KEY 1 Budget blues 9
KEY 2 Preparing the operating budget 12
KEY 3 Preparing the financial budget 16
KEY 4 Use budgets to plan and control.Use pro forma financial statements to measure and monitor value creation 19
KEY 5 The budget must consider cost behavior 23
KEY 6 Managers must be flexible.So must their budgets 26
KEY 7 The budget must consider revenue behavior 30
KEY 8 Profits are good.Liquidity is essential for survival 34
KEY 9 Determining the optimal cash balance 37
KEY 10 Part of planning and budgeting is setting standards 41
KEY 11 Selecting and using the best cost allocation methods 45
KEY 12 Unsheath the budget ax 50
KEY 13 A firm's future depends,most of all,on the capital expenditure budget 54
KEY 14 What should a capital budget accomplish? 58
KEY 15 Risk is as much a part of the capital budget as return 62
KEY 16 The"unsophisticated"rules are more useful than you might think 66
KEY 17 You can't budget without forecasts 69
KEY 18 Time series forecasting:the past as prologue 73
KEY 19 Regression:a straight line to better forecasting 77
KEY 20 Judgmental forecasting techniques:when numbers are not enough 81
KEY 21 Evaluating forecasting models:through the looking glass 84
KEY 22 Financial models:the black boxes of planning 89
KEY 23 Financial modeling:spreadsheets and add-ins 93
KEY 24 Financial modeling:more on spreadsheets and add-ins 99
KEY 25 Profit-making firms can learn from nonprofit organizations 103