科研论著 15
关于粒子静质量随时间变大的问题 17
High-resolution Vibration-rotation Spectroscopy of Fluoroform-d 22
Laser Spectroscopy of the A-X Transitions of CaOH and CaOD 38
Rotational Stucture near the Local Mode Limit in the (3000) Band of Germane 71
Local -mode Rotational Structures in the (3000) and (5000) Stretching Overtone Bands of Silane 92
The (3000),(4000) and (5000) Stretching Overtone Bands of Silane-Ⅰ.The Effect of Local-mode Vibration on Rotational Constants 100
The (3000),(4000) and (5000) Stretching Overtone Bands of Silane-Ⅱ.The Rotational Analysis in a Normal-mode Picture 112
Effective Rotational Hamiltonian of the Local Mode Vibrational States 130
Anharmonicity:A Route to Vibrational Localization 142
Local Mode Coriolis Quenching in Tetrahedral Hydrides 153
A High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of SiH4v=6 and 7 Overtones 169
用局域模型研究分子局域模振动态的振转光谱 185
用高灵敏度激光腔内吸收光谱方法研究分子高振动态的高分辨光谱 201
微波共振制备分子的长寿命局域模振动 213
Seletive Bond-breaking in a Polyatomic Molecule 221
Identifying Molecular Orientation of Individual C60on a Si(111)-(7 × 7) Surface 229
科学随笔 241
家族史和家谱是科学研究的宝贵资料 243
科技考古:全面获取历史遗存的信息 245
绿色化学:可持续发展对化学的挑战 247
化学的新问题:仿生自组装和开发生物资源 249
科学的限度 253
走向融合 255
创新人才的素质 257
如何实现“零的突破”? 266
发展生态农业的关键科学问题:生物质转化的绿色化学 269
科学评述 275
激光分离同位素 277
绿色化学与可持续发展 299
用扫描隧道显微术进行单原子操纵的机理研究 310
单原子操纵和选键化学 325
论著目录 333