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  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:357 页


1 Introduction to Fixation 19

2 The Reactions of Fixatives with Proteins.1.The Visible Effects 31

3 The Reactions of Fixatives with Proteins.2.The Chemi-cal Changes 44

4 The Reactions of Fixatives with Tissues and Cells:Methods of Research 66

5 Primary Fixatives Considered Separately.1.Coagulants 89

6 Primary Fixatives Considered Separately.2.Non-coagulants 111

7 Fixative Mixtures 139


8 Introduction to the Chemical Composition of Dyes 155

9 The Classification of Dyes 169

10 The Direct Attachment of Dyes to Tissues 187

11 The Indirect Attachment of Dyes to Tissues 207

12 The Differential Action of Dyes 228

13 Metachromasy 243

14 The Blood Dyes 262

15 Introduction to Vital Colouring 274

16 The Mode of Action of Vital Dyes 284

17 A Comparison between Dyeing and other Processes of Colouring 296


1 The composition of solutions expressed as percentages:conventions adopted in this book 313

2 Experiments on fixation 314

3 Experiments on dyeing 321

4 Use of the word‘chromatin’ 327

5 Notes on spelling 329

List of References 331

Index 345

Fig.1.Graphical representation of the changes in volume undergone by gelatine/albumin gels during 18 hours in various fixatives 36

Fig.2.Pipettes used in the measurement of the rate of penetration of fixatives into gelatine/albumin gel 38

Fig.3.Graph showing the rate of penetration of fixatives into gelatine/albumin gel 39

Fig.4.Protein coagula seen under the microscope 41

Fig.5(plate).A,lobes of the liver of the rabbit left for 25 hours in fixatives and then cut across B—E,photomicrographs illustrating Young’s ex-periments on the addition of indifferent salts to fixatives2 67

Fig.6.A cell from the intestine of Oniscus (woodlouse),fixed in mercuric chloride:to show the coagulation of protoplasm 67

Fig.7.Graph showing the thickness of rabbit-liver fixed by a saturated aqueous solution of mercuric chlor-ide in various times 68

Fig.8(plate).The effect of ftxatives on cultured cells from the chorioid or sclerotic coat of the eye of the chick embyro 70

Fig.9(plate).Sections of the testis of the mouse,to show good and bad fixation 74

Fig.10.Outlines of the fully-grown primary spermatocyte of the snail,Helix aspersa,to show the effect of fixa-tion and subsequent treatment on the size of the cell 79

Fig.11.Graph showing the effect of fixation and subsequent treatment on the volume of the nuclei of cartilage-cells 80

Fig.12.Graph showing how the volume of the eggs of Ar-bacia pustulosa is affected by the addition of non-fixative salts to formaldehyde solution 82

Fig.13.Diagram showing the coefficient of elasticity of the belly-muscle of the cat,fixed in various ways 87

Fig.14.Graphical representation of the ions present in a 2.5% aqueous solution of potassium dichromate and in a solution of chromium trioxide containing the same weight of chromium 105

Fig.15.Photomicrographs of lecithin smeared on glass.A,in distilled water,showing outgrowth of myelin forms;B,in a concentrated solution of calcium chloride,showing absence of myelin forms 115

Fig.16.Three Ringk?rner and a cap or hood (Kapuze)formed by partial solution of lipid globules:osmium preparations 125

Fig.17.Graph showing the transmission of light through a layer I cm thick of basic fuchsine, 0.00062% aqueous 161

Fig.18.Graph showing the reciprocals of the transmission of light through a layer I cm thick of basic fuchsine,0.00062% aqueous 162

Fig.19.Graph showing the optical density of a layer I cm thick of basic fuchsine, 0.00062% aqueous 163

Fig.20.Graph showing the transmission of light through a layer I cm thick of acid fuchsine, 0.00293% aqueous 165

Fig.21(plate).Haematoxylon campechianum 172

Fig.22(plate).The cochineal insect and its food-plant 176

Fig.23(plate).Apparatus for cataphoretie experiments with dyes 189

Fig.24(plate). Ehrlich at the age of 24 193

Fig.25.Diagrammatic representation of the dyeing of coilodion by typical basic,amphoteric,and acid dyes 194

Fig.26.Diagrammatic representation of the dyeing of gela-tine by typical basic,amphoteric,and acid dyes 195

Fig.27.Graph showing the transmission of light of various wave-lengths through toluidine blue solution 250

Fig.28(coloured plate).A,human blood from a patient with mycloid leucaemia;coloured by Ehrlich’s‘Triacid’ dye (from Ehrlich & Lazarus169)B,normal human blood dyed by Leishman’s method (from Carleton & Short,106 by permission of Messrs Longmans,Green & Co.) 264

Fig.29(plate).Ehrlich at about the time when his work on vital dyes was merging into chemotherapy 274