《兼并管理:英文 (第2版)》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)米尔韦斯(Mirvis,P.)著
  • 出 版 社:华夏出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:371 页


第一部分 兼并与收购 1

第1章 成功的必要因素 1

引言:兼并为何失败 1

Chapter 1: What It Takes to Succeed 1


Figure 1.1 Merger Stressas Depicted by Acquired Manager 13

Figure 1.2 Charting a Better Course 16

Figure 1.3 12Signs of the Merger Syndrome 19

Figure 1.4 A Successful Combination as Depicted by Merged Manufacturing Management 24

第2章 兼并中的你争我夺 29

Chapter 2:Contested Terrain 29

Figure 2.1 Mergers and Acquisitions of Publicly Traded Companies 31

Figure 2.2 Rules of Engagement in M A 37

Figure 2.3 Merger Images of Love and War 42

Figure 2.4 Merger and Acquisition Scripts 44

Figure 2.5 What Are Today s Executives Greatest Anxieties? 52

Figure 2.6 Employee Attitudes After a Merger or Layoff 54

第3章 收购或出售的组织管理 57


Chapter 3: Organizing to Buy and Sell 57

第二部分 合并前的准备 57

Figure 3.1 Organizational Fit-Hewlett-Packard and Apollo 73

Figure 3.2 When Companies Don t Fit Together as Depicted by Acquired Company 74

第4章 战略和心理准备 83

Chapter 4:Strategic and Psychological Preparation 83

Figure 4.1 Merger or Acquisition ?As Depicted by Acquired Employee 89

Figure 4.2 Pacing of Integration in a Merger 92

Figure 4.3 Degree of Integration Between Companies 93

Figure 4.4 The Savior Expectation Following a Merger or Acquisition 106

Figure 4.5 Acquired Company s Reaction to Possible Sale-Top 40 Senior Managers 108

第三部分 兼并的管理 113

第5章 紧张、不安、焦虑 113


Chapter 5: Stress,Uncertainty,Anxiety 113

Figure 5.1 A CEO s Ten Commandments of Merger Leadership 124

Figure 5.2 Managing Merger Stress: Symptoms and Remedies 130

Chapter 6: Managing Integration 143

第6章 兼并双方的管理整合 143

Figure 6.1 Two Styles of Integration 148

Figure 6.2 NEWCO Transition Structure 151

Figure 6.3 Hardware Product Development: Hewlett-Packard Versus Apollo 161

Figure 6.4 Merger Implementation Plan-Customer Service 166

第7章 文化的冲突 169

Chapter 7: The Clash of Cultures 169

Figure 7.1 Times Mirror-GC Cultural Differences 172

Figure 7.2 Manager in Midst of Culture Clash 179

Figure 7.3 How Time Sees Warner/How Warner Sees Time 181

Figure 7.4 Combination Planning Protocol-Savings Versus Organizational Fit 187

Figure 7.5 Integration : Benefits Versus Ease 188

第四部分 合并后的管理 199

第8章 胜利者、失败者以及幸存者 199


Chapter 8: Winners,Losers,Survivors 199

Figure 8.1 Redeployment Strategy at Merged Company 211

Figure 8.2 Recipe for Integration Stew During a Downsizing (circulated through acquired company) 215

Figure 8.3 Welcoming Relocated Employees 220

第9章 企业重建:队伍建设 225

Chapter 9: Rebuilding the Business:Teamwork 225

Figure 9.1 Recognizing People s Current Emotional States 227

Figure 9.2 AT T Graduates Diploma from Seminar on Managing Transitions 234

Figure 9.3 Stages in Building a New Team 236

Figure 9.4 One Manager s Picture of Post-Merger Team Building 247

第10章 文化重建 251

Chapter 10: Reculturation 251

Figure 10.1 Magnitude of Postmerger Change 253

Figure 10.2 Change Versus Transformation 255

Figure 10.3 Cultural Transformation at Unisys 257

Figure 10.4 Unisys Results-1986-1988 263

Figure 10.5 Unisys-Postmerger Attitudes 264

Figure 10.6 Deculturation at Graphic Controls-Feeling the Elephant 274

Figure 10.7 Data on Reculturation at Graphic Controls -Family Again 277

第五部分 几个特殊问题 281

Chapter 11: Tracking the Combination 281

第11章 合并情况的追踪调查 281


Figure 11.1 Cartoon in Employee Paper Depicting Merger Stress 290

Figure 11.1 Postacquisition Employee Survey-Graphic Controls 294

Chapter 12: International M A 297

第12章 国际购并 297

Figure 12.1 Merger Committees :HP and Apollo-Europe 308

后记 赢得人心 315

Postscript:Winning Hearts and Minds 315

Figure 13.1 Views of Merger Management in Theory and Practice 319

附录 331

Appendixes 331

References 341

参考文献 341

索引 361

Index 361