• 购买积分:27 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:SWEET & MAXWELL
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:1064 页

Ⅰ—Commentary on the UNCITRAL Rules of Arbitration 17

Section 1 Introductory rules 17

Article 1 Scope of Application 17

Article 2 Notice and Calculation of Periods of Time 53

Article 3 Notice of Arbitration 61

Article 4 Response to the Notice of Arbitration 83

Article 5 Representation and Assistance 93

Article 6 Designating and Appointing Authorities 98

Section 2 Composition of the arbitral tribunal 123

Article 7 Number of Arbitrators 123

Article 8 Appointment of Arbitrators (Sole Arbitrator) 128

Article 9 Appointment of Arbitrators (Three Arbitrators) 135

Article 10 Appointment of Arbitrators (Multiparty Arbitration) 147

Article 11 Disclosures by and Challenge of Arbitrators (Disclosure) 154

Article 12 Disclosures by and Challenge of Arbitrators (Challenge of Arbitrators) 167

Article 13 Disclosures by and Challenge of Arbitrators(Challenge Procedure) 202

Article 14 Replacement of an Arbitrator 226

Article 15 Repetition of Hearings in the Event of the Replacement of an Arbitrator 235

Article 16 Exclusion of Liability 237

Section 3 Arbitral proceedings 255

Article 17 General Provisions 255

Article 18 Place of Arbitration 283

Article 19 Language 293

Article 20 Statement of Claim 300

Article 21 Statement of Defence 311

Article 22 Amendments to the Claim or Defence 322

Article 23 Pleas as to the Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal 329

Article 24 Further Written Statements 343

Article 25 Periods of Time 345

Article 26 Interim Measures 347

Article 27 Evidence 378

Article 28 Hearings 405

Article 29 Experts Appointed by the Arbitral Tribunal 412

Article 30 Default 422

Article 31 Closure of Hearings 436

Article 32 Waiver of Right to Object 440

Section 4 The award 457

Article 33 Decisions 457

Article 34 Form and Effect of the Award 471

Article 35 Applicable Law, Amiable Compositeur 511

Article 36 Settlement or Other Grounds for Termination 535

Article 37 Interpretation of the Award 545

Article 38 Correction of the Award 553

Article 39 Additional Award 561

Article 40 Definition of Costs 565

Article 41 Fees and Expenses of Arbitrators 576

Article 42 Allocation of Costs 589

Article 43 Deposit of Costs 599

Annex Model Arbitration Clause for Contracts 607

Possible Waiver Statement 607

Model Statements of Independence Pursuant to Article 11 of the Rules 607

Ⅱ—Arbitration under Selected BITs (the UK-Argentina BIT,the US-Ecuador BIT and the Netherlands-Czech Republic BIT) 621

Ⅱ.0 Introduction 621

Ⅱ.1 Dispute Resolution Provisions under BITs 631

Ⅱ.2 Investors and Investment 661

Ⅱ.3 Standards of Protection 693

Ⅱ.4 Expropriation 725

Ⅲ—Models and Examples 748

Ⅲ. Introductory Remarks 748

Document 1: Notice of Arbitration (S.D. Myers Inc. v Canada) 748

Document 2: Response to the Notice of Arbitration [not reproduced] 751

Document 3: Terms of Appointment (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 752

Document 4: Application to the PCA to Designate an Appointing Authority (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 756

Document 5: PCA Letter Inviting Comments From the Respondent on the Designation of an Appointing Authority (X (Canada)v Y (Scotland)) 758

Document 6: Respondent's Comments With Respect to theDesignation of the Appointing Authority (X (Canada) vY (Scotland)) 759

Document 7: PCA Letter Informing the Parties of the Designation ofan Appointing Authority (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 760

Document 8: Designation of Appointing Authority (X (Canada)v Y (Scotland)) 761

Document 9: Claimant's Request that the Appointing Authority makeuse of the “list procedure” provided for in Article 8(2)(X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 763

Document 10: PCA Letter Confirming the Use of the “List Procedure”for the Designation of the Presiding Arbitrator(X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 764

Document 11: Respondent's Letter to the Appointing AuthorityProviding Comments with Respect to the Choice ofthe Presiding Arbitrator (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 765

Document 12: Claimant's Letter to the Appointing Authority ProvidingComments with Respect to the Choice of the PresidingArbitrator (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 766

Document 13: Respondent's Reply with Respect to the Choice of thePresiding Arbitrator (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 768

Document 14: Submission of Comments on a List of PossibleArbitrators to the Appointing Authority (X (Canada)v Y (Scotland)) 769

Document 15: PCA Letter Informing the Parties that the AppointingAuthority has Appointed the Presiding Arbitrator(X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 770

Document 16: Appointment of the Presiding Arbitrator by theAppointing Authority (X (Canada) v Y (Scotland)) 771

Document 17: Decision on Challenge by an Appointing Authority(National Grid PLC v Argentina Republic) 772

Document 18: Order Regarding Production of Documents (Bilcon of Delaware et al v Government of Canada) 778

Document 19: Form of Request of Documents, With Answers and the Decision of the Tribunal in Tabular Form (X v Y) 782

Document 20: Basic Procedural Orders (S.D. Myers v Canada) 784

Document 21: Statement of Claim (S.D. Myers v Canada) 792

Document 22: Statement of Defence (S.D. Myers v Canada) 800

Document 23: Partial Award (Liability) (S.D. Myers v Canada) 810

Document 24: Partial Award (Quantum) (S.D. Myers v Canada) 829

Document 25: Final Award (Costs) (S.D. Myers v Canada) 846

Document 26: Judgment on Request for Judicial Review (S.D. Myers v Canada) 850

Document 27: Consent Award (TCW Group v the Dominican Republic) 856

Document 28: Termination Order (X (Switzerland) v Y (Uganda)) 857

Ⅳ—Supporting Material 864

1. Text of Rules 864

2. Comparison 2010 Rules with 1976 Rules 881

3. UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings (1996) 915

4. New York Convention (1958) 934

5. UNCITRAL Model Law (as revised 2006) 939

6. Excerpt from the Swiss Private International Law 956

7. Excerpt from the French Code of Civil Procedure 961

8. Excerpt from the English Arbitration Act 1996 964

9. Excerpt from the US Federal Arbitration Act 995

10. IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (2010) 1002

11. IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in International Arbitration (2004) 1012

12. International Law Association Recommendations regarding Res Judicata and Lis Pendens (2006) 1025

13. International Law Association Recommendations regarding Ascertaining the Contents of Applicable Law in International Commercial Arbitration (2008) 1028

14. Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (International Law Commission, 2001) 1031

About the Author 1043

Index 1045