Part Ⅰ Market Orientation and Performance 3

Chapter 1 Customer Focus and Managing Customer Loyalty 5

Chapter 2 Marketing Performance and Marketing Profitability 35

Part Ⅱ Market Analysis 61

Chapter 3 Market Potential,Market Demand,and Market Share 63

Chapter 4 Customer Analysis and Value Creation 95

Chapter 5 Market Segmentation and Customer Relationship Marketing 135

Chapter 6 Competitor Analysis and Sources of Advantage 169

Part Ⅲ Marketing Mix Strategies 199

Chapter 7 Product Positioning,Branding,and Product-Line Strategies 201

Chapter 8 Market-Based Pricing and Pricing Strategies 237

Chapter 9 Marketing Channels and E-Marketing 271

Chapter 10 Marketing Communications and Customer Response 299

Part Ⅳ Strategic Marketing 327

Chapter 11 Strategic Market Planning 329

Chapter 12 Offensive Strategies 353

Chapter 13 Defensive Strategies 377

Part Ⅴ Marketing Plans and Performance 403

Chapter 14 Building a Marketing Plan 405

Chapter 15 Performance Metrics and Strategy Implementation 447

Chapter 16 Market-Based Management and Financial Performance 467

Glossary 488

Credits 496

Index 497