《全新版大学英语综合教程导读精编 5》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:曾淑芳主编
  • 出 版 社:东华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:234 页

Love of ReadingTest 水平测试 1

Unit 1 1

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 2

Text A One Writer's Beginnings 正课文中词汇 2

Text B Prison Studies 副课文中词汇 10

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 15

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 18

Unit 2 22

DietTest 水平测试 22

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 23

Text A Let's Go Veggie! 正课文中词汇 23

Text B Where's the Beef? 副课文中词汇 29

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 32

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 35

LyingTest 水平测试 40

Unit 3 40

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 41

Text A The Truth about Lying 正课文中词汇 41

Text B White Lies 副课文中词汇 52

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 57

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 60

Unit 4 64

Unforgettable TeachersTest 水平测试 64

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 65

Text A Take This Fish and Look at It 正课文中词汇 65

Text B Unforgettable Miss Bessie 副课文中词汇 73

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 78

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 81

Unit 5 86

The American Civil WarTest 水平测试 86

Text A The American Civil War 正课文中词汇 87

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 87

Text B A Brief History of the American Civil War 副课文中词汇 95

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 103

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 106

Unit 6 111

MarriageTest 水平测试 111

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 112

Text A Marriage 正课文中词汇 112

Text B Why Marriages Fail 副课文中词汇 124

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 130

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 133

Unit 7 139

Machine TranslationTest 水平测试 139

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 140

Text A Machine Translation 正课文中词汇 140

Text B Computer-based Translation Systems and Tools 副课文中词汇 147

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 152

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 155

Unit 8 160

Gambling AddictionTest 水平测试 160

Explanation of Text 课文精讲 161

Text A Gambling Addiction 正课文中词汇 161

Text B A Life Lost to Gambling 副课文中词汇 170

Answers to the Exercises after Text 书后练习答案 176

Chinese Translation of Text 课文译文 180

附录1 六级考试词汇要点 184

附录2 六级考试改错思路 195

附录3 六级考试英译汉技巧 201

附录4 六级考试简答题攻略 207

附录5 六级考试猜词技巧要领 211

附录6 六级作文写作范文及评分标准 214

附录7 2005年12月六级考试全真题及答案 222

附录8 全国大学英语四、六级考试2007年新题型(表) 234