《计算机科学英语文选 上册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:南京大学外文系公共英语教研室编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1979
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

1.What can a computer do? 1

2.Computers (Ⅰ) a dialogue 4

3.Computers (Ⅱ) a dialogue 8

4.Digital computers a dialogue 12

5.Analogue computers 16

6.Basic functional units of a computer 20

7.The binary system 23

8.Instructions 26

9.Logic circuits 30

10.Input-output units 33

11.Memory units 36

12.Arithmetic units 40

13.Control units 43

14.Software 46

15.The concept of a program 50

16.Arithmetic operations (Ⅰ) 54

17.Arithmetic operations (Ⅱ) 58

18. Loading 61

19.Branching without looping 64

20.A Typical subroutine 68

21.Punched card equipment 72

22.Non-impact printing 75

23.Visual display output 79

24.Programming languages 83

25.Fortran, algol and cobol 86

26.Programming’s upstart language:APL 90

27.Operating systems (OS) provide automatic systems control 94

28.A Square-summing, high-speed multiplier 97

29.The role of small computers (Ⅰ) 101

30.The role of small computers (Ⅱ) 105