1 Introduction 1
2 Creating and Destroying Objects 5
Item 1: Consider providing static factory methods instead of constructors 5
Item 2: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor 10
Item 3: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor 12
Item 4: Avoid creating duplicate objects 13
Item 5: Eliminate obsolete object references 17
Item 6: Avoid finalizers 20
3 Methods Common to All Objects 25
Item 7: Obey the general contract when overriding equals 25
Item 8: Always override hashCode when you override equals 36
Item 9: Always override to String 42
Item 10: Override clone judiciously 45
Item 11: Consider implementing Comparable 53
4 Classes and Interfaces 59
Item 12: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members 59
Item 13: Favor immutability 63
Item 14: Favor composition over inheritance 71
Item 15: Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it 78
Item 16: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes 84
Item 17: Use interfaces only to define types 89
Item 18: Favor static member classes over nonstatic 91
5 Substitutes for C Constructs 97
Item 19: Replace structures with classes 97
Item 20: Replace unions with class hierarchies 100
Item 21: Replace enum constructs with classes 104
Item 22: Replace function pointers with classes and interfaces 115
6 Methods 119
Item 23: Check parameters for validity 119
Item 24: Make defensive copies when needed 122
Item 25: Design method signatures carefully 126
Item 26: Use overloading judiciously 128
Item 27: Return zero-length arrays, not nulls 134
Item 28: Write doc comments for all exposed API elements 136
7 General Programming 141
Item 29: Minimize the scope of local variables 141
Item 30: Know and use the libraries 145
Item 31: Avoid float and double if exact answers are required 149
Item 32: Avoid strings where other types are more appropriate 152
Item 33: Beware the performance of string concatenation 155
Item 34: Refer to objects by their interfaces 156
Item 35: Prefer interfaces to reflection 158
Item 36: Use native methods judiciously 161
Item 37: Optimize judiciously 162
Item 38: Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions 165
8 Exceptions 169
Item 39: Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions 169
Item 40: Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and run-time exceptions for programming errors 172
Item 41: Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions 174
Item 42: Favor the use of standard exceptions 176
Item 43: Throw exceptions appropriate to the abstraction 178
Item 44: Document all exceptions thrown by each method 181
Item 45: Include failure-capture information in detail messages 183
Item 46: Strive for failure atomicity 185
Item 47: Don't ignore exceptions 187
9 Threads 189
Item 48: Synchronize access to shared mutable data 189
Item 49: Avoid excessive synchronization 196
Item 50: Never invoke wait outside a loop 201
Item 51: Don't depend on the thread scheduler 204
Item 52: Document thread safety 208
Item 53: Avoid thread groups 211
10 Serialization 213
Item 54: Implement Seriali zable judiciously 213
Item 55: Consider using a custom serialized form 218
Item 56: Write readobj ect methods defensively 224
Item 57: Provide a readResol ve method when necessary 230
References 233
Index of Patterns and Idioms 239
Index 241