《慢性胃炎的中医特色疗法 (英汉对照)》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴承玉 沈卫星编著 谢建群 郑林?翻译
  • 出 版 社:上海中医大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:259 页

Part One General lntroduction 2

Chapter One Outline 2

Contents 2

一、概述 3

上篇 总论 3

目录 3

Chapter Two Diagnostic Main Points 6

Section One Clinical manifestations 6

二、诊断要点 7

(一)临床表现 7

Section Two Physicochemical examination 8

(二)理化检查 9

Section Three Differential diagnosis 12

(三)鉴别诊断 13

Chronic Gastritis 14

Chapter Three The Understanding of TCM on 14

三、中医学对本病的认识 15

Chapter One The Treatment of Chronic 20

Part Two Characteristic Therapy 20

Section One Internal therapy 20

Superficial Gastritis 20

(一)内治疗法 21

一、慢性浅表性胃炎的治疗 21

中篇 特色疗法 21

Section Two External treatment 46

(二)外治疗法 47

Section Three Acumoxa therapies 58

(三)针灸疗法 59

Section Four Chinese massage(Tuina)therapies 66

(四)推拿按摩疗法 67

Section Six Herbal dietary treatment 68

Section Five Physical exercise 68

(六)药膳疗法 69

(五)体育疗法 69

Section One Internal treatment 74

Atrophic Gastritis 74

Chapter Two The Treatment of Chronic 74

(一)内治疗法 75

二、慢性萎缩性胃炎的治疗 75

Section Two Emotional therapy 100

Section Three Herbal dietary therapies 100

(三)药膳疗法 101

(二)情志疗法 101

Chapter Three Treatments of the Main Symptomsof Chronic Gastritis 104

Section One Gastralgia 104

三、慢性胃炎主症的治疗 105

(一)胃痛 105

Section Two Feeling of fullness and 130

oppression 130

(二)痞满 131

Section Three Belching 152

(三)嗳气 153

Section Four Acid reflux 158

(四)泛酸 159

Section Five Gastric upset 164

(五)嘈杂 165

Section Six Vomiting 170

(六)呕吐 171

Section Two Dieting 184

Section One Emotional adjustment 184

Chapter Four Self-Care for Chronic Gastritis 184

四、慢性胃炎的摄生调护 185

(一)调节情志 185

(二)节制饮食 185

Section Three Treating related diseases 186

(三)治疗相关疾病 187

Part Three Experience of Famous Senior 188

Section One View on etiology and 188

TCM Doctors 188

Chapter One Experience from Professor Deng 188

Tietao 188

pathogenesis 188

下篇 名老中医治验 189

一、邓铁涛教授治验 189

(一)对病因病机的认识 189

characteristics 192

Section Two Therapeutic experience and 192

(二)治疗经验与特色 193

Section Three Report of typical cases 198

(三)验案介绍 199

characteristics 206

Section One Clinical experience and 206

Zesheng 206

Chapter Two Experience from Professor Zhang 206

二、张泽生教授治验 207

(一)治疗经验与特色 207

Section Two Report of typical cases 208

(二)验案介绍 209

Chapter Three Experience from Professor He 216

Hongbang 216

Section One View on etiology and pathology 216

三、何宏邦教授治验 217

(一)对病因病机的认识 217

Section Two Experience and characteristics 218

(二)治疗经验与特色 219

Section Three Report of typical case 222

(三)验案介绍 223

Section One View on etiology and pathology 224

Jinduo 224

Chapter Four Experience from Professor Zhao 224

(一)对病因病机的认识 225

四、赵金铎教授治验 225

characteristics 226

Section Two Therapeutic exprience and 226

(二)治疗经验与特色 227

Section Three Report of typical cases 230

(三)验案介绍 231

pathology 232

Section One View on the etiology and 232

Shangde 232

Chapter Five Experience from Professor Yu 232

五、俞尚德教授治验 233

(一)对病因病机的认识 233

characteristics 236

Section Two Therapeutic experience and 236

(二)治疗经验与特色 237

Section Three Report of typical cases 240

(三)验案介绍 241

Index 246

索引 247