《超越的可能 作为知识分子的乔叟》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:丁建宁著
  • 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:164 页

Introduction The Problem and the Possibility 1

Chaucer as an Intellectual Man:A Review 3

Possibility of Chaucer as an Intellectual 9

The Layout of the Book 20

Chapter One Counselor or Critic? 24

Court Poet as Prince-pleaser,Counselor,or Critic? 24

Chaucer's Counseling:The Tale of Melibee 32

Between Counsel and Critique:Mirror for Prince 43

Chapter Two Chaucer as a Social Commentator 48

Chaucer's Position:in and on the Society 52

Writing as Social Practice:The Nun's Priest's Tale 62

Women in Chaucer's Society:Criseyde and Wife of Bath 68

Portraying of Clerics:Prioress,Pardoner,and Parson 77

Chapter Three Entertainer,Edifier and Enlightener 87

The Role of Enlightener:Authority Negotiated 88

Literary Authority and Chaucer's Poetic Innovation 102

Masculine Authority vs. Feminine Experience 107

Chapter Four Wisdom and/or Weakness 111

Wisdom in Art:Commenting with Strategies 112

Wisdom in Life:Chaucer and Chinese Shi 136

Weakness or Not? 146

Conclusion Possibility of Transcending 150

Selected Bibliography 154

Primary Sources 154

Secondary Sources 155