《中国人权新成就 2012-2017》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中华人民共和国外交部国际司主编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

沿着中国特色人权发展道路继续前进——《中国人权新成就(2012~ 2017)》序言&王毅 1

Toward Greater Progress along the Path of Human Rights Development with Chinese Features——Foreword to the Book of New Achievements of Human Rights in China(2012~2017)&WangYi 5

加强人权保障法制建设 促进人权事业全面发展&沈春耀 15

Strengthen the Legal Construction for Human Rights Protection& Improve the All-round Development of Human Rights&Shen Chunyao 25

让13亿人民享有更好更公平的教育&陈宝生 40

Better and Fairer Education for 1.3 Billion Chinese People&Chen Baosheng 50

信息通信业促进我国人权事业发展&苗圩 65

ICT Industry Advances Human Rights Cause in China&Miao Wei 74

让人民有更多的获得感——党的十八大以来与民政有关人权工作取得的重大成就&黄树贤 87

Giving People a Greater Sense of Gain——Major Human Rights Achievements Related to Civil Affairs since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China&Huang Shuxian 94

中国的健康与人权实践&李斌 106

Practice of Health and Human Rights in China&Li Bin 112

中国宗教人权保障扎实推进&王作安 123

Enhancing the Protection of Religious Human Rights in China through Committed Efforts&Wang Zuo’an 128

深化信访工作制度改革 切实保障公民合法权益&舒晓琴 136

Deepening the Reform of the Petitioning System to Effectively Protect Citizens Legitimate Rights and Interests&Shu Xiaoqin 143

中国残疾人生存权得到稳定保障 发展权得到更好实现&鲁勇 154

The Right to Subsistence and the Right to Development of Persons with Disabilities Having Been Stably Secured and Better Realized in China&Lu Yong 161

深化司法改革 加强人权保障&李少平 171

Deepening the Reform of the Judicial System and Strengthening the Protection of Human Rights&Li Shaoping 179

坚决落实宪法原则 强化人权司法保障&孙谦 192

Resolutely Implement the Principles of the Constitution and Strengthen the Judicial Protection of Human Rights&Sun Qian 201

万里春风催劲草 千般绿意上枝头——党的十八大以来中国人权事业发展进入新阶段&崔玉英 216

A Thousand Leagues of Spring Breeze Make Prairies Loom Greener——China’s Human Rights Development Has Entered a New Period since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China&Cui Yuying 224

党的十八以来新疆人权事业新发展&史大刚 239

New Developments of Human Rights in Xinjiang since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China&Shi Dagang 246

谱写国际人权交流合作新篇章&李保东 258

Writing a New Chapter of International Human Rights Exchanges and Cooperation&Li baodong 266

少数民族人权事业全面发展&陈改户 279

All-round Development of the Human Rights of Ethnic Minorities&Chen Gaihu 287

打击犯罪 保障人权 维护公平正义——党的十八大以来中国公安机关维护和保障人权工作实践&孙力军 299

Fighting Against Crime, Protecting Human Rights and Safeguarding Fairness and Justice ——Achievements in Protecting Human Rights by Public Security Organs since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China&Sun Lijun 307

促进就业创业 提高保障水平 维护劳动者合法权益&张义珍 321

Boosting Employment and Business Startups, Raising the Level of Social Security and Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Workers&Zhang Yizhen 329

以改善环境质量为核心切实保障公众环境权益&赵英民 343

Effectively Uphold Environmental Rights and Interests of the Public with the Improvement of the Environmental Quality as the Core&Zhao Yingmin 350

住房城乡建设领域人权保障取得显著进展&易军 362

Significant Progress in Human Rights Protection in Housing and Urban- Rural Development&Yi Jun 374

坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战 保障和促进人权发展&刘永富 393

Resolutely Winning the Fight against Poverty, Safeguarding and Promoting Human Rights Development&Liu Yongfu 401

维护和发展广大职工劳动权益 稳步提升劳动者人权实现水平——党的十八大以来中国工会维护劳动者人权成就&江广平 416

Chinese Trade Unions’ Push for Workers’ Human Rights&Jiang Guangping 425

保障妇女人权 促进全面发展——十八大以来中国妇女人权事业发展回顾&夏杰 439

Guarantee Women’s Human Rights for the Overall Development——The Development of Women’s Human Rights in China since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China&Xia Jie 447

中国社会组织积极推进国际人权事业发展&中国社会组织国际交流协调管理办公室 461

Chinese Civil Society Organizations Actively Promoting the Development of International Human Rights&The China NGO Network for International Exchanges 469

西藏人权发展取得新成就&中国藏学研究中心 481

New Progress in Human Rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region&The China Tibetlogy Research Center 489