目录 1
Contents 1
序 高尚全 1
市场经济文化与中国期货市场国际化 于光远 1
Preface Gao Shangquan 3
编者的话 郑元亨 5
遵循客观规律 逐步使我国期货市场国际化 高尚全 6
Editor Notes Zheng Yuanheng 8
我国期货市场的国际化与期货立法 董辅礽 14
营造中国期货市场国际化的基础 萧灼基 21
关于中国期货市场发展问题 杜岩 24
中国期货市场国际化势在必行 郑元亨 33
亚洲期货市场的发展与展望 [日]间渕直三 44
世界投资家期望的期货市场环境 [日]清水 清 47
关于期货交易所进行市场管理之重要性 [日]龟田昭夫 50
中国期货市场国际化的前景展望 乔刚 54
对中国期货市场国际化问题的一些看法 陈宝瑛 58
——国际化及其紧迫性透析 陶琲 王济光 63
迈向二十一世纪的中国期货市场 63
抓住时机为中国期货市场国际化走出第一步做好准备 73
吴硕 73
中国期货市场与国际接轨的制约因素与通道 76
童宛生 胡愈越 76
中国期货市场的国际化与期货公司的任务 常清 83
对我国期货市场国际化问题的几点思考 熊维平 93
形成高层共识是个战略问题 李俊 98
中国期货市场国际化的展望 [美]威廉·格罗斯曼 100
期货交易与市场经济 [香港]杨亮瑜 111
浅谈深圳与香港期货业发展 [香港]杜文鸿 115
香港期货交易所踏上多元化和国际化的道路 117
[香港]黄志威 117
关于中国期货市场国际化的几个问题(提纲) 122
[美]张杭 122
为什么当前要研究中国期货市场国际化 126
管焱彬 严金明 126
天然橡胶——中国商品期货国际化的前驱 张庶平 133
颜羽 139
培育特色品种 迎接中国期货市场国际化的挑战 139
期货市场国际化及其对经济发展的作用 144
王献立 路志凌 144
论中国期货交易所国际化过程中的监管问题 王立华 154
试论有色金属期货能否率先走向国际化 彭刚 严金明 164
Market Economy Culture Internationalization of China sFutures Market Yu Guangyuan 175
Follow the Objective Laws,Internationalize FuturesMarket of China Gao Shangquan 179
Internationalization of the Futures Market of China andLegislation on Futures Dong Fureng 190
Internationalization Xiao Zhuoji 202
Building the Base of China s Futures Market 202
On the Problem of Developing China s Futures 206
Market Du Yan 206
Imperative:Internationalization of China s FuturesMarket Zheng Yuanheng 221
The Development and Prospect of Asian Futures Markets Naozo Mabuchi 237
What Global Investors Seek in the Future 242
Kiyoshi Shimizu 242
Importance of Market Management in Commodity FuturesExchanges Teruo Kameda 246
Prospects of the Internationalization of china s FuturesMarket Qiao Gang 251
Some Perspectives on Internationalizing China s FuturesMarket Chen Baoying 256
China s Futures Market Marching towards the 21st Century——Thorough Analysis of the International ization Its Urgency Tao Pei,WangJiguang 263
Taking Opportunities to Prepare the First Step forInternationalization of China s Futures Market Wu Shuo 279
The Restrictive Elements and the Road for China s FuturesMarket Connecting with That of the World Tong Wansheng,Hu Yuyue 283
Internationalization of China s Futures Market Tasksfor Futures Companies Chang Qing 293
Some Reflections on the Issues Internationalization ofChina s Futures Markets Xiong Weiping 308
It sa Strategy Problem to Obtain Common Opinions of HighRanks Li Jun 317
View on Internationalization of China s Futures Market William D.Grossman 320
Futures Trading and Market Economy Murry Yeung 338
A Brief Discussion on the Development of the Hong Kong andShenzhen s Commodities Market Morris M H To 342
Hong Kong Futures Exchange on the Road to Diversificationand Internationalization Vincent C.W.Wong 346
Issues in Internationalization of Chinese FuturesMarket(Outline) Hang Chang 352
Why to Study the Internationalization of China s FuturesMarket at Present Guan Yanbin,Yan Jinming 353
Natural Rubber-Pioneer to Globalization of China sFutures Commodity Zhang Shuping 363
Developing Special Contracts-Meeting with the 372
Challenge of Futures Market Internationalization Yan Yu 372
Futures Market Internationalization and Its Functions toEconomy Development Wang Xianli,Lu Zhiling 381
The Issue of Supervision and Control during the 397
Internationalization of China s Futures Exchanges Wang Lihua 397
On Whether Non-Ferrous Metal Futures Can Take a Lead inGoing International Peng Gang,Yan Jinming 410