

Everyone group 338

EULA 338

e-vaulting 338

event 338

extended partition 339

experience 339

Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP) 340

extender 340

Extended Turn(ETRN) 340

exterior gateway protocol(EGP) 341

Exterior Border Gateway Protocol(EBGP) 341

Extensible Firmware Interface(EFI) 341

Extensible Markup Language(XML) 341

extension cable 341

Extranet 342

exterior routing protocol 342

Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP) 342

failover 344

failback 344

F 344

Fast Ethernet 345

FAQ 345

fallback swicher 345

FAT32 347

FAT 347

FDDI Token Passing 348

FDDI 348

FAT volume 348

fault tolerance 348

FCC 348

Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI) 349

FHSS 349

FDM 349

FDMA 349

Federal Communications Commission(FCC) 349

Federal Information Processing Standard(FIPS) 349

fiber exhaust 351

fiber-optic cabling 352

fiber to the curb(FTTC) 354

Fibre Channel 355

File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks 357

file allocation table(FAT) 357

file 357

File and Print Services for NetWare(FPNW) 358

File and Print Services for Macintosh(FSM) 358

File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks 358

file permissions 359

file extension 359

file system 360

File Transfer Protocol(FTP) 361

File-Transfer Access and Management(FTAM) 361

FIPS 362

finger 362

Find 362

firewall 363

flapping 366

FireWire 366

flow control 367

flooding 367

flexible single-master operation(FSMO) 367

foreign host 368

folder permissions 368

forwarder 369

form 369

foreign mail system 369

forest 369

frame relay 370

frame 370


FPNW 370

FQDN 370

fractional T1 370

FRAD 370

Frame Relay Access Device(FRAD) 375

Free Space Optics(FSO) 376

frame type 376

frame relay cloud 376

frame tagging 376

Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA) 377

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum(FHSS) 378

frequency hopping 378

frequency-division multiplexing(FDM) 378

FTP service 379

FTP 379

frequently asked questions 379

FSM 379

FSMO 379

FSO 379

FTAM 379

full-duplex Ethernet 380

full-duplex 380

FTTC 380

full backup 380

Fusion 381

fully qualified domain name(FQDN) 381

Gateway Service for NetWare(GSNW) 382

gateway 382

G 382

G.703 382

GBIC 383

GbE 383

General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) 384

gender changer 384

Gigabit Ethernet(GbE) 386

Gigabit Interface Converter(GBIC) 389

Global.asa 390

G.LiTe 390

global group 391

global catalog server 391

global catalog 391

global load balancer 392

Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) 393

globally unique identifier(GUID) 393

GNU General Public License(GPL) 395


global user account 395

Gopher 396

GNU Object Modeling Environrnent(GNOME) 396

ground loop 397

grep 397

GPL 397

GPRS 397

group 398

Group Policy 399

group account 399

Guests group 400

Guest account 400

GSM 400

GSNW 400

GUID 401

H.323 402

H 402

hacking 403

H.323 gateway 403

Hailstorm 404

handheld 405

HAN 405

HAL 405

half-duplex 405

handshaking 406

Handheld Device Markup Language(HDML) 406

hardware abstraction layer(HAL) 407

hashing algorithrn 408

hardware profile 408

hardware address 408

Hardware Compatibility List(HCL) 408

heartbeat 409

header 409

HBA 409

H channel 409

HCL 409

HDLC 409

HDML 409

HDSL 409

Hierarchical Storage Management(HSM) 410

hidden share 410

Help 410

heterogeneous network 410

High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line(HDSL) 411

High-level Data Link Control(HDLC) 413

High-Performance Parallel Interface(HIPPI) 414

High Performance File System(HPFS) 414

High-Speed Token Ring(HSTR) 415

High-Speed Serial Interface(HSSI) 415

High-Speed Circuit Switched Data(HSCSD) 415

History 416


HiperLAN/2 416

H-node 417

hive 417

HomeRF 418

home folder 418

home area network(HAN) 418

honey pot 419

homogeneous network 419

hood 420

horizontal cabling 421

hop count 421

host bus adapter(HBA) 422

host 422

Host Integration Server 423

host ID 423

Host Data Replicator 423

host header name 423

host name resolution 424

host name 424

host file 425

host routing 425

Hot Standby Router Protocol(HSRP) 426

hotfix 426

hot 426

HTML 427

HSTR 427

HPFS 427

HP-UX 427


HSM 427

HSRP 427

HSSI 427


HTTP Keep-Alives 428


HTML-based administration(HTMLA) 428

HTML Extension(HTX) 428

HTTP 428

hub 429

HTX 429

HTTP status code 429

Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) 431

HyperTerminal 431

HybridAuth 431

Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) 433

ICMP Traceback Messages 435

ICMP 435

I 435

I2O 435

IAB 435

IAD 435

IANA 435

IB 435

IBGP 435

ICA 435

iCal 435


ICF 435

ICQ 436

ICP(Internet Cache Protocol) 436

ICP(integrated communications provider) 436

IEEE 1284 437

IEEE 802 standards 437

IDS 437

IDSL 437

IE 437

IEAK 437

IEEE 437

IEEE 488 437

IIS Object Cache 438

IIS 438

IEEE 1394 438

IETF 438

iFS 438

IGMP 438

IGP 438

IGRP 438

IIOP 438

impedance 439

i-mode 439

IISP 439

IKE 439

IL 439

ILEC 439

ILS 439

IM 439

IMA 439

IMAP4 439

in-band signaling 440

in-addr.arpa 440

impersonation 440

IMT-2000 440

IMUX 440

Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier(ILEC) 441

incremental zone transfer 441

incremental backup 441

Independent Computing Architecture(ICA) 442

Infiniband(IB) 443

index 443

infrared transmission 444

Infrared Data Association(IrDA) 444

inheritance 445

infrastructure 445

instant messaging(IM) 446

instance 446

INI files 446

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) 447

integrated communications provider(ICP) 448

Integrated Access Device(IAD) 448

Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) 449

Intelligent Input/Output(I2O) 452

intelligent hub 452

Integrated Windows Authentication 452

Intel-based platform 452

interactive logon 453

Interactive 453

IntelliMirror 453

interface 454

inter-exchange carrier(IXC) 454

interface converter 455

interface card 455

Interior Border Gateway Protocol(IBGP) 456

Interim Interswitch Signaling Protocol(IISP) 456

interference 456

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(IGRP) 457

interior gateway protocol(IGP) 457

Intermediate Language(IL) 458

intermediary device 458

interior routing protocol 458

International Organization for Standar dization(ISO) 459

International Mobile TelecommunicationS-2000(IMT-2000) 459

Internet 460

International Telecommunication Union(ITU) 460

Internet2 461

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA) 462

Internet Architecture Board(IAB) 462

Internet access 462

Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) 463

Internet Connection Firewall(ICF) 463

Internet Cache Protocol(ICP) 463

Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) 464

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN) 464

Internet Explorer Administration Kit(IEAK) 465

Internet Explorer 465

Internet Group Management Protocol(IGMP) 466

Internet File System(iFS) 466

Internet Information Services(IIS) 467

Internet guest account 467

Internet Mail Access Protocol version 4(IMAP4) 468

Internet Locator Service(ILS) 468

Internet Inter-Orb Protocol(IIOP) 468

Internet Key Exchange(IKE) 468

Internet Protocol(IP) 469

Internet Printing Protocol(IPP) 469

Internet protocols 470

Internet Protocol Security(IPsec) 471

Internet Security and Acceleration Server(ISA Server) 472

Internet Research Fask Force(IRTF) 472

Internet Relay Chat(IRC) 472

Internet Society(ISOC) 473

Internet service provider(ISP) 473

Internet Server API(ISAPI) 473

Internetwork Operating System(IOS) 474

internetwork 474

Internetwork Packet Exchange(IPX) 475

Inter-Switch Link(ISL) 476

interprocess communication(IPC) 476

intrusion detection system(IDS) 477

intranet 477

inverse multiplexing 478

inverse multiplexer(IMUX) 478

IOS 479

inverse query 479

Inverse Multiplexing over ATM(IMA) 479

IP/ATM 480

IP address 480

IP 480

IP PBX 481

IPP 481

IPC 481

Ipconfig 481

IP Fax 481

IPng 481

IP over ATM 481

IP telephony 482

IP storage 482

IPsec 482

IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol 483

IPX 483

IPv4 483

IPv6 483


IRTF 484

IRC 484

IrDA 484

IrDA Control 484

IrDA Data 484

Irix 484

iSCSI 485

ISA Server 485

ISAPI extension 485

ISAPI filter 485

ISDN router 486

ISDN fallback adapter 486

ISDN 486

ISDN Digital Subscriber Line(IDSL) 486

ISM 487

ISL 487

ISDN terminal adapter 487

IXC 488

ITU 488

ISO 488

ISOC 488

isoEthernet 488

ISP 488

iterative query 488

itrace 488

jacket 489

jack 489

J 489

jabber 489

Java 490

jam signal 490

JavaScript 492

Java Online Analytical Processing(JOLAP) 492

Java Database Connectivity(JDBC) 492

Java Server Pages(JSP) 493

Jini 494

Jet 494

JBOD 494

JDBC 494


Joint Engine Technology(Jet) 495

jitter 495

join 495

JSP 496

JScript 496

JXTA 497

jumbo frames 497

Kerberos 498

keepalives 498

K 498

KCC 498

KDE 498

K Desktop Environment(KDE) 498

kemel mode 500

kemel 500

Keyboard Video Mouse(KVM)switch 501

keyboard emulator 501

key(cryptography) 502

key(registry) 503

key pair 503

key(database) 503

key management 503

KVM switch 504

Knowledge management(KM) 504

KM 504

Knowledge Consistency Checker(KCC) 504

LAN Emulation(LANE) 505

LANE 505

L 505

L2CAP 505

L2F 505

L2TP 505

L2TP/lpsec 505

LADC 505

lambda switching 505

LAN 505

LAN-host integration 506

LAN segment 507

LAN security switch 507

late collision 508

LATA 508

LAN switch 508

LAPD 508

Last Known Good configuration 508

Layer 2 Forwarding(L2F) 509

latency 509

Layer 2 switch 510

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol(L2TP) 511

Layer 3 switch 512

Layer 4 switch 515

Layer7 switch 516

Layer4+switch 516

leased line 517

LDAP 517

LCP 517

license 518

LEC 518

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP) 519

Linear Tape Open(LTO) 521

line coding 522

line booster 522

line driver 524

line conditioner 524

Line Printer Daemon(LPD) 525

line filter 525

Line Printer Queue(LPO) 526

line sharer 527

Line Printer Remote(LPR) 527

Link Access Protocol,D-channel(LAPD) 528

line sharing 528

Link Control Protocol(LCP) 529

link aggregation 529

link state routing algorithm 530

Linux 531

lmhosts file 533

LMDS 533

list server 533

LLC layer 533

load balancing 534

local address 535

Local Access and Transport Area(LATA) 535

local area network(LAN) 536

Local Area Data Channel(LADC) 536

local group 537

local exchange carrier(LEC) 537

Local Multipoint Distribution Service(LMDS) 538

local loop 538

localhost 538

LocalTalk 539

LocalSystem 539

local network 539

Local Users and Groups 540

local user profile 540

local user account 540

log 541

locking 541

logon 542

logoff 542

Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol(L2CAP) 542

logical link control layer(LLC) 542

Long Reach Ethernet(LRE) 543

long packet error 543

logon script 543

loopback 544

loop 544

LTO 545

LRE 545

loopback address 545

LPD 545

LPQ 545

LPR 545

Macintosh 546

MAC address 546

M 546

mailslot 547

mail client 547

MAC layer 547


mainframe 548

mail system 548

Management Information Base(MIB) 549

MAN 549

Management Information Format(MIF) 550

Manchester coding 551

Management Service Provider(MSP) 551

manual switch 552

mandatory user profile 552

markup language 553

mapped network drive 553

MAPI 553

master browser 554

master boot record(MBR) 554

master station 555

master name server 555

master domain 555

master index 555

MAU 556

matrix switch 556

media 557


MBone 557

MBR 557

MBS 557

MBSP 557

MCP 557

MCS 557

MDA 557

MDAC 557

media access control method 558

media access control(MAC)layer 558

media converter 559

Megaco 560

media-dependent adapter(MDA) 560

mesh topology 561

member server 561

Message Tracking Query Protocol(MTQP) 562

message digest(MD)algorithms 562

message 562

metabase 563

Messaging Application Programming Interface(MAPI) 563

metadirectory 564

metropolitan Ethernet 565

metropolitan area network(MAN) 565

metasearching 565

Microsoft Certified Partner 567

microkernel 567

MExE 567

MFC 567

MFR 567

MIB 567

Microsoft Certified Professional(MCP) 568

microsoft.com 569

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(MS-CHAP) 569

Microsoft Consulting Services(MCS) 571

Microsoft Corporation 572

Microsoft Developer Network(MSDN) 573

Microsoft Data Access Components(MDAC) 573

Microsoft Disk Operating System(MS-DOS) 574

Microsoft Management Console(MMC) 575

Microsoft Foundation Classes(MFC) 575

Microsoft Office User Specialist(MOUS) 576

Microsoft Market 576

Microsoft Research(MSR) 577

Microsoft RAS Protocol 577

Microsoft Official Curriculum(MOC) 577

Microsoft Operations Framework(MOF) 577

Microsoft Windows 578

Microsoft Technology Center(MTC) 578

Microsoft Solutions Framework(MSF) 578

middleware 579

mirrored volume 580

MIME 580

MIF 580

Millennium 580

mirror set 581

mirroring 581

M-node 582

MMDS 582

mixed mode 582

MLP 582

MLS 582

MMC 582

Mobile Services Initiative(M-Services) 583

Mobile Information Server 583

Mobile Broadband System(MBS) 583

Mobile Execution Environment(MExE) 583

modem 584

MOC 584

Mobile Transport Serving Office(MTSO) 584

modem sharing 585

modem eliminator 585

modulation 586

MP 587

Mozilla 587

MOF 587


MOUS 587

moving files 587

MSR 588

MSF 588

MPLS 588

MPOA 588

MPPP 588

MSAU 588


MSDN 588

MS-DOS 588

MS-DOS mode 588

M-Services 588

MSP 588

multicasting 589

Multicast Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(MDHCP) 589

MTC 589

MTQP 589

MTSO 589

MTU 589

Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol(MADCAP) 589

multicast routing 591

Multicast Open Shortest Path First(MOSPF) 591

multihoming 592

multicast routing protocol 592

Multilayer Switching(MLS) 593

Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol(MPPP) 594

Multilink Frame Relay(MFR) 594

multimaster replication 595

multimode fiber-optic cabling 596

Multiple Virtual Storage(MVS) 597

multiple master domain model 597

multiplexer(MUX) 598

Multipoint Multichannel Distribution Service(MMDS) 599

multipoint 599

multiplexing 599

Multiprotocol Label Switching(MPLS) 600

multiport repeater 600

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(MIME) 601

Multiprotocol over ATM(MPOA) 601

Multistation Access Unit(MAU or MSAU) 602

multiservice switch 602

MVS 604

MUX 604

multitasking 604

Multitenant Broadband Service Provider(MBSP) 604

multitenant unit(MTU) 604

My Network Places 605

My Documents 605

MX record 605

My Computer 605

name lookup 607

named pipe 607

N 607

Nagle's algorithm 607

name server 608

name resolution 608

namespace 609

naming convention 610

naming context 610

National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) 611

National Electric Code(NEC) 611

NAP 611

NAPT 611

NAS(network access server) 611

NAS(Network attached storage) 611

NAT 611

NCP(Network Control Protocol) 612

Ncp(Netware Core Protocol) 612

native mode 612

NBF 612

NBNS 612

Nbtstat 612

.NET 613

NEC 613

NDIS 613

NDS 613

near-end crosstalk(NEXT) 613

NetBIOS 614

NetBEUI Frame(NBF) 614

NetBEUI 614

NetBIOS Name 615

NetBIOS Extended User Interface(NetBEUI) 615

NetBIOS Name resolution 616

NdBIOS over TCP/IP(NetBT) 617

NetBIOS Name Server(NBNS) 617

NetBIOS scope ID 618

NetBIOS over TCP/IP node types 618

Net commands 619

NetBT 619

.NET Framework 620

.NET experience 620

.NET Enterprise Servers 620

.NET platform 621

NetLogon Share 621

NetWare Core Protocol(NCP) 622

NetWare 622

netstat 622

NetWare Protocol 623

NetWare Directory Services(NDS) 623

network 624

network access server(NAS) 625

Network Access Point(NAP) 625

network address translation(NAT) 626

network adapter card 626

network architecture 628

network client 629

network attached storage(NAS) 629

network design 630

Network Control Protocol(NCP) 630

Network Client 3 for MS-DOS 630

network driver interface specification(NDIS) 632

Network File System(NFS) 633

network interface card(NIC) 634

Network Information System(NIS) 634

network ID 634

network layer 635

network management 636

Network News Transfer Protocol(NNTP) 638

Network Monitor 638

network probe 639

network operating system(NOS) 639

network numbers 639

network security 640

network protocol 640

Network Termination Unit(NTU) 641

Networks file 641

network service type 641

network troubleshooting 642

network transmission method 642

Network Time Protocol(NTP) 642

newsfeed 643

network utilization 643

NIST 644

NIS 644

newsgroup 644

NEXT 644

Next Generation I/O(NGIO) 644

NFS 644

NGIO 644

NIC 644

Novell Directory Services(NDS) 645

NOS 645

NNTP 645

node 645

noise 645

normal backup 645

NTFS file system(NTFS) 646

NTFS 646

Nslookup 646

NS record 646

NTFS permissions(Windows 2000、Windows XP and Windows.NET Server) 647

NTFS permissions(Windows NT) 649

NTFS special permissions(Windows 2000、Windows XP and Windows.NET Server) 650

NTLM protocol 651

NTFS special permissions(Windows NT) 651

NWLink IPX/SPX-Compatible Transport(NWLink) 652

NWLink 652

NTP 652

NTU 652


NT Virtual DOS Machine(NTVDM) 652

null modem cable 652

object(Active Directory) 654


O 654

object linking and embedding(OLE) 655

object idenfifier(OID) 655

offline browsing 656

OFDM 656

object(programming) 656

OBM 656

OCSP 656

OC-x 656

ODBC 656

ODI 656

OLE DB 657

OLE 657

Offline Files 657

OID 657

OLAP 657

Online Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP) 659

online analytical processing(OLAP) 659

OLEDB for OLAP 659

open database connectivity(ODBC) 660

OpenBSD 660

OnNow 660

OOB 660

Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) 661

Open Data-link Interface(ODI) 661

open source 663

Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)reference model 664

optical carrier(OC-x)level 665

opto isolator 666

optical networking 666

optical Ethernet 666

organizational unit(OU) 667

Orange Book 667

OSPF 669

OSI model 669

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems (OASIS) 669

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) 669

OS/2 669

out-of-band management(OBM) 670

Outlook Express 670

OSX 670

OU 670

Outlook 670

out-of-band(OOB)signaling 671

owner 672

outsourcing 672

P2P 673

P 673

packet assembler/disassembler(PAD) 674

packet 674

P3P 674

package 674

packet filtering 675

packet switching 677

packet forwarding 677

packet-switching services 678

parent domain 679

parallel transmission 679

PAD 679

PAN 679

PAP 679

passive optical network(PON) 680

passive hub 680

parity information 680

partition(Active Directory) 680

partition(disk) 680

pass-through authentication 681

passive termination 681

Password Authentication Protocol(PAP) 682

password 682

patch panel 683

patch cable 683


PAT 683

pathping 684

path 684

peer server 685

PDC 685

PBX 685

PCM 685

PCS 685

PCT 685

PDA 685

permanent virtual circuit(PVC) 686

Perl 686

peer-to-peer network 686

PEM 686

perimeter network 686

permissions 687

Personal Communications Services(PCS) 688

Personal Area Network(PAN) 688

persistent connection 688

physical layer 689

physical address 689

Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) 689

PGP 689

PHP 689

PKCS#7 690

PKCS 690

piconet 690

PIM-DM 690

PIM-SM 690

ping 690

Platform for Privacy Preferences(P3P) 691

Plain Old Telephone Service(POTS) 691

PKCS#12 691

PKI 691

Plug and Play(PnP) 692

plenum cabling 692

pointer(PTR)record 693

PnP 693

P-node 693

point-to-point 694

point-to-multipoint 694

point of presence(POP) 694

Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) 695

POP 696

PON 696

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol(PPTP) 696

polyvinyl chloride(PVC)cabling 696

port number 697

portal 697

POP3 697

port 697

Post Office Protocol version 3(POP3) 698

postoffice 698


POST 698

PPTP 699

PPP Multilink 699

POTS 699

power-on self test(POST) 699

Power Users group 699

PPP 699

Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) 700

presentation layer 700

Practical Extraction and Reporting Language(Perl) 700

premise cabling 700

primary partition 701

primary name server 701


primary domain controller(PDC) 701

printing terminology 702

printing pool 702

Primary Rate Interface ISDN(PRI-ISDN) 702

primary ring 702

print server 703

print permissions 703

Print Operators group 703

privacy 704

print sharer 704

Private Branch Exchange(PBX) 705

Privacy Enhanced Mail(PEM) 705

private IP address 706

Private Communication Technology(PCT) 706

protocol 707

promiscuous mode 707

Project 802 707

protocol file 708

protocol converter 708

(PASTE) 709

protocol suite 709

Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode(PIM-DM) 709

Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode(PIM-SM) 709

proxy server 710

proxy cache server 710

provisioning 710

public key cryptography 711

PTR 711

P-series protocols 711

PSTN 711

public key infrastructure(PKI) 712

Public Key Cryptography Standards(PKCS) 712

Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) 713

PVC cabling 714

PVC 714

publishing 714

pulse code modulation(PCM) 714

Q-series protocols 715

QoS Admission Control Service(QoS ACS) 715

Q 715

QIC 715

QoS 715

QoS ACS 715

quality of service(QoS) 716

quartet signaling 718

Quarter Inch Cartridge(QIC) 718

quota management 719

queuing methods 719

queue 719

rack 721

RA 721

R 721

Recreational Software Advisory Couneil(RSAC) 722

RDP 722



RAID 722

RAIT 722

Rate-Adjusted Digital Subscriber Line(RADSL) 722

RBOC 722

Rcp 722

redundant array of independent disks(RAID) 723

redirector 723

recursive query 723

redirection 723

Regional Bell Operating Company(RBOC) 725

redundant array of independent tapes(RAIT) 725

registry 726

registration authority(RA) 726

remote access 727

remailer 727

relative path 727

remote administration 728

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service(RADIUS) 729

remote client impersonation 730

remote bridge 730

Remote Network Monitoring(RMON) 731

Remote Desktop Protocol(RDP) 731

remote control 731

repeater 733

remote procedure call(RPC) 733

reservation 734

Request for Comments(RFC) 734

replay attack 734

resolver 735

resilient packet ring(RPR) 735

residential gateway 735

resource record(RR) 736

resource domain 736

resource 736

reverse proxy 737

reverse name lookup 737

Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) 737

reverse hosting 737

ring topology 738

Rijndael 738

Rexec 738

RFC 738

RG 738

RJ connectors 739

Rivest-Shamir-Adelman(RSA)algorithm(RSA) 739

RIP 739

RIPE 739

roaming user profile 740

RMON 740

root name server 741

root domain 741

root 741

root certificate 741

router 742

route 742

routable protocol 742

routing 744

router routing 744

routing algorithm 745

Routing Information Protocol(RIP) 746

routing interface 747

routing protocol 748

routing metric 748

routing table 749

RS-232 750

RSA 750

RPC 750

RPC Ping 750

RPR 750

RS-422 751

runt 752

RSVP 752

RSAC 752

Rsh 752

Satellite Internet Backbone(SIBone) 753


S 753

SACL 753

safe mode 753

SAM Database 753

SAN 753

SAP 753

SAS 753

scripting 754

scope 754

schema 754

SC/ST connector 755

SCSI 755

secondary ring 756

secondary name server 756

SDLC 756

SDSL 756

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensiors(S/MIME) 757

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol(S-HTTP) 757

secure attention sequence(SAS) 757

secure socket Layer(SSL) 758

security 759

Security Account Manager(SAM)Database 760

security identifier(SID) 761

security group 761

Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks(SATAN) 761

security descriptor 761

security provider 762

security protocols 762

security log 762

security principal 762

serial encapsulation protocols 763

separator page 763

segmentation 763

serial transmission 764

Serial Line Internet Protocol(SLIP) 764

serial interface 764

server farm 765

server-based network 765

server 765

service 766

Server Operators 766

serverless backup 766

Server Message Block(SMB) 766

service pack 770

service file 770

Service Advertising Protocol(SAP) 770

service-level agreement(SLA) 770

session initiation protocol(SIP) 771

Services for Macintosh 771

shared folder permissions 772

shared folder 772

session layer 772

share 772

shell 774

share-level security 774

shared SCSI bus 774

Shortest Path First(SPF) 775

short 775

shielded twisted-pair(STP)cabling 775

shielding 775

signal 776

SID 776

Short message Services(SMS) 776

S-HTTP 776

SIBone 776

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) 777

signal loss 777

signaling 777

Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) 778

Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP) 779

single master domain model 780

single domain model 780

simple volume 780

simplex 780

Small Business Server 781

SLIP 781

single-mode fiber-optic cabling 781

Single Sign On(SSO) 781

SIP 781

SLA 781

Small Computer System Interface(SCSI) 782

smart card 783

snap-in 784


SMB 784

SMDS 784

S/MIME 784

SMS(Short Message Services) 784

SMS(System Management Server) 784

SMTP 784

SNA 784

socket 785

SOA record 785

SNA Server 785

sniffing 785

SNMP 785

SOAP 785


spam 787

source address 787

softswitch 787

solid conductor wire 787


sparese mode 788

Spanning Tree Algorithm(STA) 788

spanned volume 788

spooling 789

spoofing 789

special identity 789

SPF 789

SPM 789

SQL Server 790

SOL 790

spread spectrum 790

Stackable hubs 791

STA 791

SSL 791

SSO 791

SSP 791

start of authority(SOA)record 792

StarLAN 792

stand-alone server 792

standard Ethernet 792

standards organizations 792

star bus topology 792

static address 793

star topology 793

statstical multiplexing(STM) 794

static routing 794

static mapping 794

stop screen 795

STM 795

STDM 795

storage 796

storage area network(SAN) 797

storage over IP 798

STP cabling 799

stored procedure 799

storage service provider(SSP) 799

Structured Query Language(SQL) 800

stripe set with parity 800

stranded conductor wire 800

striped volume 800

striped set 800

subnetting 801

subnet mask 801

structured wiring 801

subnet 801

subtree 802

surge protector 803

supernetting 803

Switched 56 804

switch 804

SVC 804

Switched Multimegabit Data Services(SMDS) 805

Symmetric Digital Subscriber Lin(SDSL) 806

switched virtual circuit(SVC) 806

Synchronous Data Link Control(SDLC) 807

sync 807

SYN attack 807

Synchronous Optical Network(SONET) 808

system group 809

system access control list(SACL) 809

synchronous transmission 809

SYN flooding 809

System Management Server(SMS) 810

system policy 810

system log 810

system partition 810

System Network Architecure(SNA) 811

SYSVOL share 812

T1 813

T 813

T1 channel bank 815

T.120 816

T3 816

tape drive 817

taking ownership 817


tape format 818

T-carrier 820

TAPI 820

tape library 820

TCP three-way handshake 821

TCP/IP 821

TCP 821

telco 822

TechNet 822

TDM 822

TDMA 822

TDR 822

telecommunications services 823

Telecommunications Industry Association(TIA) 823

Telnet 824

Telephony Application Programming Interface(TAPI) 824

telecommuting 824

terminal 825

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System(TACACS) 826

terminal server 827

terminal emulator 827

Terminal Services 828

Terminator 829

test equipment 830

Terrestrial Trunked Radio(Tetra) 830

thicknet 831

thick coax 831

Tetra 831

text file 831

TFTP 831

thin client 832

Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) 833

TIA 833

thin coax 833

thinnet 833

time-division multiplexing(TDM) 834

Token Ring 835

TN5250 835

time domain reflectometry(TDR) 835

TLD 835

TLS 835

TN3270 835

top-level domai(TLD) 837

tracert 838

topology 838

Transact-SQL 839

transaction log 839

transaction 839

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) 840

Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) 840

transceiver 840

transceiver cable 840

Trivial File Transfer Protocol(TFTP) 842

tree 842

transport layer 842

Transport Layer Security(TLS) 842

trunking 843

tunneling 844


trust 844

twisted-pair cabling 845

twinax cabling 845

two-way transitive trust 846

unattended installation 847

UMTS 847

U 847

UART 847

UDA 847

UDDI 847

UDF(Uniqueness Database File) 847

UDF(Universal Disk Format) 847

UDFS 847

UDP 847

ULS 847

UM 847

unbalanced line 848

unattend.txt 848

Unified Messaging(UM) 849

Unicode 849

UNC 849

unicasting 849

Uniform Resource Locator(URL) 850

uninterruptible power supply(UPS) 851

Universal Data Access(UDA) 852

Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter(UART) 852

Uniqueness Database File(UDF) 852

universal group 853

Universal DSL 853

Universal Description,Discovery,and Integration(UDDI) 853

Universal Disk Format(UDF) 853

universal serial bus(USB) 854

Universal Naming Convention(UNC) 854

Universal Mobile Telecom munications System(UMTS) 854

Universal Wireless Commu nications(UWC-136) 855

UNIX 856

UNTX commands 857

unshielded twisted-pair(UTP)cabling 859

UNIX-to-UNIX copy(UUCP) 859

URL switching 860

URL 860

update sequence number(USN) 860

uplink port 860

UPN 860

UPS 860

Usenet 861

USB 861

User Datagram Protocol(UDP) 862

user account 862

user mode 863

User Locator Service(ULS) 863

user-level security 863

user principal name(UPN) 864

usernarme 864

uuencoding 865

UUCP 865

user profile 865

users group 865

USN 865