《卡耐基全集 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)卡耐基著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787802118973
  • 页数:541 页


Sixteen Ways in Which This Book Will Help You 3

Preface 4

How This Book Was Written—and Why 4

Part One Fundamental Facts You Should Know about Worry 4

1 Live in"Day-tight Compartments" 9

2 A Magic Formula for Solving Worry Situations 16

3 What Worry May Do to You 21

Part Two Basic Techniques in Analysing Worry 31

4 How to Analyse and Solve Worry Problems 31

5 How to Eliminate Fifty Per Cent of Your Business Worries 36

Part Three How to Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You 36

6 How to Crowd Worry out of your Mind 41

7 Don't Let the Beetles Get You Down 47

8 A Law That Will Outlaw Many of Your Worries 51

9 Co-operate with the Inevitable 55

10 Put a"Stop-Loss"Order on Your Worries 61

11 Don't Try to Saw Sawdust 65

Part Four Seven Ways to Cultivate A Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness 65

12 Eight Words That Can Transform Your Life 71

13 The High Cost of Getting Even 79

14 If You Do This,You Will Never Worry About Ingratitude 84

15 Would You Take a Million Dollars for What You Have? 88

16 Find Yourself and Be Yourself:Remember There Is No One Else on Earth Like You 92

17 If You Have a Lemon,Make a Lemonade 97

18 How to Cure Melancholy in Fourteen Days 102

Part Five The Golden Rule for Conquering Worry 113

19 How My Mother and Father Conquered Worry 113

Part Six How to Keep from Worrying about Criticism 113

20 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog 127

21 Do This—and Criticism Can't Hurt You 129

22 Fool Things I Have Done 132

Part Seven Six Ways to Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High 132

23 How to Add One Hour a Day to your Waking Life 139

24 What Makes You Tired—and What You Can Do about It 142

25 How The Housewife Can Avoid Fatigue—and Keep Looking Young 145

26 Four Good Working Habits That Will Help Prevent Fatigue and Worry 149

27 How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue,Worry,and Resentment 152

28 How to Keep from Worrying about Insomnia 157

Part Eight How to Find the Kind of Work in Which You May Be Happy and Successful 157

29 The Major Decision of Your Life 165

Part Nine How to Lessen Your Financial Worries 173

30 "Seventy Per Cent of All Our Worries..." 173

Part Ten "How I Conquered Worry"—32 True Stories"Six Major Troubles Hit Me All at Once"By C.I.Blackwood 183

"I Can Turn Myself into a Shouting Optimist Within an Hour"By Roger W.Babson 184

"How I Got Rid of an Inferiority Complex"By Elmer Thomas 185

"I Lived in The Garden of Allah"By R.V.C.Bodley 187

"Five Methods I Use to Banish Worry"By Professor William Lyon Phelps 189

"I Stood Yesterday.I Can Stand Today"By Dorothy Dix 191

"I Did Not Expect to Live to See the Dawn"By J.C.Penney 192

"I Go to The Gym to Punch the Bag or Take a Hike Outdoors"By Colonel Eddie Eagan" 193

I Was"The Worrying Wreck from Virginia Tech"By Jim Birdsall 193

"I Have Lived by This Sentence"By Dr.Joseph R.Sizoo 194

"I Hit Bottom and Survived"By Ted Ericksen 195

"I Used to Be One Of the World's Biggest Jackasses"By Percy H.Whiting 196

"I Have Always Tried to Keep My Line of Supplies Open"By Gene Autry 197

"I Heard a Voice in India"By E.Stanley Jones 198

"When the Sheriff Came in My Front Door"By Homer Croy 200

"The Toughest Opponent I Ever Fought Was Worry"By Jack Dempsey 201

"I Prayed to God to Keep Me out of an Orphan's Home"By Kathleen Halter 202

"I Was Acting Like a Hysterical Woman"By Cameron Shipp 203

"I Learned to Stop Worrying by Watching My Wife Wash Dishes"By Reverend William Wood 205

"I Found the Answer-keep Busy!"By Del Hughes 206

"Time Solves a Lot of Things"By Louis T.Montant,Jr 207

"I Was Warned Not to Try to Speak or to Move Even a Finger"By Joseph L.Ryan 208

"I Am a Great Dismisser"By Ordway Tead 209

"If I Had Not Stopped Worrying,I Would Have Been in My Grave Long Ago"By Connie Mack 210

"One at a Time Gentleman,One at a Time"By John Homer Miller 211

"I Now Look for The Green Light"By Joseph M.Cotter 212

How John D.Rockefeller Lived on Borrowed Time for Forty-five Years 213

"Reading a Book on Sex Prevented My Marriage From Going on the Rocks"By B.R.W 217

"I Was Committing Slow Suicide Because I Didn't Know How to Relax"By Paul Sampson 218

"A Real Miracle Happened to Me"By Mrs. John Burger 219

"Setbacks"By Ferenc Molnar 220

"I Was So Worried I Didn't Eat a Bite of Solid Food for Eighteen Days"By Kathryne Holcombe Farmer 220


Eight Things This Book Will Help You Achieve 225

Preface to Revised Edition 226

How This Book Was Written—And Why By Dale Carnegie 227

Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most out of This Book 231

Part One Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 231

1 "If You Want to Gather Honey,Don't Kick over the Beehive" 237

2 The Big Secret of Dealing with People 246

3 "He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him.He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way" 254

Part Two Six Ways to Make People Like You 267

4 Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere 267

5 A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression 275

6 If You Don't Do This,You Are Headed for Trouble 280

7 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist 285

8 How to Interest People 291

9 How to Make People Like You Instantly 294

Part Three How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking 294

10 You Can't Win an Argument 305

11 A Sure Way of Making Enemies—And How to Avoid It 310

12 If You're Wrong,Admit It 317

13 A Drop of Honey 322

14 The Secret of Socrates 327

15 The Safety Valve in Handling Complaints 331

16 How to Get Co-operation 334

17 A Formula That Will Work Wonders for You 338

18 What Everybody Wants 341

19 An Appeal That Everybody Likes 346

20 The Movies Do It.Tv Does It.Why Don't You Do It? 350

21 When Nothing Else Works,Try This 353

Part Four Be a Leader:How to Change People without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment 353

22 If You Must Find Fault,This Is the Way to Begin 359

23 How to Criticize—and Not Be Hated for It 363

24 Talk about Your Own Mistakes First 366

25 No One Likes to Take Orders 369

26 Let the Other Person Save Face 371

27 How to Spur People on to Success 374

28 Give a Dog a Good Name 377

29 Make the Fault Seem Easy to Correct 380

30 Making People Glad to Do What You Want 383

Part Five Letters That Produced Miraculous ResultsPart Six Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier 383

31 How to Dig Your Marital Grave in the Quickest Possible Way 397

32 Love and Let Live 401

33 Do This and You'll Be Looking up the Time-Tables to Reno 403

34 A Quick Way to Make Everybody Happy 406

35 They Mean so Much to a Woman 408

36 If You Want to Be Happy,Don't Neglect This One 410

37 Don't Be a"Marriage Illiterate" 413


Introduction 419

Part One Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 423

1 Acquiring the Basic Skills 423

Take Heart from the Experience of Others 424

Keep Your Goal Before You 426

Predetermine Your Mind to Success 428

Seize Every Opportunity to practice 430

2 Developing Confidence 432

Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public 432

Prepare in the Proper Way 434

Predetermine Your Mind to Success 437

Act Confident 438

3 Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way 440

Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through Experience or Study 440

Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject 444

Be Eager to Share Your Talk with Your Listeners 445

Part Two Speech,Speaker,and Audience 451

4 Earning the Right to Talk 451

Limit Your Subject 451

Develop Reserve Power 452

Fill Your Talk with Illustrations and Examples 453

Use Concrete,Familiar Words That Create Pictures 457

5 Vitalizing the Talk 459

Choose Subjects You Are Earnest About 459

Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic 462

Act in Earnest 463

6 Sharing the Talk with the Audience 464

Talk in Terms of Your Listeners'Interests 464

Give Honest,Sincere Appreciation 466

Identify Yourself with the Audience 467

Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk 468

Play Yourself Down 469

Part Three The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks 469

7 Making the Short Talk to Get Action 475

Give Your Example,an Incident from Your Life 478

State Your Point,What You Want the Audience to Do 481

Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May Expect 482

8 Making the Talk to Inform 484

Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal 485

Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence 486

Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them 486

Compare the Strange with the Familiar 487

Use Visual Aids 490

9 Making the Talk to Convince 492

Win Confidence by Deserving It 493

Get a Yes-Response 493

Speak with Contagious Enthusiasm 495

Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience 496

Begin in a Friendly Way 496

10 Making Impromptu Talks 499

Practice Impromptu Speaking 500

Be Mentally Ready to Speak Impromptu 501

Get into an Example Immediately 501

Speak with Animation and Force 502

Use the Principle of the Here and Now 502

Don't Talk Impromptu—Give an Impromptu Talk 503

Part Four The Art of Communicating 507

11 Delivering the Talk 507

Crash Through Your Shell of Self-Consciousness 507

Don't Try to Imitate Others—Be Yourself 508

Converse with Your Audience 509

Put Your Heart into Your Speaking 511

Practice Making Your Voice Strong and Flexible 512

Part Five The Challenge of Effective Speaking 517

12 Introducing Speakers,Presenting and Accepting Awards 517

Thoroughly Prepare What You Are Going to say 518

Follow the T-I-S Formula 519

Be Enthusiastic 521

Be Warmly Sincere 522

Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation 522

Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of Acceptance 523

13 Organizing the Longer Talk 524

Get Attention Immediately 524

Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention 528

Support Your Main Ideas 530

Appeal for Action 532

14 Applying What You Have Learned 535

Use Specific Detail in Everyday Conversation 536

Use Effective Speaking Techniques in Your Job 537

Seek Opportunities to Speak in Public 537

You Must Persist 537

Keep the Certainty of Reward Before You 539