序 马万祺 1
Exploring the Socio-economic Problems during the Transitional Period of Macau 1
Preface 1
澳门过渡时期社会经济问题探讨 1
The Economy Investment Environment of Macau in 1990,s 7
九十年代澳门经济与投资环境 7
The Structural Transformation of Macau Economy 13
论澳门的经济结构转型 13
The Basic Features of Macau Manufacturing Structure 21
谈谈澳门产业结构的几个基本特点 21
建立切实的优势、选择实际的道路——对中期规划中有关澳门经济发展模式的看法 29
Achieving Solid Superiority Opting for Practical Approaches:Views on the Interim programme of the Economic Development Model of Macau 29
香港经济政策可供澳门借鉴 40
Hong Kong Economic Policies Referential to Macau 40
A Tentative Proposal for the Industrial Diversification of Macau 47
澳门工业转型刍议 47
Macau Industrial Development Being Put to Test 53
澳门工业发展面临考验 53
The Twin-manufactory System of Macau Industry 58
澳门工业“双厂制”现象 58
Industry Prospects Imported Labourers 64
谈工业前途与输入劳工 64
The Trend,Price Variation Factors Affecting the Property Market of Macau 73
澳门地产市场的走势、价格变动及影响因素 73
An Analysis of the current Real Estate Market of Macau 83
澳门房地产市场的行情分析 83
Large-sized Construction Projects During the Transitional Period of Macau 93
澳门过渡期的大型建设 93
Improving Urban Planning Construction of Macau 97
应改进澳门的城市规划与建设 97
The Currency Monetary Policies of Macau 100
澳门货币与货币政策 100
Finance Taxation of Macau from 1986-1989 108
八六至八九年度澳门财政与税务 108
The Economic Reform in China Its Influence on Macau 118
中国经济改革及对澳门的影响 118
The Economic Trade Relations Between Canton Macau 123
澳粤之间的经贸关系和合作 123
Present Situation Development of the Hongkong-Macau Economic Co-operation 132
港澳经济合作关系的现状和发展 132
Economic Relations Between Hong Kong Macau 140
香港与澳门的经济关系 140
Population Problems of Macau 144
澳门的人口问题与适度数量 144
An Overview of the Characteristics of Macau Economy in the Earlier 19th Century 148
十九世纪前期澳门经济特征论略 148
A Review of Recent Studies on Macau Economy by P.R.C Scholars 169
近年内地澳门经济研究述评 169
Free Discussions About the Researches of Macau Economy 175
澳门经济研究漫谈 175
编后语 吕平义 180