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  • 出版年份:2006
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Chapter 1.Introduction—Why the Policymaking Process Matters 1

Overview of This Book 1

Situating the Tools,Techniques,and Processes in the Existing Literature 4

The Importance of Procedural Legitimacy in Building Policy Support 6

Presidential Management and Procedural Legitimacy 11

Conclusion 17

Key Terms 17

Review Questions 18

Part Ⅰ.The Policy Makers 19

Chapter 2.The Policy Councils 19

The Policy Councils and the Structure of the Executive Branch 19

How the Policy Councils Operate and Why They Are Important 22

Inside the White House Policy Councils 26

The National Security Council 26

The National Economic Council 29

The Domestic Policy Council 31

The George W.Bush Administration and the NEC and DPC 34

Key Agencies within the Executive Office of the President 35

The Council on Environmental Quality 35

The Council of Economic Advisers 36

The Office of National Drug Control Policy 36

The Office of Science and Technology Policy 37

Conclusion 37

Key Terms 38

Review Questions 38

Chapter 3.The White House Staff 39

Working on the White House Staff 39

Other Key Players in the White House Office 40

Chief of Staff 42

The Office of Legislative Affairs 43

The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs 44

The Office of Political Affairs 45

The Office of Cabinet Affairs 45

Interaction with the Public 46

The Office of Public Liaison 46

The Office of Communications,the Speechwriting Office,and the Press Office 47

The White House"Gatekeepers" 48

The Office of Scheduling and Oval Office Operations 49

The Staff Secretary 50

The White House Counsel 51

Conclusion 52

Key Terms 52

Review Questions 53

Chapter 4.Agencies and Policy Implementation 54

Executive Agencies and Departments and Executive Branch Policy Making 54

The Role of Agencies 55

Inplementing Policy Decisions 59

Executive Orders and Other Executive Actions 59

Submitting Legislation 61

Regulations and the Rule-making Process 62

Conclusion 68

Key Terms 68

Review Questions 69

Part Ⅱ.Tools of the Trade 70

Chapter 5.Policy-making Memoranda 70

The Tools of Policy Making 70

The Role of Memoranda 72

The Decision-making Memorandum 73

The Action-forcing Event 74

Background Information and Analysis 76

Policy Options 76

Recommendation 77

Decision 77

The Information Memoranda 79

Summary Section 80

Discussion Section 80

The Weekly Report 80

Conclusion 82

Key Terms 83

Review Questions 84

Chapter 6.Polling and the Policy-making Process 85

Polling and Policy Making:Myths and Realities 85

Polling Basics 89

The Questions 91

The Respondents 93

The Results 95

Who Polls for the White House 96

The Role of the Office of Political Affairs 98

When to Poll Policy Ideas 100

Conclusion 101

Key Terms 102

Review Questions 102

Chapter 7.Legislative Clearance and Coordination:SAPs,LRMs,and Other Policy Acronyms 103

Legislative Clearance and Coordination 103

Legislative Responsibility in the Executive Branch 104

The Clearance Process 106

Legislative Proposals 106

Clearance of Agency Testimony and Reports on Pending Legislation 108

Statement of Administration Policy 108

Enrolled Bills 108

Conclusion 110

Key Terms 110

Review Questins 111

Chapter 8.Communicating and Marketing Policy 112

The Importance of Communicating and Marketing Policy 112

Speechwriting 114

Communications 116

Press Office 117

Conclusion 122

Key Terms 123

Review Questions 123

Part Ⅲ.Case Studies 125

Chapter 9.Welfare Reform during the Clinton Administration 125

Welfare Reform and the Political Process 125

The Early Phase:Decentralization,Debate,and Deadlock 126

Strain Towards Agreement 128

Phase Ⅱ:Action,Response,and Resolution 133

The Centralization of Authority 134

Redirecting the Tools and Mobilizing Support 135

Conclusion:Making the Process Work 141

Key Terms 143

Review Questions 143

Chapter 10.The Clinton Economic Plan 144

The Economic Plan and the Political Process 144

Phase Ⅰ:The Economic Plan and the NEC 146

Establishing the Management Role of the NEC 148

The NEC Process 150

Communicating and Marketing the Economic Plan 152

Phase Ⅱ:Securing Passage of the Bill 153

Conclusions and Lessons Learned 157

Key Terms 158

Review Questions 158

Chapter 11.Desert Shield and Desert Storm 159

Security Crises and the Political Process 159

Responding to the Crisis 161

The Initial Response 162

The Delicate but Vital Matter of Inclusion 166

Containment and the Decision to Double U.S.Ground Forces 170

Conclusion 174

Key Terms 174

Review Questions 174

Part Ⅳ.Scenarios 175

Chapter 12.Practice Scenarios 175

Practice Scenarios 175

Scenario One:Taiwan Straits Crisis 176

Scenario Two:U.S.Economic Recession 180

Scenario Three:Campaign Finance Reform 181

Scenario Four:United States-European Environmental Negotiations 182

Index 185