
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(荷)包乐史,王振忠主编
  • 出 版 社:中西书局
  • 出版年份:2019
  • ISBN:9787547514924
  • 页数:439 页

莱茵河和长江三角洲的土地开垦:一个探索性的比较,1600—1800&徐冠勉[荷]包乐史 1

风车与纺车——15—17世纪莱茵河三角洲、长江三角洲开发中的人地关系与技术选择&谢湜 30

明清时期苏州的引领时尚地位简论&范金民 47

走码头:江南水乡与苏州评弹——以常熟为中心的考察&唐力行 72

从豪族、大户到无赖——清代“淞南”乡镇的生活世界与秩序&冯贤亮 92

近代上海与长江水运&戴鞍钢 107

水乡·商路·市场网络——立足于明清江南商路的分析&张海英 119

清代徽商与长江中下游的城镇及贸易——几种新见的徽州商编路程图记抄本研究&王振忠 129

长江三角洲商贸活动与上海苏州河沿岸街区演变探析(1900—1930)&马学强 157

环境变迁与传统社会的发展:从三江到江南的历史过程&王建革 177

圩田、沙田与垸田:水域围垦史的几种研究理路及其思考&徐斌 198

江河改道与区域社会的形成和转型——以浙东浦阳江为例&钱杭 228

清中前期的京口救生与练湖兴废&吴滔 阮宝玉 245

River Cultures in World History——Rescuing a Neglected Resource&Lincoln Paine 256

River Societies:Old Problems,New Solutions:A Comparative Reflection About the Rhine and the Yangzi Rivers&Catia Antunes 268

The Capitalist Gate to the World:Trade Relations Between Western Germany and the Netherlands,1740-1806&Ral f Banken 271

Chinese Port Cities and East and Southeast Asian Trading Networks in Historical Perspective&Francois Gipouloux 289

Two Early Modern Economies at the Mouths of Two Great Rivers: A Comparative Study of Economy of the Yangzi Delta and the Netherlands in the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century&Bozhong Li 303

Archipelagoes of River Towns,Medium-sized Cities of the Lower Yangzi and Rhine Basins Compared: 1350-1850&Leonard Blussé 323

Structural Change and Industrial Culture in the Rhine-Ruhr-Area and the Yangtze-River: On the Path to a “Great Convergence”?&Christian Klcinschmidt 335

Changing Course in the Lower Yangzi:The Decline of Liujiagang (Liuhezhen)and the Rise of Shanghai,1300-1800&David Faure 348

The Transnational Rhine Economy:Core Regions,Clusters and Competiveness.An Introduction&Ben Wubs 381

Harmonised Legal Regimes in Inland Waterway Transport in Europe&Thcresia Hacksteiner LL.M 393

From Rhine to Pipeline: The Transition from Coal to Oil of the Rhine Economy,1945-73&Marten Boon 406

The Central Commission and Regulation of Rhine Shipping&Hein A.M.Klemann 415

后记 439