《英语圣经故事导读 英汉对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郭跃进编译
  • 出 版 社:武汉市:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7307034913
  • 页数:242 页

1. The Creation of the Word 1

创世之初 3

2. Disobey God in Eden 6

伊甸园犯禁 8

3. Cain Killed His Brother 11

该隐杀弟 12

4. Noah s Ark 14

诺亚方舟 16

5. Abram and Pharaoh 18

亚伯兰与法老 19

6. The Twin Brothers 21

孪生兄弟 24

7. Jacob s Marriage and Family 28

雅各的婚姻与家庭 31

8. Revenge 34

复仇 36

9. Joseph Interpreted Dreams 39

约瑟夫解梦 42

10. The Birth 45

摩西降生 46

11. Holy Mission 49

神圣的使命 52

12. God Saved the Israelites 55

上帝拯救以色列人 56

13. The Ten Commandments by God 59

神谕十大戒律 64

14. Unusually Strong Samson 65

力士参孙 68

15. Samson s Revenge 71

参孙复仇 73

16. God Made Saul King 77

上帝钦定扫罗为王 80

上帝惩罚扫罗 82

17. God s Punishment of Saul 83

18. Little David s Fighting the Enemy Back 88

小大卫挺身退敌 91

19. Saul s Desire to Kill David 95

扫罗欲除大卫 98

20. David s Marriage with Abigail 101

大卫娶亚比该 104

21. David Became King in Hebron 107

希伯伦大卫登基 109

22. God s Punishment of David Because of His Stealing 112

大卫夺妻受罚 115

23. Brother Raped Sister 119

胞兄辱妹 121

24. Solomon Ridded Dissidents 124

所罗门消除异己 126

25. Solomon s Wise Judgement of Whose Baby 128

所罗门智断亲子案 130

26.The Birth of the Messiah 132

圣子基督降生 134

27.The Spiritual Strength 137

精神的力量 138

28.John the Baptist 140

圣徒约翰 141

29.Jesus Mission 143

耶稣的使命 144

30.Jesus Turned Water Intl Wine 146

耶稣变水为酒 147

31.Turn Little Into Much 148

为少为多 149

32.Obtaining of Eternal Life from Broad Love 150

因博爱而永生 151

33.Jesus Cured the Blind 153

光明使者 155

34.Mighty Strength form Holy Trust 159

信仰乃力量之源 161

35.Two Parables Explain the Reasons 164

借寓释理 165

36.Saving the Lost Sheep 168

拯救迷途羔羊 170

37.Suffering in Hell 172

地狱受难 173

38.The Secrets of the kingdom of Heaven 175

天意解读 178

39.Lazarus Rose Again from the Grave 182

重生的拉撒路 185

40.The Last Supper 188

最生的晚餐 191

41.The Death of Jesus 194

耶稣之死 198

42.Revival of God s Son Jesus 202

圣子耶稣复活 205

43.Repent and Baptized 208

悔过受洗 210

44.Selfish Is the Devil 213

自私是魔鬼 214

45.Turn Enemy Into Friend 216

化敌为友 218

46.God doesn t Love One More than Another 221

上帝不会偏爱 223

47.A Crippled Man Who Had the Faith to Be Cured 226

心诚可治疾 227

48.The Death of Herod 229

希律王之死 231

49 More Happiness in Giving than in Receiving 233

施舍比享用更幸福 235

50.Paul s Happiness After Suffering 237

保罗遇难呈祥 239