《软件项目英语 听说》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张宏岩编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787302501329
  • 页数:161 页

Unit 1 Getting Started项目启动 1

Business structure;Getting to know the work environment; 2

Discussing feasibility issues;Explaining feasibility issues 9

Unit 2 Formulating Plans项目策划 15

Warm-up;Conversations in meetings;Discussing a phase plan;Explaining a development timetable 15

Unit 3 Specifying Customer Needs明确需求 29

Warm-up;Making appointments over the phone;About a missing function;Explaining function changes 29

Unit 4 Describing Designs设计简述 41

Warm-up;Procedures and processes;Specifying the needs; 41

Designing correspondent modules 49

Unit 5 Detailing Processes设计说明 55

Lead-in;Expressing yourself;Workflow of software analysis & design;Breaking down the software architecture 55

Unit 6 Documenting Your Work文档制作 69

Culture tips;Persuading others;Discussing code documenting conventions;Refining substandard source codes 69

Unit 7 Implementing a Project项目实施 86

Warm-up;Concluding a discussion;Discussing a work plan; 86

Optimizing an implementation schedule 94

Unit 8 Negotiating Assignments协商任务 99

Warm-up;Negotiations;Introducing unit tests;Improving the unit testing process 99

Unit 9 Testing Software软件测试 115

Lead-in;Introducing a presentation;Concluding a presentation;Bug tracking in the testing process;Workaround to a tough problem 115

Unit 10 Closing Off项目总结 129

Lead-in;A sample presentation;Identifying project accomplishments and contributions;Reviewing problem areas 129

附录Having a Winning Interview成功面试技巧 145