《王宽诚教育基金会 学术讲座汇编 第二十八集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:钱伟长主编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

清中前期诸帝对天主教认识的演变&陶飞亚 1

从「读者反应」及「接受」理论角度探讨使用者为本设计&邵健伟 16

愉悦性产品:公共空间设施与适用性&邵健伟 27

设计理论评论:秩序与混乱&邵健伟 35

唐俑与女性生活&齐东方 49

何家村遗宝的埋藏地点、年代和所有者&齐东方 61

提升专业教学力量的精神觉醒&过伟瑜 72

大陆板块俯冲和折返的化学地球动力学&郑永飞 85

Discrete Time Dynamic Multi-leader-follower Games with Stage-depending Leaders under Feedback Information&聂普焱 105

Studies of Key Technologies for Large Area Cdtethin Film Solar Cells&冯良桓 123

Examination of Throughflow in a Radial ESF Clutch&陈淑梅 133

The History and the Culture to Fight Against Flood Along the Gan River in Poyang Lake Basin&傅春 140

A Mathematical Model of the Dynamics for anti-HBV Infection Treatment with Peginterferon Alfa-2a&闵乐泉 144

A Mathematical Model for Adefovir Dipivoxil Anti-HBV Infection Treatment&闵乐泉 149

Recent Activities on Directional Solidification at the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing&刘林 155

Enhanced and Decreased Group Velocity in Compositionally Graded Films of Nonspherical Particles&高雷 163

A Protein Structure Prediction Scoring Function Based on Backbone Dihedral Angles and Pairwise Distance of Residues of the Protein&章鲁 174

Application of Cointegration Testing Method to Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Non-Stationary Systems&陈前 179

Effects of Magnetic Field Direction on Texture Evolution in a Cold-rolled IF Steel Sheet During High Magnetic Field Annealing&赵骧 191