《希腊罗马史料集 6 早期罗马帝国 英文影印版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:安娜芳芳著
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

“西方古典学研究”总序&“西方古典学研究”编委会 1

导读&黄洋 1

史料译注 1

第一部 战争与和平时期的帝国政府 1

奥古斯都 1

1 Calendar entries for Augustus 2

2 Legal decision by Augustus and Agrippa,and a governor's letter to Kyme 4

3 Augustus refuses freedom to Samos 7

4 Senatorial and imperial provinces 7

5 Illyricum and Thrace under Augustus 9

6 General repair of main highways in Italy 10

7 Augustus and the imperial cult 11

8 The Cantabrian campaign in Spain 17

9 Military expeditions deep into Africa 18

10 Peace on the eastern frontier 19

11 The Secular Games of Augustus 20

12 Greek translation of funeral oration given by Augustus for Agrippa 24

13 Five edicts of Augustus and a decree of the senate 25

14 Control over priestly credentials in Egypt 30

15 Oath of loyalty sworn in Paphlagonia to Augustus and his descendants 31

16 Rome and the Far East 32

17 Letter of Augustus to his grandson 33

18 Gaius Caesar in the Greek East 33

19 Honors decreed in Pisae for the dead Gaius Caesar 34

20 War against the Gaetulians in Africa 36

21 Fabricius Tuscus and a levy of troops at Rome 38

22 Equestrian officer takes the census 38

23 Centurion killed in the disaster of Varus 39

24 Rebellion in Athens against Rome 39

25 Minutes of an audience in Rome given by Augustus with his Advisory Board to envoys from Alexandria 40

26 The'Res Gestae'of Augustus 41

27 Imperial edict concerning violation of sepulchres 52

提比略 53

28 Calendar entries for Tiberius 53

29 Edict of the governor of Galatia on requisitioning of transport 55

30 Charioteer at the Games in honor of Caesar's Victory 56

31 Letter of Tiberius refusing divine honors 57

32 Sacred law for a festival of the imperial cult 57

33 Germanicus at the Olympic Games 59

34 Germanicus in Egypt 60

35 Roman upper classes forbidden to participate in public performances 61

36 Honors for the dead Germanicus 63

37 The new equestrian order 72

38 The imperial cult in Galatia 73

39 Pontius Pilatus,prefect of Judaea 75

40 The fall of Sejanus,later recollection 75

盖约(卡里古拉) 78

41 Oath of allegiance to Gaius 78

42 Client states and kings 79

43 Cult of Gaius and the administrative districts of Asia 81

克劳狄 83

44 Letter of Claudius to the Alexandrians 83

45 Trial of Isidorus and Lampon before Claudius 87

46 Edict of the prefect of Egypt on illegal requisitions 88

47 Slaves and freedmen in the household of Claudius 89

48 Governor's decree on altering documents 90

49 Officers and men in the conquest of Britain 91

50 Favors granted the city of Volubilis by Claudius 93

51 Vow for victory in Britain 94

52 Edict of Claudius granting Roman citizenship 94

53 Claudius repairs the road from the Po to the Danube 96

54 Letter of Claudius about Dionysiac performers 96

55 Speech of Claudius to the senate 97

56 Cogidubnus,client-king in Roman Britain 98

57 Sextus Afranius Burrus,praetorian prefect(AD 51-62) 99

58 Discharge diploma for a sailor at Misenum 99

59 Claudius and the aqueducts 100

60 Ofonius Tigellinus,rags to riches 101

尼禄 102

61 Draft of a proclamation of Nero as emperor 102

62 Nero refuses divine honors 103

63 Prefect of Egypt honored at Bousiris 104

64 Governor of Moesia,and the barbarians 104

65 Domitius Corbulo,commander on the eastern front 106

66 Accommodations on the highways of Thrace 106

67 Roman veterans meet with the prefect of Egypt 107

68 Nero addresses the Praetorian Guard 108

69 Betrayal of the plot to assassinate Nero 109

70 Religious acts celebrating the safety of Nero 109

71 Nero liberates the province of Greece 110

72 Nero's canal across the Corinthian Isthmus 112

73 The Panachaian League and the freedom of Greece 113

74 The so-called'five good years'of Nero's reign 113

75 Nero's agents confiscate statues in Greece 114

76 Tombstone of a member of Nero's German bodyguard 114

77 Nero breaks up private estates in Africa 115

78 Nero honored at Athens 115

加尔巴、奥索、维特里乌斯、维斯帕芗 116

79 The year of the four emperors 117

80 Edict of Tiberius Iulius Alexander 118

81 Acclamation of Vespasian in Alexandria 123

82 Law on the imperial powers of Vespasian 124

83 The Jewish War under Vespasian and Titus 126

84 Edict of Vespasian on teachers and physicians 127

85 The Roman presence in the Caucasus 128

85a A milestone and the legions in Syria 129

86 Letter of Vespasian to Sabora in Spain 130

87 Rescript of Vespasian concerning a land dispute 130

88 Career of the Roman conqueror of Masada 131

89 Settlement of tribes around Cirta 131

90 Vespasian and a dissident senator 132

91 Restoration of public lands 132

提图斯和图密善 133

92 Titus writes to the city of Munigua in Spain 134

93 Earthquake damage repaired at Naples 135

94 Pay record of a Roman legionary 135

95 Instructions from Domitian to a procurator 136

96 Letter of Domitian about a land controversy 137

97 The municipal charter of Salpensa 138

98 Domitian appoints a new praetorian prefect 140

99 Area destroyed by fire under Nero 140

100 Entrapment of citizens 142

101 Boundary markers of a Roman colony on Crete 142

102 Domitian's war against the Dacians 143

103 Edict of Domitian on the immunity of veterans 145

104 'Nero is still alive.' 147

105 Edict of the prefect of Egypt on public records 147

106 Koptos and Red Sea commerce 148

107 A Roman governor and a famine in Antioch 149

108 Domitian on teachers and physicians 150

109 Career of an equestrian under the Flavian emperors 151

涅尔瓦和图拉真 152

110 Nerva and a new beginning 153

111 Discharge diploma for auxiliary soldier 154

112 Preparations at the Iron Gate for the Dacian War 155

113 Roman surveyor of the Dacian limes 156

114 Prefect of Egypt issues an edict on the census 157

115 Cornelius Palma builds an aqueduct 158

116 Roman equestrian honored by his native city 158

117 Roman soldier captures the king of the Dacians 159

118 Rewards and consequences of the conquest of Dacia 160

119 Survey of land for a colony in Pannonia 161

120 Trajan celebrates his Dacian victory 161

121 Trajan's trophy at Adamklissi 163

122 Roman colony at Sarmizegetusa in Dacia 164

123 Trajan and road repair in Italy 164

124 The Trajanic highway from Syria to the Red Sea 164

125 Career of Hadrian before he became emperor 165

126 The'curator rei publicae'in Italy 166

127 Trajan dedicates Dacian spoils 168

128 Roman troops on the march to Parthia 168

129 The Jewish revolt under Trajan 169

130 The earthquake at Antioch 173

131 An Iberian prince with Trajan in the Parthian War 173

132 Trajan crosses the Tigris River 174

133 Trajan's letter to the senate 174

134 Trajan puts Parthemaspates on the throne of Parthia 175

135 Coins celebrating victory in Parthia 176

136 Trajan and his eastern empire 177

137 Roman army withdraws from Dura-Europus 178

138 Career of Gaius Iulius Quadratus Bassus 178

哈德良 180

139 Creation of the Athenaeum in Rome by Hadrian 181

140 Chief secretary in Rome under Hadrian 181

141 Hadrian's frontier policy in Britain 182

142 Hadrian cancels debts owed to the Treasury 182

143 Letter of Hadrian on children of soldiers 183

144 Plotina and Hadrian concerning the school at Athens 184

145 Hadrian reviews troops on the Danube 185

146 Hadrian's rescript about Christians 185

147 Hadrian travels to Asia Minor and Greece 186

148 Hadrian addresses his army in Africa 187

149 Hadrian and Antinous 189

150 Hadrian visits Palmyra in the Syrian desert 190

151 The Jewish revolt under Hadrian 191

152 Edict of prefect of Egypt about circuit court 192

153 Colonists in the new city of Antino?polis 193

154 Roman power in the Black Sea under Hadrian 193

155 Roman order of battle against the Alani 194

156 Hadrian grants a moratorium on taxes in Egypt 199

157 New road from Berenike to Antino?polis 200

158 The tax law of Palmyra 200

159 The horoscope of Pedanius Fuscus 202

第二部 罗马社会 205

160 Rescript of Hadrian on social status in legal penalties 205

161 A Roman jurist on medicines and abortifacients 206

162 Greek prejudice against the Roman West 206

163 Roman citizenship,open to all in the empire 207

164 The rise of provincials in service to Rome 207

165 Inns and accommodations 210

166 Entertainers and actors of the imperial theater 211

167 Appuleius Diocles,most eminent of all charioteers 213

168 The Roman circus 216

169 Theater and chariot races at Alexandria 218

170 The gladiatorial games 219

171 Physicians in the Roman world 223

172 Women at work 225

173 Men at work 227

174 A canal for fullers in Syrian Antioch 231

175 Learning a trade by apprenticeship 232

176 Wholesale dealer in food at Puteoli 232

177 Societies of the working classes 233

178 Slaves in the Roman world 235

179 Purchase of a female slave 239

180 Gift of gardens to freedmen and freedwomen 239

181 An imperial freedman in charge of elephants in Italy 240

182 Public activities of a prominent patron at Ostia 240

183 Construction of a synagogue in Jerusalem 241

184 A son delivers the funeral oration for his mother 241

185 Marriage contract 243

186 Apartment building for rent 243

187 Auxiliary soldier declares birth of a daughter 244

188 Exposure of children in the Graeco-Roman world 244

189 Deed of divorce 246

190 Recall of a will 246

191 Official notification of death in the family 247

192 Letter of recommendation to a tribune of soldiers 247

193 Roman senator asked to be town's patron 248

194 Honorarium for a speaker 249

195 Receipts of various kinds 249

196 Tenant farmers on an imperial estate 250

197 Child Assistance Program in Italy 251

198 Market days and the seven-day week 252

199 Italian Farmer's Almanac 253

200 The philanthropy of Pliny the Younger 256

术语表 258

附录 268

Ⅰ 罗马人名 268

Ⅱ 罗马帝国纪年 270

索引 272

Ⅰ 人名索引 272

Ⅱ 神名索引 283

Ⅲ 地名索引 284

Ⅳ 专有名词索引 289

Ⅴ 选译史料索引 294