Part One:Archie的圣经旅程 2
Ⅰ.Archie as an Asian Biblical Scholar and Teacher 2
Ⅱ.Archie’s Achievements 4
Ⅲ.Archie’s Research Projects 7
Ⅳ.Archie’s Publications 7
Part Two:与圣经相遇 18
黄薇《传道书》研究综述及其问题 18
《以赛亚书》40-55章中的社群&姜宗强 28
Revisiting a Hope for Healing the Theory-Practice Gap—Integrative Seminar as a Pedagogical Tool&Simon S.M.Kwan 43
无言的结局:《哀歌》5章22节解析&李哲 64
圣殿中的外邦团体——经文,历史与启发&盂振华 74
Breaking the Silence of the Dismissed Foreign Wives and Children&Nancy N.H.Tan 86
集体记忆中的多元身份:读《出埃及记》1-2章&田海华 95
Trangressing Boundaries: Encountering the Stranger in Our Midst&Angela W.C.Wong 107
重构与假想——《诗篇》82篇:「生死祭仪」的戏剧化转化与发展&徐雪梅 116
艾默里希电影作品中的圣经世界&叶洛夫 140
基督教、中国传统文化及现代社会处境的批判性融合:民国基督徒徐宝谦的思想研究&杨国强 149
「第一个女人」渴望什麽?—解读《创世记》三章1-6节中夏娃的性格&张缨 177
以女性主义进路重读《创世记》六章一节至四节&赵若云 189
探秘圣经 202
Territory and Identity: The Beginnings and Beyond&Athalya Brenner 202
After Crossing: The Relevance of Public Culture to Biblical nterpretation&Philip P.Y.Chia 212
Further Studies in Genesis 1-11: The Primeval Histoy&Richard Henshaw 225
Towards Tones in Sumerian: Some Thoughts of An Israeli Assyriologist in China&Wayne Horowitz 246
Conquest and Culture: Joshua’s Battles&Douglas Knight 261
Oracles Against Babylon in Jeremiah&Alison Lo 273
Notae Qumranicae philologicae (4c) on the Community Rule&Takamitsu Muraoka 291
Cultural Hybridity in Colonial Judaism: Ben Sirach and the Subversion of Hellenistic Imperialism&Leo G.Perdue 310
Lederhosen Hermeneutics: Toward a Feminist Sociology of German White Male Old Testament Interpretations&Susanne Scholz 334
1 Samuel 1,the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children, and “The Best Interests of the Child”&Naomi Steinberg 354
Reflections on Creation and the Prophet Hosea&Gale A.Yee 369