《实用英文书信 英汉对照 详加注释》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:何兼澜编译
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:261 页

目次 2


Hints on Letter Writing 写英文信的要诀1.Heading 信头…………………………?2.Inside Addre ? 2

3.Salutation 称? 3

4.Body 正文…………………………?5.Complimenta ? 10

6.Signature 签名 11

7.Superscription 信封写法 12

8.Something to be Avoided 要避免的几件事 14

CHAPTER Ⅱ 第二章 15

Invitation 邀请信 15

Inviting a Friend to Lunch 请朋友共餐 15

Reply-Accepting 覆函接受朋友邀请 16

An Informal Invitation 约友到寓所聚会 16

A Reply 被邀赴宴覆函通知 17

Inviting a friend 邀请友人来家小住 18

Inviting a Lady Friend to Swimming Pool 请女朋友到游泳池  19

Inviting Married Couple to Dinner 邀请友人夫妇晚餐 20

Declining an Invitation 婉谢不能参加晚餐 21

Invitation to Go on a Motor Tour 请友乘汽车游杭 21

Reply-Accepting 朋友邀游覆函加入 23

Less Formal Invitation to Dinner 非正式的宴会请帖 24

Regret 非正式的谢却回帖 25

Acceptance 非正式的接受回帖 26

Formal Invitation to Dinner 正式宴会请帖实例 27

Acceptance 正式接受回帖实例 27

Regret 正式谢却回帖实例 28

CHAPTER Ⅲ 第三章 29

Congratulation 庆贺信 29

Congratulation a Friend on His Marriage 朋友结婚送礼道贺 29

Another Specimen 友人结婚覆书道贺 31

Congratulating Nephew's Future Wife 庆贺未来侄媳妇 33

Congratulating Young Lady on Engagement 庆贺某女士订婚 34

Engagement of a Girl Friend 庆贺女友订婚 35

Engagement of a Friend 庆贺男友订婚 35

Wedding Day Anniversary 贺夫妇结婚纪念 36

Birthday of a Young Lady  庆贺某女士寿辰 36

Birthday of a Friend 庆贺友人寿辰 37

Offering a Birtbday Present 贺友人诞辰函举例 37

Birth of a Child 庆贺女孩出生 38

Birth of a Son 庆贺男孩出生 38

Congratulating a College Graduate 贺友人毕业大学 39

Graduation of a Friend 贺某友毕业大学 40

Congratulating a Lawyer 贺某律师得执照 41

A Reply 友人致贺覆函道谢 42

Passing an Examination 友人考试及格致贺 42

Success in Business 贺某友擢升助理 43

CHAPTER Ⅳ 第四章 44

Condolence 吊慰信 44

Condoling on Death of Wife 友人丧妻去信吊唁 44

Sympathy on Behalf of a Committee 代表议会致唁 45

To Friend,whose Brother has Died 慰问友人丧兄 46

Offering Condolences 唁慰函作法举例 47

Reply to a Personal Letter of Sympathy 私人慰问回信 49

Reply to a Formal Letter of Sympathy 礼貌慰问回信 50

CHAPTER Ⅴ 第五章 51

Proposal and Engagement 求婚与订婚信Proposal to a Young Lady 男子向女友求婚 51

Accepting a Proposal 女友接受婚议覆函 52

Objection to an Early Marriage 反对男方拟早婚 53

A Complaint of Silence 责男友何故冷淡 55

Confession of Jealousy 规劝未婚妻勿浪漫信 57

Explaining Away Misunderstanding 未婚妻解释误会信 58

Breaking with a Friend 向男友声明绝交 60

Offering to Break off Engagement 向未婚夫请解婚约 63

Reply in the Positive 男友允解除婚约 64

Returning Letters and Presents 女方退还情书赠品 65

CHAPTER Ⅵ 第六章 66

Introduction 介绍信 66

Asking for Introduction 赴纽约请友介绍 66

Requesting an Introduction 请求写介绍信 67

A Reply 覆信允许发介绍信 68

Introducing a Merchant 介绍一商人 69

Introducing a Tradesman 介绍友人接洽商务 70

A Letter of Introduction 一封普通的介绍信 71

CHAPTER Ⅶ 第七章 72

Friendship 友谊信 72

Inquiring after a Friend 询远地友人近况 72

To a Friend when Sending Christmas Present 寄圣诞礼物给友人 73

Inviting Friends for Christmas 邀友人来渡圣诞 74

Accepting an Invitation for Christmas 接受渡圣诞之邀请 75

A Letter of Thanks for Birthday Present 收生日礼物致谢信 76

Containing Some Special News 告特别消息 77

Requesting a Loan 求借款 78

Agreeing to a Loan 同意借款 80

Reminder that Loan has Not Been Repaid 提及借款未还 81

CHAPTER Ⅷ 第八章 82

Advice 劝告信 82

Offering Advice to a Youth 向某青年进忠告 82

A Friend Who Seeks Divorce 劝友勿和妻子离婚 84

Advising a Disappointed Lover 友人失恋致书劝慰 86

Respecting a Profession 父给子信讨论职业 90

Offering an Advice 劝侄儿继续求学 92

Declining the Offer 覆函婉谢不能投保 94

Taking a Life Insurance Policy 劝友投保人寿保险 94

Advising a Clerk 规劝某职员改过 95

CHAPTER Ⅸ 第九章 96

Request 请求信 96

Asking Leave of Absence 教员向校长请假 96

Excusing One's Absence 请病假不能办公 96

Asking a Physician to Call 请医生到家诊病 97

Soliciting Help 请友人帮忙打字 97

Asking for an Increase of Salary 请求经理增加薪金 98

Asking for an Assistant 请雇主添用助手 99

Reduction of Tuition Fee 介绍学生请求减费 101

Inviting Friend to Aid Gharity 请友捐助慈善会 103

Answer Affirmatively 允捐助慈善会覆函 104

Seeking Cooperation 请友人合作投资 105

Safe Custody of Savings 请友介绍银行存款 107

To a Friend in a Charitable Institution 恳托慈善会友人 108

Looking for a Friend 托友代寻失踪青年 109

Asking Leave of Absence 父病向公司请假 111

Re-Directing a Letter 托友转寄邮局退函 112

Requesting a Friend to Return a Book 致书友人索还借书 113

Soliciting Membership 请友人加入音乐会 114

Asking for an Observation 请求工厂允准参观 116

Inspection of a Factory 致某工厂商参观函 117

A Reply 工厂答复参观人信 118

Request for Information 向专家请求解释信 119

CHAPTER Ⅹ 第十章 121

Academic Topics 学术信 121

How to Study English 教友如何研究英文 121

English versus Japanese 英文与日文孰重要 124

Teach Practical English 请教员教实用英文 126

Presenting a Bound Volume 赠友刊物合订本 128

An Acknowledgment 收到书籍覆函致谢 129

Concerning a Child at School 向教员询问成绩函 130

CHAPTER Ⅺ 第十一章 132

Application Recommendation 谋职信Post of Book-keeper 一封应征簿记员信 132

Application for Salesmanship 应征某行售货员信 133

Applying for Post of Accountant 应征初级会计员信 134

Applying for Post Not Advertised 向未登报某行自荐 135

Applying to an Insurance Firm 向保险公司谋职 137

Asking if There is Vacancy 函询某行有无空缺 138

Application for Managership 应征售货部主任 139

Asking Friend to Look for Job 请友人介绍职位 141

Looking for A Job 请推荐职业 142

Enquiring about a School Job 催问友人推荐职业 144

Inquiring about a Job 询问友人谋职结果 145

Seeking Recommendation 托友人推荐职业 146

Asking a Friend to Obtain Situation 托友代儿子谋职位 147

Helping a Successful Applicant 请帮助新得职位者 149

Offering a Job to Friend 介绍朋友职位 150

Recomrnending an Accountant 推荐会计员函举例 152

Recommending a Student 推荐学生任职员信 153

Looking for an ErrandBoy 托友介绍送信童 154

A Reply 复函 155

Asking for Letter of Recommendation 请旧雇主给荐书 156

Reply 雇主覆函并附荐书 156

Cashier Asking for Testimonial 收支员请给保荐书 157

Employer Asking for Reference 公司请给保荐书 158

Accountant Asking for Testimonial 会计员请给保荐书 159

A Favourable Reply 覆函允发给保证书 160

Forms of Testimonial for Accountants 介绍会计员保荐书 161

Letters of Recommendation 保荐书函举例四种 162

Another Testimonial 又一雇主的推荐函 164

Thanks for Recommendation 向某介绍人致谢函 165

CHAPTER Ⅻ 第十二章 166

Termination of Services 解雇信 166

Termination of Agreement 职员声明聘约告终 166

Reply 职员辞职覆函允准 167

A Letter of Resignation 向雇主提出辞职 168

Dismissing a Clerk 致函职员开除职务 169

CHAPTER Ⅷ 第十三章 170

Loan 借款信 170

Borrowing Money from a Friend 缺少学费向友商借 170

A Favourable Reply 覆函同意暂借学费 171

Asking for a Loan 向友人商借学费信 171

Accepting a Loan Proposal 答允友人借款覆函 173

Borrowing Capital 经商缺款向友告贷 174

Asking for Extension 展期还款信举例 176

A Loan Dispute 请友斡旋借款纠葛 180

CHAPTER ⅪⅤ 第十四章 182

Complaint 抗告信 182

Refusing to Pay a Tailor 新衣不合致函退货 182

Gomplaint against a Youth 对某青年表示不满 184

Complaint about Poor Service 责某店办事不妥 185

Complaint about Delay 责某店寄书迟缓 186

Complaint To Power Company 向电力公司办交涉 187

Claim for Damaged Goods 货物损坏请赔偿 188

Asking College to Remove 女校长向大学交涉 189

CHAPTER ⅩⅤ 第十五章 191

Private Business Letter 私人商业信Ordering Goods by Mail 邮寄汇票定购货物 191

Requesting Adjustment 寄货不足请补送函 192

To a House Decorator 致装修店请开估价单 194

To an Advertising Agent 请广告社刊登广告 194

Booking Seats in Railway Train 火车定座函件举例 195

Booking Seats in Aeroplane 定飞机座位信举例 195

Booking Passage on a Steamer 向轮船定舱位的信 196

Ordering Books 汇寄款项定购书籍 197

Tc a Former Servant 请旧女佣暂帮忙 198

Opening Another Account 向银行开另一账户 198

CHAPTER ⅩⅥ 第十六章 199

Account 账项信 199

Sending Account Current 函请对方结清账款 199

Reply to the Foregoing 先还账款一部份信 200

A First Request for payment 讨取账款的第一函 201

A Second Request for payment 讨取账款的第二函 201

Asking for Payment 催付欠款的一封信 202

Three Collection Letters 催收账款例函三通 203

A Dishonoured Bill 诘问某方不付期票 205

Requesting Friend to Collect Account 请友人代收账款 206

Collecting Money 函催清理过期欠款 207

CHAPTER ⅩⅦ 第十七章 208

Real Estate 地产信 208

Looking for a House 询有无空屋出租 208

Requesting Time to Pay Rent 请求展期缴付租金 209

Granting Time to Pay Rent 允许展期缴付租金 210

Asking for Repairs 请房东修理漏屋 210

Renting Apartments 向房客招租公寓 213

Asking for a List of Property 向业主商代售房产 215

Instructing to List Property 嘱经纪人登记房产 217

CHAPTER ⅩⅧ 第十八章 218

Business Announcement 营业通告信 218

Opening a New Store 新开店招徕顾客 218

Announcing Sales in New Store 新店宣布举行廉售 219

Introducing Mail Order Department 添设邮购部通知 220

Announcement of Overcoats 大衣新到告顾客函 221

Announcing Sale of Special Value 通知发售特价货品 223

Keeping the Customer 维持旧主顾函举例 224

A Circular Letter 向旧主顾招生意 226

Renewing Old Patronage 向旧主顾揽生意 227

Announcing Increase of Price 向主顾预告加价 229

Soliciting a Savings Account 招揽开立储蓄存户 231

Discharging a Representative 通知撤除推销员 233

Announcing a Substitute 通知委任代理人 233

Announcing Amalgamation 宣布函公司合并 234

Announcing Suspension of Business 因战事宣布停业 236

Announcing Bankruptcy 向债权人通知破产 237

CHAPTER ⅩⅨ 第十九章 238

Wholesale Retail 零售及批发信 238

A Shopkeeper to Wholesale Firm 向批发行询问价格 238

Answer to an Inquiry 答覆零售商问价格 239

Asking for Price List 向批发商询问价格 240

A Reply to the Foregoing 批发商覆函 241

A Retail Merchant 批发商覆零售商信 242

Applying for Agency 请委任草帽代理 243

Executing an Order 依照定单配货发出 245

Advice of Shipment 寄货通知定货人 246

Explaining Discount Rates 向主顾解释折扣 247

Reporting Poor Market 报告某地市面不佳 248

CHAPTER ⅩⅩ 第二十章 249

Credit Information 调查信 249

Asking for Information 调查某丝行信用 249

Furnishing Credit Information 报告某丝行不稳 251

Soliciting Credit Information 请报告某方信用 253

A Reply 复函代为保证信用 254

Refusing Credit 拒绝新主顾赊账 255