《语言学论丛 第39辑 庆祝乔姆斯基教授获授北京大学名誉博士学位专辑》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陆俭明主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787100067805
  • 页数:580 页

编者的话&陆俭明、沈阳 1

The Biolinguistic Program:Where does it stand today?&CHOMSKY,Noam 5

Chinese as a Reverse Ezafe Language&LARSON,Richard K. 30

Lexical Decomposition,Silent Categories,and the Localizer Phrase&HUANG,C.-T.James 86

De 的 as an underspecified classifier:first explorations&CHENG,Lisa Lai-Shen and SYBESMA,Rint 123

Henda Guwu-More on the Type Matching Constraint on Modification&HUANG,S.-Z.and LI,Y.-H.Audrey 157

A Theoretical exploration of Prosodic Syntax&FENG,Shengli 204

Is ACD Evidence for LF-Movement?&LI,Yafei 245

The Syntax of Relational-Nominal Second Constructions in Chinese&ZHANG,Nina 257

汉语无定名词组的分布及其在语言类型学上的定位问题&蔡维天 302

汉语方言空语类的参数分析&邓思颖 328

领属者提升、左缘限制与汉语多重主语句之衍生&丁仁 340

再论宾语指向型动结式的结构&何元建、王玲玲 360

浅谈中文“条件倚变句”与“差比句”的相似性&林若望 400

补语小句和处所义双宾结构的句法构造&沈阳 422

汉语的语气和句末助词&石定栩 445

从汉语的功能中心语“的”看CP和DP的平行性&司富珍 463

动词情状分类及分类中的问题&杨素英、黄月圆、王勇 478

词汇音系学与汉语重叠式研究&张洪明 于辉 506

汉语话题化结构限制中的邻接条件:认知处理角度的论证&张敏 523


Preface&LU,Jianming and SHEN,Yang 1

生物语言学方案:今天处于何种地位?&诺姆·乔姆斯基 5

汉语作为一种反属格标记语言&理查德·K.拉尔森 30

词义分解、静默语类和处所短语&黄正德 86

“的”作为未标示的量词初探&郑礼珊、司马翎 123

“很大鼓舞”——修饰结构中的类型相配论&黄师哲、李艳惠 157

韵律句法学的理论探索&冯胜利 204

先行语删除是逻辑层面移位的证据吗?&李亚非 245

汉语关系名词处于第二位之句式的语法分析&张宁 257

The Distribution of Chinese Indefinites and Its Typological Implication&TSAI,Wei-Tien Dylan 302

A Parametric Analysis of Empty Categories in Chinese Dialects&TANG,Sze-Wing 328

Possessor Raising,Left Branch Condition and Derivation of the Multiple Nominative Construction in Mandarin Chinese&TING,Jen 340

A New View on the Object-oriented Verb- Resultative Structure&HE,Yuanjian and WANG,Lingling 360

On the Similarity of Conditional Correlatives and Comparatives in Chinese&LIN,Jo-Wang 400

On the Syntactic Structure of Complementative Small Clauses and Locative Double Object Constructions&SHEN,Yang 422

The Mood and Sentehice-Final Particles in Chinese&SHI,Dingxu 445

The Parallelism between CP and DP:a View from the Functional Headedness of Chinese DE&SI,Fuzhen 463

On the Classification of Verbal Situation Types and Its Problems&YANG,Suying,HUANG,Yueyuan and WANG,Yong 478

Lexical Phonology and the Phonological Study of Reduplicates in Mandarin&ZHANG,Hongming and YU,Hui 506

A Revisit of the Subjacency Constraint in Chinese Topicalization from the Perspective of Cognitive Processing&ZHANG,Min 523

提要 573