
  • 购买积分:19 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王书纯等主编
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:东北大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7810542176
  • 页数:670 页

1.a(n),one 1

2.a bit,a bit of,a little 3

3.ability,capability,talent 5

4.able,capable 7

5.above,beyond,over,on,upon 8

6.about,around,round 11

7.accept,receive 13

8.accident,incident,event 14

9.ache,pain,smart 15

10.across,through 16

11.act,action,deed 18

12.act,behave,do,perform 19

13.actual,real,true 21

14.add up,add up to,add to,add…to 23

15.add,increase,enlarge,expand 24

16.a few,few,several 25

17.affair,matter,business 26

18.affect,effect,influence 28

19.after,behind,(at the back/rear of,in the back/rear of) 29

20.afterwards,later 31

21.ago,before 32

22.agree to,agree with,agree on 34

23.aid,assist,help 36

24.aim at,aim to,take aim 37

25.alike,like,likely 39

26.alive,living,live 40

27.all,whole,entire,total,complete,full 42

28.All right,That's all right,They are all right 45

29.almost,nearly 46

30.alone,lonely,lone 48

31.a lot of(=lots of),a great/good deal of,a good/large/great number of,a large/great quantity of,plenty of,a good/great many,many a.many,much 50

32.along,across,by,beside 52

33.aloud,loud,loudly 54

34.already,yet,ever,all ready 55

35.also,too,either,as well 57

36.although,though,as 59

37.altogether,all together,in all 61

38.always,often,frequently,usually等 63

39.among,between 65

40.and,or,but 67

41.animal,beast,creature 69

42.announce,declare 70

43.another,the other,others,the others 71

44.answer,reply 74

45.anxious,eager 75

46.any,some 77

47.anyone,anybody,any one 80

48.appear,look,seem 81

49.appearance,look,expression 83

50.appreciate,enjoy 84

51.area,region,district 85

52.army,troops,force 87

53.article,composition,essay,paper 88

54.arrest,capture,catch 89

55.arrange,arrange for 91

56.arrive,reach,get to 92

57.as,when,while 93

58.as+n.,being+n 95

59.as,because,since,for 96

60.as,like 98

61.as,that,which 100

62.as for,as to(as regards,regarding) 104

63.as long as,if only,if,on condition that,in case 105

64.ashamed,shameful,shameless 109

65.ask,denand,need,request,require,beg 110

66.ask,ask for 112

67.at first,from the first,first,firstly 114

68.at night,in the night,by night,on the night,at nights 116

69.at last,in the end,at the end,finally 117

70.at one time,at a time 118

71.at table,at the table 120

72.at present,for the present 120

73.at the back/rear of,in the back/rear of 121

74.bad,badly 123

75.bank,beach,coast,shore 124

76.banner,flag 125

77.base,basis,foundation 126

78.bath,bathe 128

79.be about to,be to do,be going to,will/shall 129

80.beat,hit,strike 133

81.be disappointed in,be disappointed of 135

82.be obliged to sb.,be obliged to do sth 136

83.be of an age,be of the same age,be of age 137

84.be over,be up 138

85.be pleased at,be pleased with 139

86.be responsible to,be responsible for 140

87.be tired of,be tired with,be tired out 141

88.beautiful,lovely,pretty,handsome,good-looking 142

89.because of,on account of,due to,owing to,thinks to 145

90.before,in front of,in the front of 146

91.begin,start 148

92.become,get,go,turn 149

93.believe,believe in,trust,trust in 152

94.below,under 154

95.be made of,be made from,be mad up of,be made into 155

96.besides,except,except for,but 157

97.big,large,great,huge 159

98.bind,tie 161

99.birth date,birthday 162

100.black,dark,dim 163

101.bloom,blossom,flower 165

102.boat,ship,canoe 166

103.born,borne 168

104.borrow,1end 169

105.bring,take,fetch,get,carry 170

106.broad,wide 171

107.build,construct,setup,put up,found 172

108.burst forth,burst out,burst into 174

109.busy with,busy in 176

110.by day,by the day 177

111.by turns,in turn 177

112.call,call on,call at,visit,pay a visit,drop in 178

113.call sb.'s name(s),call sb. names 180

114.calm,quiet,silent,still,noiseless 181

115.can,may 183

116.can but,can not but 185

117.cap,hat 186

118.cannot help,cannot(help)but 187

119.care,mind 189

120.care about,care for 191

121.cause,reason,account 192

122.carry on,carry out,carry through 194

123.celebrated,famous,well-known,noted 195

124.centre,middle 196

125.chance,opportunity 198

126.cheap,inexpensive 199

127.choose,select,pick,elect 201

128.city,town 202

129.class,lesson,lecture 203

130.clean,sweep 205

131.clever,bright,wise,smart 206

132.climate,weather 207

133.close,shut 208

134.close,near 209

135.clothing,clothes,eloth,dress 211

136.collect,gather 212

137.combine,connect,join,link,unite 213

138.college,university,institute 215

139.complete,finish,end 216

140.continue,go on,keep on,last 218

141.conference,meeting,gathering,congress 220

142.consider,regard as…,treat as 221

143.consist of,consist in 223

144.cost,take,spend 224

145.country,nation,state 225

146.correct,right 226

147.couple,pair 228

148.crop,harvest 229

149.cry,shout,scream,yell 230

150.cup,glass,mug 232

151.custom,habit 233

152.dangerous,in danger 234

153.dare,dare to 235

154.date,day 236

155.decide,determine,make up one's mind 238

156.deep,deeply 239

157.die down,die out 240

158.die of,diefrom 241

159.deffer from,differ with 243

160.different,various,variable 244

161.difficulty,hardship 246

162.difficult,hard 246

163.discover,invent,find,find out 247

164.dislike,hate 248

165.divide,separate 250

166.do with,deal with 251

167.door,gate 252

168.dozen,dozens of 253

169.draw,drag,pull 254

170.dress,dress up,put on,wear,pull on,have on 255

171.draw…aside,draw…away 256

172.dream,dream of 257

173.drive,ride,take 258

174.each,every 259

175.each other,one another 261

176.early,soon 263

177.earth,globe,world 264

178.earth,ground,land,soil,field,mud 265

179.easy,simple 267

180.edge,border,brim,rim 268

181.energy,strength,force,power 269

182.event,incident,accident,affair,matter 271

183.enough food,food enough 273

184.enter,enter for,enter into 274

185.error,mistake,fault 276

186.especial,special,particular 277

187.every day,everyday 278

188.examination,test,quiz 279

189.example,instance 280

190.except for,but for 281

191.factory,mill,plant,works 282

192.fail,fail to,fail in 283

193.fault,failing,shortcoming 284

194.fair,just 285

195.fairly,rather,quite,very,too 287

196.famous for,famous as 290

197.familiar with,familiar to 290

198.family,home,house 291

199.far away,faraway 292

200.far from,from far 294

201.farmer,peasant 295

202.farther,further 295

203.fast,quick,rapid,soon 296

204.fate,fortune 297

205.feel,feel like 299

206.feeling,emotion 300

207.fight,war,campaign,struggle,battle 301

208.fight for,fight with 302

209.find,find out,look for,be after 303

210.final,last,lastest 305

211.flee,fly,run away,escape 306

212.firm,steady 307

213.first,firstly,at first 308

214.floor,storey(或story) 309

215.folk,man,person,people,nation,race,tribe 310

216.foolish,stupid,silly 312

217.form,figure,shape,model 313

218.for a moment,for the moment 315

219.force,oblige,make 316

220.for example,for instance,such as 318

221.forget,leave 319

222.free of,free from 320

223.freedom,1iberty 321

224.frighten,terrify,scare 322

225.game,match,sport,sports 324

226.glad,happy,gay,pleased,pleasure,pleasant,merry 325

227.gaze,stare,glare 327

228.genie,fairy,spirit 328

229.get,win,gain,obtain,make 329

230.gift,present 331

231.give in,give up 332

232.give off,give out 333

233.go,walk 334

234.go on to do,go on doing 336

235.go to bed,go to sleep,sleep,be asleep 337

236.gold,golden 338

237.greet,salute,say hello to 339

238.grow,keep,feed,raise 340

239.grow,plant,sow 342

240.guide,1ead 343

241.had better,had rather,would rather 344

242.half,half of 346

243.hand in,turn in,hand over,hand…to,pass…to 348

244.hanged,hung 349

245.happengo on,takeplace,occur 350

246.have,own,occupy,there be 352

247.healthful,healthy,sound,well 354

248.hear,hera of,hear from 355

249.hear,1isten 356

250.high,tall,highly 357

251.heaven,sky 359

252.Here it is,Here you are,Here we are 360

253.hill,mountain,mount 361

254.hire,rent,take on 362

255.historic,historical 364

256.holiday,vacation 365

257.How much…? How many…? What 367

258.however,how ever 363

259.How about…? What about 370

260.how long,how soon,how often 371

261.hurt,injure,harm,wound 372

262.idea,view,opinion,advice,proposal 374

263.if,wheather 376

264.if,in case 377

265.if only,only if 378

266.if…not,unless 380

267.ill,sick 381

268.illness,disease,sickness 383

269.imagine,guess,fancy,think,purpose 384

270.in charge of,in the charge of 385

271.in future,in the future 387

272.in(to,on)the east of 388

273.in the morning,on the morning of 389

274.in the way,by the way,on the way 389

275.in time,on time 391

276.in three days,after three days 392

277.in the field,on the field 393

278.in word,in a word,in words 394

279.increase,add,raise 394

280.indeed,really,in fact,actually,trully 396

281.insist,persist 398

282.instead of,in place of 399

283.inspire,move,touch 400

284.jewel,jewellery,stone 401

285.job,work,task,labour,position,situation 402

286.journey,trip,travel,tour,voyage 403

287.jump,leap,hop,skip,bound,spring 404

288.jungle,forest,woods 406

289.just now,right now 406

290.just,justly 407

291.kill,murder,shoot 409

292.kind,sort,type 410

293.kind of,of a kind 411

294.know,recognize 412

295.know,know of 413

296.knowledge,1earning,information,scholarship 414

297.lady,madam,miss 415

298.last,at last 416

299.later,latter 417

300.late,lately 418

301.late for,late with 419

302.laugh,smile,sneer 420

303.learn,study 421

304.lean,thin,slim,slender 422

305.like,love,enjoy,go in for,be fond of 423

306.lift,raise,rise,put up 425

307.little,small,tiny 426

308.live,stay 428

309.look,see,watch,observe,stare,glare,squint 429

310.look after,take care of,nurse,mind,tend 431

311.lose,miss 432

312.machine,machinery 434

313.match,contest,competition,race 435

314.mail,post 437

315.many,much,a lot of,plenty of,agreat deal of,many a,a good/great many 438

316.make up for,make up to 439

317.matter,the matter 440

318.maybe,perhaps,possibly,probably,may be 441

319.marry,be married 443

320.memorize,remember,recall 444

321.meat,flesh 445

322.meet,meet with,catch sight of,run across 446

323.mend,repair,fix 448

324.method,system,means,way 449

325.miserable,wretched,unhappy,sorry 451

326.move,motion,movement 452

327.move,remove,shift,transfer 454

328.much,very 455

329.must,have to 457

330.much too,too much 458

331.name,title,topic,subiect 459

332.need,want 460

333.news,information,word 462

334.next,the coming 463

335.no,not 464

336.no less than,not lessthan 466

337.no more than,not more than 467

338.noise,sound,voice 468

339.none,no one,nothing 470

340.note,notice,pay attention to,be careful with 471

341.no sooner…than,hardly…when,as soon as,once,the moment,on doing 473

342.normal,natural,ordinary,regular 474

343.novel,story 475

344.not only…but(also),as well as 476

345.object,oppose 477

346.officer,official 478

347.of oneself,by oneself,for oneself,to oneself 479

348.on,about,of 480

349.on sale,for sale 481

350.on fire,on the fire 482

351.one day,some day,someday,some time,sometime 483

352.one after another,one after the other,one another 485

353.one or two,once or twice 486

354.order,command 487

355.otherwise,or,or else 488

356.ought to,should 490

357.out of question,out of the question 492

358.paper,a paper,papers 493

359.part of,a part of,partsof 494

360.pay,salary,wage 495

361.pay,pay for,pay back,return,pay off 496

362.people,the people,person,human being creature 497

363.permit,promise,allow,let 501

364.photo,picture,portrait,painting,drawing 503

365.pick,pick up 504

366.pile,heap,mass 505

367.plain,bush,desert,grass 506

368.play,play with 507

369.plan,design,pragram(me),proposal 508

370.pleasant,pleased,pleasing 510

371.point at,point to,point out 511

372.possible,probable,likely 512

373.practice,exercise,drill 515

374.prefer,prefer…to 516

375.prepare,prepare for,be ready,get…ready for 518

376.problem,question,puzzle,riddle,issue 519

377.produce,product,production,productivity 521

378.propose,suggest 523

379.protect,defend,guard 524

380.pupil,student,scholar 526

381.put,place,set,lay 526

382.put off,delay,postpone 528

383.purpose,aim,end,goal,object 529

384.quantity,amount,number 531

385.quicken,hurry,rush,speed,hasten 532

386.rare,scarce 533

387.rather than,would rather…than 534

388.real,true 536

389.remember,recall,memorize,remind,recollect 537

390.reject,refuse 539

391.remain,stay,leave 540

392.report,account,story 542

393.reward,medal,prize 543

394.rich,wealthy 544

395.rise,raise,arise 545

396.risk,danger 547

397.road,way,path,street,route,passage 548

398.rob,steal,milk 550

399.rope,thread,wise,line,string 551

400.run short,run short of,be short of 553

401.run after,run behind 554

402.satisfied,satisfictory,satisfying 555

403.say,speak,talk,tell,state 556

404.say for oneself,say to oneself 559

405.scene,scenery,view,sight 560

406.search,search for 562

407.seat,sit,take one's place,take sb.'s place,take one's seat 563

408.set out,set off,leave,start 565

409.shake,tremble,quake,shiver,shunder 566

410.shall,will 568

411.shop,store,department store 569

412.shoot,shoot at,fire at 570

413.sign,signal,mark 571

414.so as to,so that,so…as to,in order to 573

415.so far,so far as 574

416.some time,sometime,sometimes 575

417.somewhat,in a way 577

418.sorry,excuse me,pardon,apology,apologize 578

419.sparkling,flashing,twinkling 580

420.site,location,place,point,scene,spot,position 581

421.speech,address,lecture 583

422.speed,rate,hurry,haste 584

423.stick to,insist on,persist in 586

424.still,yet 587

425.stop,arrest,block,check,prevent 589

426.strain,stress,pressure 591

427.stream,brook,river 593

428.strong,powerful,tough 594

429.story,tale 595

430.switch on,turn on 596

431.summon,send for,call 597

432.suffer,suffer from 598

433.symbol,sign,badge 599

434.take off,undress 600

435.take note of,take notes of 601

436.take one's place,take sb.'s place,take one's seat,take the place of 602

437.take care,take care of 603

438.task,work,job,labour 605

439.terrible,terrific,horrible,frightful,dreadful 607

440.teach,educate,school,train 609

441.the number of,a number of 610

442.the reason that,the reason why,the reason for 612

443.the rest,the remainder,the remains 613

444.the same as,the same that 615

445.think about,think of 616

446.this,that 618

447.through,throughout 620

448.throw,cast,toss 622

449.till,until 623

450.too…to,only too…to 625

451.to,towands 626

452.triumph,victory 627

453.try,attempt 629

454.try to,try and,try doing 629

455.total,sum,whole 631

456.under control(of),in control(of) 633

457.under the sun,in the sun 634

458.unfortunately,to one's sorrow 635

459.unhappy,unfortunate,unlucky 636

460.uprising,rebellion,revolution,civil war 637

461.use up,run out(of),be out of 638

462.used to,would,be used to 639

463.valuable,valued,invaluable 642

464.value,worth,price,cost 643

465.very,fairly,quite,rather,pretty,(much) 644

466.wait for,expect 647

467.wake,awake,awaken,waken,wake up 648

468.warn…of,warn…against 649

469.what…for,why 650

470.whatever,no matter what 651

471.worth,worthy 652

参考答案 654