• 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:中国农业出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:403 页

1.General Surveys 3

Crop Farming 3

Forestry in 1993 6

Animal Husbandry 9

Forage Industry 12

Fisheries in 1993 14

Agricultural Quality Standard 18

Township Enterprises 22

State Farms and Land Reclamation 26

Farm Machinery Industry 31

Agricultural Chemical Industry 34

Water Conservancy in 1993 37

Meteorology in 1993 42

Agricultural Environment Protection and Rural Energy Development 46

2.Rural Economic Policies 53

Establishment of the System of Rural Economic Laws and Regulations 53

Experimental Zones for Rural Reforms 55

New Development of Rural Shareholding Co-operatives 57

China Makes Breakthrough Progress in Grain Distribution System 60

More Aid to Develope Economy in Grain Producing Areas 62

Transfer of Rural Labor 64

Investment in Agriculture 66

Support to Agriculture by Financial Departments 72

Agricultural Capital Construction and Fixed Assets Investment in 1993 75

Rural Credit in 1993 78

Burden of Farmers Alleviated More 79

Export of Agricultural Produce 82

Shanghai Taiping International Containers Co.Ltd 84

3.Rural Export-Oriented Economy 87

Export-Oriented Rural Economy 87

New Progress in the Development of Export-Oriented Agriculture 89

Export-Oriented Township Enterprises in Eastern Part of China Step to a New Level 93

Giving Greater Autonomy to Township Enterprises to Handle Their Own Foreign Trade 96

Export-Oriented Operations of Shanghai Land Reclamation Bureau 98

Shanghai Yuejin Stainless Steel Products(Group)Co 100

Wafangdian City Develops Export-Oriented Agriculture 101

Rural Areas in Heilongjiang Develop Export-Oriented Economy 102

Jiangsu Golden Key(Group)Co 105

4.Agricultural Science and TechnologyProgress in the Application of High and New Technologies to Agriculture 111

Progress in Plant Genetic Engineering in China 116

Biological Technology in Forestry 120

Application of New Achievements in Agricultural Technology 122

New Progress in Application of Agricultural Science and Technology in Production 125

Research and Development at Edible Fungus Institute of Shanghai Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences 128

Advances in Soil Science and Applicable Fertilization Techniques 130

Objective Management in Forest Pests and Diseases Control 135

Conservation of Aquatic Wildlife 137

Achievements in Scientific ResearchPhoto-thermal Responses in Photo-sensitive Genic Male-sterile Rice and Establishment of Thermo-sensitive Genic Male-sterility 138

Study on Diagnosis of Rice Leaf Colour and Its Use in Guiding Nitrogen Topdressing 139

Jimai 5418-a Newly Developed Winter Wheat Cultivar of High Stable Yield and Good Qualities 139

Introduction and Localization of Powdery Mildew Resistance Genes in Wheat 140

Breeding of Cucumber Hybrid Cultivar Zhongnong 5 of Early Maturity,Disease Resistance and High Yield for Protective Ground 141

Breeding of the Xiangyan Series of Chilli Pepper Cultivars 141

A Study on Species and Life Cycle of Cryptosporidium in Poultry 142

Biological Characteristics of Mycorrhiza and Its Application 142

Research and Application of Forming and Pruning Techniques of Apple Tree 143

Studies on Selection and Breeding of Improved Seeds of Chestnut and Its Early-Bearing and High-Yielding Techniques 144

Silvicultural Techniques of Franxinus Mandshurica,Phellodendron Amurense,Juglans Mandshurica and Tillia Amurensis Plantations 145

Studies on Integrated Control techniques of Dendrolimus Spectabilis(or Tabulaeformis) 146

Extended Trial of New Technology of Extracting Common Seabuckthorn Oil 146

Studies and Extention of Bamboo Plywood 147

Research and Extension on Integrated Control Techniques of Cryptothelea Variegata Snellen Clania Variegata 148

Systematic Study on Takin(Budorcas Taxicolor)in China 149

Study of the Development and Application of Serial Products of Staybelite Ester 149

Extension of Integrated Matching Techniques of"Hill-skirting"Ecological Forestry Engineering 150

Control of Heavy Metals Pollution in Seedling-Rearing Water Body for Aquaculture 151

Toxicity of Saponin to Fish and Shrimp and Its Application 151

Studies on the Rearing and Processing Technology of High-grade Decorative Pearls 152

Optimization of Policy-Decision Making on the Balanced Supply of Vegetables in Urban Areas 152

The Second Generation Medium-Range Numerical Weather Prediction Operational System 153

Establishment of the Theories,Methods and Database for Long-Range Weather Forecast 154

5.Agricultural Education 157

Agricultural Universities and CollegesBeijing Agricultural University 157

Beijing Forestry University 159

Beijing Agricultural Engineering University 161

Changchun University of Agriculture and Animal Sciences 162

Shenyang Agricultural University 164

Shanghai Fisheries University 166

Nanjing Agricultural University 167

Hehai University 169

Zhejiang Agricultural University 171

Zhejiang Forestry College 173

Anhui Agricultural University 174

Fujian Agricultural University 176

Shandong Agricultural University 178

Laiyang Agricultural College 180

Central China Agricultural University 181

Hubei Agricultural College 183

Southwest Agricultural University 185

Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College 186

Northwest China Agricultural University 188

Gansu Agricultural University 190

Xinjiang August 1st Agricultural College 191

Zhangjiakou Agricultural College 193

Xiongyue Agricultural College 194

Foshan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College 195

Agricultural Secondary Schools 197

Beijing Agricultural School 197

Baotou Agriculture and Livestock School 198

Tonghua Agricultural School 200

Hongxinglong Agricultural Technical School 201

Jiaxing Agricultural School 202

Zhangzhou Agricultural School 203

Zhangshu Agricultural School 204

Shandong Livestock and Veterinary School 206

Dongying Agricultural School 208

Shaoyang Agricultural School 208

Yili Agricultural School 209

Catalogue of Agricultural Institutions of Higher Learning 211

Catalogue of Agricultural Secondary Schools 218

Basic Statistics of Agricultural Institutions of Higher Learning,1993 229

Basic Statistics of Agricultural Secondary Schools,1993 236

6.International Cooperation of AgricultureForeign Capital in Agriculture 239

Foreign Affairs in Forestry Sector 244

Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Programs of Ministry of Water Resources 246

Foreign Affairs in Meteorology 249

Major Foreign Activities in Agricultural Sector 251

Major Foreign Activities in Forestry Sector 255

Project CHA3146 in Anshun Prefecture,Guizhou Province,Aided Gratis by WFP 256

Integrated Development of Xingzihe Watershed,Shaanxi Province 257

Talks Between Chinese and South Korean Fishery Experts 258

Rubber Quality Improvement Project 258

Project of"China Agricultural Statistics"with the Assistance of FAO/Italian Government 259

Integrated Agro-Forestry Research Project 260

Regional Training Programme on Erosion and Sedimentation in Asia 261

Remote Sensing Study of Water and Soil Resources on the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River 261

Investigation for Comprehensive Development of Agriculture Resources in the Delta Region of Liaohe River 262

Economic Model Study of Water Resources in Yellow River Basin 263

Study on Ice Formation Mathematical Model and Ice Control Measures on the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River 264

The 33rd International Apicultural Congress and APIEXPO'93 264

Annual Meeting of FAO NEDAC 266

The 11th Session of the Committee on Forestry under UNFAO 266

The 5th Meeting of the Conference of Signatory States to the Ramsar Convention 267

7.Natural Disasters to AgricultureNatural Disasters in 1993 271

Plant Diseases,Pests and Rodent Damages 275

Forest Pests in 1993 281

8.Chronicle of Agricultural EventsChronicle of Agricultural Events,1993 287

9.Statistics of Agricultural Economy, 1993

Agricultural and Non-agricultural Population by Province,1993 295

Rural Primary Organization by Province,1993 296

Number of Labour Force of Townships and Villages by Province,1993 297

Total Output Value of Rural Non-agricultural Trades by Province,1993(Calculated at 1993 current prices) 299

Total Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries by Province,1993(Calculated at 1993 current prices) 300

Average Yield of Major Farm Crops,Meat and Aquatic Products Per Capita by Province,1993 301

Output and Sown Area of Major Farm Crops,1993 302

Sown Areas and Yields of Major Farm Crops by Province,1993 303

Areas of Tea Gardens and Orchards by Province,1993 320

Output of Tea by Province,1993 321

Output of Fruits by Province,1993 322

Planted Area and Output of Major Tropical and Subtropical Crops,1993 324

Number of Units with Ownership by the Whole People in Forestry by Province,1993 326

Number of State and Workers of Forestry by Province,1993(Year-end figure) 327

Afforestation Area of Different Forest Types by Province,1993 328

National Forestry Production,1993 329

Output of Timber,Bamboo,Sawn Lumber and Plywood by Province,1993 330

Output of Fibreboard,Shaving Board,Resin,Tannin Extract and Shellac by Province,1993 331

Output of Forest Products by Province,1993 332

Output of Major Livestock Products 334

Total Output of Meat by Province,1993 335

Output of Major Livestock Products by Province,1993 336

Number of Domestic Animals,1993(Year-end figure) 338

Number of Domestic Animals by Province,1993(Year-end figure) 339

Organizations of Fishermen by Province,1993 345

Output of Freshwater and Seawater Aquatic Products by Province,1993 346

Output of Marine Fishing by Province,1993 347

Area of Seawater Fish Culture by Province,1993 348

Area of Freshwater Fish Culture by Province,1993 350

Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1993(Year-end figure) 351

Non-Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1993(Year-end figure) 352

Number of Township Enterprises by Province,1993 353

Number of Persons of Township Enterprises by Province,1993 354

Number of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1993 355

Number of Persons of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1993 357

Township Enterprises Output Value by Province,1993(Calculated at 1993 current prices) 359

Major Economic Targets of Rural Enterprises by Province,1993 360

Output of Major Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1993 363

Exports of Township Enterprises by Province,1993 368

Delivery Total of Export Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1993 371

Major Economic Targets of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1993(Calculated at 1993 current prices) 372

Gross Industrial and Agricultural Output Value of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1993(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 373

Sown Area and Output of Farm Crops in State Farms and Land Reclamation 374

Major Output of State Farms and Land Reclamation Industrial Enterprises by Province,1993 375

Major Agricultural Machinery by Province,1993(Year-end figure) 378

Capacity of Reservoirs by Province,1993 387

Permanent Mechanical and Electrical,Electric Motor and Internal-Combustion Engine Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Station by Province,1993 389

Area with Waterlogging Prevention Measures by Province 390

Level of Agricultural Modernization 391

Rural Power Consumption,Generation and Farmland Irrigation by Province,1993 392

Consumption of Chemical Fertilizer for Agriculture by Province,1993(At effective basis) 393

Basic Indicators of Households Surveyed 394

Net Income Per Capita in Farmer's Household and Its Sources 395

Average Net Income Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1993 396

Living Expenditure Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1993 397

Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods of Farmers by Province,1993 399

Possession of Principal Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Farmers by Province,1993 401