• 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)Bruce Mitchell (美)Fred C.Robinson著
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

How to Use this Guide 1


1 Preliminary Remarks on the Language(§§1-4) 11

2 Orthography and Pronunciation(§§5-9) 13

ⅰ Orthography(§5) 13

ⅱ Stress(§6) 13

ⅲ Vowels(§7) 14

ⅳ Diphthongs(§8) 14

ⅴ Consonants(§9) 15

3 Inflexions(§§10-135) 17

Introduction(§§10-14) 17

ⅰ Pronouns(§§15-21) 18

ⅱ Nouns and Sound-Changes Relevant to Them(§§22-62) 19

Weak Nouns(§§22-25) 19

Some Technical Terms(§§26-32) 20

Strong Nouns like stān(masc.)and scip(neut.)(§§33-44) 22

Masculine and Neuter Nouns in-e(§§45-46) 26

Strong Feminine Nouns(§§47-51) 27

i-Mutation(§§52-57) 28

Nouns affected byi-Mutation(§§58-60) 29

u-Nouns(§§61-62) 30

ⅲ Adjectives(§§63-76) 30

Introduction(§§63-64) 30

Weak Declension(§65) 31

Strong Declension(§§66-67) 31

Stem Changes in Adjectives(§§68-73) 32

Comparison of Adjectives(§§74-76) 33

ⅳ Observations on Noun,Adjective,and Pronoun Declensions(§§77-81) 33

ⅴ Numerals(§§82-86) 34

ⅵ Strong Verbs and Sound-Changes Relevant to Them(§§87-114) 35

Introduction(§§87-89) 35

Principal Parts of the Strong Verbs(§§90-95) 36

Breaking(§§96-99) 38

Influence of Initial?,sc,?(§100) 39

Influence of Nasals(§101) 40

Summary of the Strong Verbs of Class Ⅲ(§102) 40

The Effects of Sound-Changes on other Strong Verbs(§103) 40

Strong Verbs of Class Ⅶ(§104) 41

Grimm's Law and Verner's Law(§§105-109) 41

Conjugation of the Strong Verb(§§110-114) 43

ⅶ Weak Verbs and Sound-Changes Relevant to Them(§§115-126) 46

Introduction(§115) 46

Class 1(§§116-123) 46

Class 2(§§124-125) 49

Class 3(§126) 50

ⅷ Anomalous Verbs(§§127-130) 51

Bēon(§127) 51

Dōn and gān(§128) 51

Willan(§129) 51

Preterite-Present Verbs(§130) 52

ⅸ Is a Verb Strong or Weak?To which Class does it Belong?(§§131-134) 52

ⅹ Adverbs(§135) 53

Formation(§135) 53

Comparison(§135) 54

4 Word Formation(§§136-138) 55

Introduction(§136) 55

ⅰ Compounding(§137) 56

ⅱ The Addition of Affixes(§138) 57

Prefixes(§138) 58

Suffixes(§138) 59

5 Syntax(§§139-214) 61

Introduction(§§139-142) 61

ⅰ Word-Order(§§143-147) 63

ⅱ Sentence Structure(§§148-153) 66

Recapitulation and Anticipation(§148) 66

The Splitting of Heavy Groups(§149) 67

Correlation(§§150-153) 68

ⅲ Noun Clauses(§§154-161) 70

Introduction(§154) 70

Dependent Statements and Desires(§§155-156) 70

Dependent Questions(§§157-160) 72

The Accusative and Infinitive(§161) 75

ⅳ Adjective Clauses(§§162-165) 75

Definite Adjective Clauses(§§162-163) 75

Indefinite Adjective Clauses(§164) 79

Mood(§165) 80

ⅴ Adverb Clauses(§§166-181) 81

Introduction(§§166-167) 81

Non-Prepositional Conjunctions(§168) 83

Prepositional Conjunctions(§§169-171) 88

An Exercise in Analysis(§172) 91

Clauses of Place(§173) 92

Clauses of Time(§174) 93

Clauses of Purpose and Result(§175) 94

Causal Clauses(§176) 95

Clauses of Comparison(§177) 96

Clauses of Concession(§178) 96

Clauses of Condition(§179) 97

Adverb Clauses Expressing Other Relationships(§180) 99

Other Ways of Expressing Adverbial Relationships(§181) 99

ⅵ Parataxis(§§182-186) 99

Introduction(§§182-183) 99

List of Conjunctions and Adverbs Commonly Used(§184) 101

Parataxis without Conjunctions(§185) 102

Some Special Idioms(§186) 103

ⅶ Concord(§187) 103

1.Nouns,Pronouns and their Modifiers(§187) 103

2.Pronouns and their Antecedents(§187) 104

3.Subject and Verb(§187) 104

ⅷ The Uses of the Cases(§§188-192) 105

Nominative(§188) 105

Accusative(§189) 105

Genitive(§190) 105

Dative(§191) 106

Instrumental(§192) 106

ⅸ Articles,Pronouns,and Numerals(§§193-194) 106

Articles and Pronouns(§193) 106

Numerals(§194) 107

ⅹ Verbs(§§195-212) 108

The Uses of the Present and Preterite Tenses(§§195-198) 108

The Resolved Tenses(§§199-204) 109

Introduction(§199) 109

The Verb'to have'as an Auxiliary(§200) 110

The Verb'to be'as an Auxiliary of Tense(§201) 110

The Passive(§§202-203) 111

Other Uses of the Present and Past Participles(§204) 111

The Uses of the Infinitives(§205) 112

The'Modal'Auxiliaries(§§206-211) 113

Introduction(§206) 113

Magan(§207) 113

Mōtan(§208) 114

Cunnan(§209) 114

Sculan(§210) 114

Willan(§211) 115

Impersonal Verbs(§212) 116

ⅹⅰ Prepositions(§§213-214) 116

6 An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Studies(§§215-251) 118

ⅰ Some Significant Dates(§§215-216) 118

ⅱ History(§§217-218) 118

ⅲ Archaeology(§§219-230) 124

Introduction(§219) 124

List of Abbreviated Titles(§220) 125

Weapons and Warfare(§221) 127

Life and Dress(§222) 127

Architecture and Buildings(§§223-224) 128

Sculpture and Carving(§225) 129

Jewellery and Metalwork(§226) 130

Embroidery(§227) 130

Coins(§228) 131

Manuscripts and Runic Inscriptions(§229) 131

The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial(§230) 131

ⅳ Language(§§231-235) 132

Changes in English(§231) 132

The Danish Invasions(§232) 133

The Norman Conquest(§233) 133

Vocabulary(§234) 134

Some Questions(§235) 135

ⅴ Literature(§§236-251) 135

Introduction(§§236-246) 135

Poetry(§§247-249) 141

Prose(§§250-251) 142

7 Select Bibliography(§§252-269) 144

General(§252) 144

Chapter 1 Preliminary Remarks on the Language(§253) 144

Chapter 2 Orthography and Pronunciation(§254) 145

Chapter 3 Inflexions(§254) 145

Chapter 4 Word Formation(§255) 145

Chapter 5 Syntax(§256) 145

Chapter 6 Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Studies(§§257-269) 146

History(§)257) 146

Archaeology(§258) 146

Language(§§259-261) 147

History of English Prose(§259) 147

Vocabulary(§§260-261) 147

Word Formation(§259) 147

Changes of Meaning(§260) 147

Borrowings(§261) 147

Literature(§§262-269) 148

Topics raised in §§236-246(§262) 148

General Criticism(§263) 148

Poetry Texts(§264) 148

Appreciation of the Poetry(§265) 150

The Use of Oral Formulae(§266) 150

Metre(§267) 150

Prose Texts(§268) 151

Sources(§269) 151

Appendix A Strong Verbs 152

Appendix B Some Effects of i-Mutation 159

Appendix C Metre 161


1 Practice Sentences 171

2 Two Old Testament Pieces 173

The Fall of Man 174

Abraham and Isaac 178

3 A Colloquy on the Occupations 182

4 Two Characteristic Prose Works by ?lfric Preface to Genesis 190

St.Edmund,King and Martyr 195

5 Alfred the Great's Preface to his Translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care 204

6 Cynewulf and Cyneheard 208

7 Selections from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 212

8 Bede's Account of the Conversion of King Edwin 216

9 Bede's Account of the Poet C?dmon 220

10 The Goths and Boethius:Prose and Verse from the Introduction to King Alfred's Boethius Translation 226

11 (a)-(p)Riddles 231

12 The Battle ofMaldon 241

13 The Ruin 253

14 The Dream of the Rood 256

15 The Wife's Lament 264

16 The Wanderer 268

17 The Seafarer 276

18 Four excerpts from Beowulf 283

(a)Beowulf's Fight with Grendel 284

(b)Beowulf Consoles Hrothgar for ?schere's Death 291

(c)The Lament of the Last Survivor 294

(d)Beowulf's Funeral 295

19 Wulfand Eadwacer 297

20 Judith 300

A Note on the Punctuation of Old English Poetry 313

Glossary 317

Indexes to Part One 391

Index of Subjects 391

Index of Words 395