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Introduction.The History of the Relationship Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Noelle Quenivet 1

Part A Concepts and Theories 15

Chapter Ⅰ. Fundamental Standards of Humanity:A Common Language of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Marco Odello 15

Chapter Ⅱ. End Justifies the Means?-Post 9/11 Contempt for Humane Treatment&Agnieszka Jachec-Neale 57

Chapter Ⅲ. Legal Conclusion or Interpretative Process?Lex Specialis and the Applicability of International Human Rights Standards&Conor McCarthy 101

Part B Issues of Applicability 121

Chapter Ⅳ. Legal Reasoning and the Applicability of International Human Rights Standards During Military Occupation&Conor McCarthy 121

Chapter Ⅴ. Triggering State Obligations Extraterritorially:The Spatial Test in Certain Human Rights Treaties&Ralph Wilde 133

Chapter Ⅵ. DRC v.Uganda:The Applicability of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Occupied Territories&Tom Ruys and Sten Verhoeven 155

Part C Issues of Implementation 199

Chapter Ⅶ. Individuals as Subjects of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Catia Lopes and Noelle Quenivet 199

Chapter Ⅷ. Concurrent Application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law:A Victim Perspective&Jean-Marie Henckaerts 237

Chapter Ⅸ. The Implementation of International Humanitarian Law by Human Rights Courts:The Example of the Inter-American Human Rights System&Emiliano J.Buis 269

Chapter Ⅹ. "Collateral Damages" of Military Operations:Is Implementation of International Humanitarian Law Possible Using International Human Rights Law Tools?&Giovanni Carlo Bruno 295

Chapter ⅩⅠ. The Role of the UN Security Council in Implementing International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Gregor Schotten and Anke Biehler 309

Part D The Protection of Specific Rights and Persons 331

Chapter ⅩⅡ. The Right to Life in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Noelle Quenivet 331

Chapter ⅩⅢ. Protection of Women in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Anke Biehler 355

Chapter ⅩⅣ. Protection of Children in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Vesselin Popovski 383

Chapter ⅩⅤ. Unaccompanied Minors and the Right to Family Reunification in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law:The Iraqi Experience&Kyriaki Topidi 403

Chapter ⅩⅥ. Crossing Legal Borders:The Interface Between Refugee Law,Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law in the "International Protection" of Refugees&Alice Edwards 421

Part E Specific Situations 449

Chapter ⅩⅦ. Fair Trial Guarantees in Occupied Territory -- The Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Yutaka Arai- Takahashi 449

Chapter ⅩⅧ. Terrorism in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law&Roberta Arnold 475

Chapter ⅩⅨ. Judging Justice:Laws of War,Human Rights,and the Military Commissions Act of 2006&Christian M.De Vos 499

Chapter ⅩⅩ. Targeted Killings and International Law:Law Enforcement,Self-defense,and Armed Conflict&Michael N.Schmitt 525

Chapter ⅩⅩⅠ. Implementing the Concept of Protection of Civilians in the Light of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: The Case of MONUC&Katarina Mansson 555

Conclusions&Roberta Arnold 591

Index 593