• 购买积分:34 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Oliver Dǒrr and Kirsten Schmalenbach
  • 出 版 社:SPRINGER
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:1423 页

Introduction: On the Role of Treaties in the Development of International Law (Dorr) 1

Preamble (Schmalenbach) 9

Part Ⅰ Introduction 19

Article 1. Scope of the present Convention (Schmalenbach) 19

Article 2. Use of terms (Schmalenbach) 27

Article 3. International agreements not within the scope of the present Convention (Schmalenbach) 49

Article 4. Non-retroactivity of the present Convention(Schmalenbach) 81

Article 5. Treaties constituting international organizations and treaties adopted within an international organization(Schmalenbach) 89

Part Ⅱ Conclusion and Entry into Force of Treaties 105

Section 1 Conclusion of Treaties 105

Article 6. Capacity of States to conclude treaties (Schmalenbach) 105

Article 7. Full powers (Hoffmeister) 119

Article 8. Subsequent confirmation of an act performed without authorization (Hoffmeister) 131

Article 9. Adoption of the text (Hoffmeister) 137

Article 10.Authentication of the text (Hoffmeister) 147

Article 11.Means of expressing consent to be bound by a treaty (Hoffmeister) 153

Article 12.Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by signature (Hoffmeister) 163

Article 13.Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by an exchange of instruments constituting a treaty (Hoffmeister) 175

Article 14.Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by ratification, acceptance or approval (Hoffmeister) 181

Article 15.Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by accession (Hoffmeister) 197

Article 16.Exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession (Hoffmeister) 209

Article 17.Consent to be bound by part of a treaty and choice of differing provisions (Hoffmeister) 215

Article 18.Obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force (Dorr) 219

Section 2 Reservations 239

Article 19.Formulation of reservations (Walter) 239

Article 20.Acceptance of and objection to reservations (Walter) 287

Article 21.Legal effects of reservations and of objections to reservations (Walter) 307

Article 22.Withdrawal of reservations and ofobjections to reservations (Walter) 321

Article 23.Procedure regarding reservations (Walter) 337

Annex: Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties (Walter) 349

Section 3 Entry into Force and Provisional Application of Treaties 391

Article 24.Entry into force (Krieger) 391

Article 25.Provisional application (Krieger) 407

Part Ⅲ Observance, Application and Interpretation of Treaties 427

Section 1 Observance of Treaties 427

Article 26. Pacts sunt servanda (Schmalenbach) 427

Article 27. Internal law and observance of treaties(Schmalenbach) 453

Section 2 Application of Treaties 477

Article 28. Non-retroactivity of treaties (Odendahl) 477

Article 29. Territorial scope of treaties (Odendahl) 489

Article 30. Application of successive treaties relating to the same subject matter (Odendahl) 505

Section 3 Interpretation of Treaties 521

Article 31. General rule of interpretation (Dorr) 521

Article 32. Supplementary means of interpretation (Dorr) 571

Article 33. Interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more languages (Dorr) 587

Section 4 Treaties and Third States 605

Article 34. General rule regarding third States (Proelss) 605

Article 35. Treaties providing for obligations for third States (Proelss) 645

Article 36. Treaties providing for rights for third States (Proelss) 655

Article 37. Revocation or modification of obligations or rights of third States (Proelss) 673

Article 38. Rules in a treaty becoming binding on third States through international custom (Proelss) 685

Part Ⅳ Amendment and Modification of Treaties 699

Article 39.General rule regarding the amendment of treaties (Odendahl) 699

Article 40.Amendment of multilateral treaties (Odendahl) 709

Article 41.Agreements to modify multilateral treaties between certain of the parties only (Odendahl) 719

Part Ⅴ Invalidity, Termination and Suspension of the Operation of Treaties 733

Section 1 General Provisions 733

Article 42.Validity and continuance in force of treaties(Odendahl) 733

Article 43.Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty (Odendahl) 745

Article 44.Separability of treaty provisions (Odendahl) 753

Article 45.Loss of a right to invoke a ground for invalidating, terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a treaty (Odendahl) 765

Section 2 Invalidity of Treaties 775

Article 46.Provisions of internal law regarding competence to conclude treaties (Rensmann) 775

Article 47.Specific restrictions on authority to express the consent of a state (Rensmann) 805

Article 48.Error (Rensmann) 815

Article 49.Fraud (Rensmann) 835

Article 50.Corruption of a representative of a State (Rensmann) 849

Article 51.Coercion of a representative of a State (Rensmann) 857

Article 52.Coercion of a State by the threat or use of force(Schmalenbach) 871

Article 53.Treaties conflicting with a peremptory norm of general international law ('jus cogens”) (Schmalenbach) 897

Section 3 Termination and Suspension of the Operation of Treaties 945

Article 54. Termination of or withdrawal from a treaty under its provisions or by consent of the parties (Giegerich) 945

Article 55. Reduction of the parties to a multilateral treaty below the number necessary for its entry into force (Giegerich) 963

Article 56. Denunciation of or withdrawal from a treatycontaining no provision regarding termination,denunciation or withdrawal (Giegerich) 967

Article 57. Suspension of the operation of a treaty under its provisions or by consent of the parties (Giegerich) 989

Article 58. Suspension of the operation of a multilateral treaty by agreement between certain of the parties only (Giegerich) 997

Article 59. Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty implied by conclusion of a later treaty (Giegerich) 1011

Article 60. Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty as a consequence of its breach (Giegerich) 1021

Article 61. Supervening impossibility of performance (Giegerich) 1051

Article 62. Fundamental change of circumstances (Giegerich) 1067

Article 63. Severance of diplomatic or consular relations (Giegerich) 1105

Article 64. Emergence of a new peremptorynorm of general international law (' jus cogens”) (Schmalenbach) 1121

Section 4 Procedure 1131

Article 65. Procedure to be followed with respect to invalidity, termination, withdrawal from or suspension of the operation of a treaty (Krieger) 1131

Article 66. Procedures for judicial settlement, arbitration and conciliation (Krieger) 1151

Annex to Article 66 (Krieger) 1159

Article 67. Instruments for declaring invalid, terminating,withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a treaty (Krieger) 1167

Article 68. Revocation of notifications and instruments provided for in articles 65 and 67 (Krieger) 1173

Section 5 Consequences of the Invalidity, Termination or Suspension of the Operation of a Treaty 1179

Article 69. Consequences of the invalidity of a treaty (Wittich) 1179

Article 70. Consequences of the termination of a treaty (Wittich) 1195

Article 71. Consequences of the invalidity of a treaty which confl icts with a peremptory norm of general international law (Wittich) 1211

Article 72. Consequences of the suspension of the operation of a treaty (Wittich) 1227

Part Ⅵ Miscellaneous Provisions 1239

Article 73. Cases of State succession, State responsibility and outbreak of hostilities (Krieger) 1239

Article 74. Diplomatic and consular relations and the conclusion of treaties (Krieger) 1267

Article 75. Case of an aggressor State (Krieger) 1279

Part Ⅶ Depositaries, Notifications, Corrections and Registration 1297

Article 76. Depositaries of treaties (Tichy/Bittner) 1297

Article 77. Functions of depositaries (Tichy/Bittner) 1309

Article 78. Notifications and communications (Tichy/Bittner) 1325

Article 79. Correction of errors in texts or in certified copies of treaties (Tichy/Bittner) 1331

Article 80. Registration and publication of treaties (Tichy/Bittner) 1339

Part Ⅷ Final Provisions 1347

Article 81. Signature (Proe/ss) 1347

Article 82. Ratification (Proe/ss) 1355

Article 83. Accession (Proe/ss) 1357

Article 84. Entry into force (Proelss) 1359

Article 85. Authentic texts (Proelss) 1363

Annex 1365

Final Act of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties and Annexes thereto 1365

Status of the Convention 1370

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or between International 1374

Organizations (VCLT II), 21 March 1986 1374

Status of the VCLT II 1411

Index 1415