《the norton anthology of american literature third edition volume 1 part 3》PDF下载

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[1845—47] [Carlyle, Wordsworth, Emerson] 1850

To Henry Williams, Jr.(September 30, 1847)[Answer to a Harvard Class Questionnaire] 1850

To Emerson (November 14, 1847) [A Home Report from Concord] 1851

To Jared Sparks (September 17, 1849) [Circumventing the Library Regulations] 1853

[November 16, 1850] [“Wild Thinking” in Literature] 1853

[September 2, 1851] [Writing “with Gusto”] 1854

[September 4, 1851] [The Wisdom of Writing on Many Subjects] 1854

[October 1, 1851] [Illegally Helping a Fugitive Slave]: 1854

[October 4, 1851] [Minott, the Poetical Farmer] 1855 [November 9, 1851] [Facts as Material for Mythology] 1856

[November 12, 1851] [Self-Injunctions on Writing] 1857

[June 12, 1852] [Nudity vs.Social Requirements] 1857

[July 13, 1852] [The Purpose of a Journal] 1858

[July 14, 1852] [Writers of Torpid Words] 1858

[October 28, 1853] [Living with 706 Copies of A Week] 1858

[February 28, 1854] [Correcting His Manuscripts] 1858

[April 8, 1854] [Getting Distance before Rewriting] 1859

[June 16, 1854] [Up Railroad—Odors of Nature and Men] 1859

To H.G.O.Blake (August 8, 18 54) [Breaking from an “Unprofiitable Summer”] 1860

[December 27, 1854] [Whaling Stories at Nantucket] 1861

To Thomas Cholmondeley (November 8, 1855) [“Your Princely Gift”—An Indian Library] 1862

To Thomas Cholmondeley (October 2o, 1856) [The Wonder of the Library: a Poor Account of the United States and Himself] 1863

To H.G.O.Blake (November 19, December7, 1856) [The Most Interesting Fact at Present—Walt Whitman] 1864

To Daniel Ricketson (August 18, 1857) [Good Writing vs.“Polished Stuff”] 1866

To H.G.O.Blake (November 16, 1857) [In the New Role of Master to a Disciple] 1867

[January 26, 1858] [Dead Words] 1869

To James Russell Lowell (June 22, 1858) [A “Very Mean and Cowardly” Expurgation] 1870

To H.G.O.Blake (January 1, 1859) [A Dose of Society] 1871

[January 2, 1859] [Grammarians vs.Real Writers] 1872

[February 3, 1860] [Grammarians and Their Rules] 1873

FREDERICK DOUGLASS (1818—1895) 1873

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 1874

JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL (1819—1891) 1938

To the Dandelion 1940

A Fable for Critics 1942

WALT WHITMAN (1819—1892) 1952

Preface to Leaves of Crass (1855) 1959


When I Read the Book 1973

Beginning My Studies 1974

Song of Myself 1974

Letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson [Whitman’s 1856 Manifesto] 2017


From Pent-up Aching Rivers 2024

Spontaneous Me 2025

Once I Pass’d through a Populous City 2027

Facing West from California’s Shores 2027


Scented Herbage of My Breast 2028

Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand 2029

When I Heard at the Close of the Day 2030

Trickle Drops 2031

I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing 2031

Here the Frailest Leaves of Me 2031

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry 2032


Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking 2036

As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life 2041


A Hand-Mirror 2043

When I Heard the Leam’d Astronomer 2043

To a President 2043

I Sit and Look Out 2044

The Dalliance of the Eagles 2044

To the States 2044


Beatl Beat! Drums! 2045

Cavalry Crossing a Ford 2046

Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night 2046

A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown 2047

A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim 2048

As Toilsome I Wander’d Virginia’s Woods 2048

The Wound-Dresser 2049

Reconciliation 2050

As I Lay with My Head in Your Lap Camerado 2051

Spirit Whose Work Is Done 2051


When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d 2052


There Was a Child Went Forth 2058

This Compost 2059

Sparkles from theWheel 2061

My Picture-Gallery 2061

Passage to India 2061


Chanting the Square Deific 2075

A Noiseless Patient Spider 2077


Toa Locomotive in Winter 2078


As I Sit Writing Here 2078

By That Long Scan of Waves 2079

Broadway 2079

Yonnondio 2079

Orange Buds by Mail from Florida 2080

Now Precedent Songs, Farewell 2080

An Evening Lull 2081

After the Supper and Talk 2081


Preface Note to 2d Annex, Concluding L.of G.—1891 2081

Osceola 2083

“The Rounded Catalogue Divine Complete” 2083

Good-bye My Fancyl! 2083

A Backward Glance o’er Travel’d Roads 2084

Democratic Vistas 2095

[American Literature] 2095

Specimen Days 2098

Patent-Office Hospital 2098

The White House by Moonlight 2099

A Night Battle, over a Week Since 2099

Abraham Lincoln 2101

Summer of 1864 2102

The Capitol by Gas-Light 2103

The Inauguration 2103

Death of President Lincoln 2103

Sherman’s Army’s Jubilation—Its Sudden Stoppage 2104

The Real War Will Never Get in the Books 2104

Sea-Shore Fancies 2105

A Sun-Bath—Nakedness 2106

Edgar Poe’s Significance 2107

My Tribute to Four Poets 2109

A Visit, at the Last, to R.W.Emerson 2110

Other Concord Notations 2111

Boston Common—More of Emerson 2112

Letters 2113

To Thomas Jefferson Whitman (February 13, 1863) [The Gorgeousness of the Capitol vs.the Suffering in the Hospitals] 2113

To Nathaniel Bloom and John F.S.Gray (March19,1863) [Washington, D.C.; Lincoln as Hoosier MichaelAngelo] 2114

To William S.Davis (October 1, 1863) [Whitman’s Haversack of Physical Comforts in the Wards] 2114

To Mrs.Irwn (May 1, 1865) [Words of Consolation from a Stranger] 2115

To Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (January 1, 1867) [New Year’s Day—The Dinnerin the Hospital] 2116

To Harry Stafford (February 28, 1881) [My Best Honorable Loving Friendship] 2117

To John Burroughs (April 28, 1882) [The Suppression of the Osgood Leaves of Grass] 2118

To John Addirgton Symonds (August 19, 1890) [Calamus: LateDenial of “Morbid Inferences”] 2118

HERMAN MELVILLE (181 9—1891) 2119

Hawthorne and His Mosses 2131

Letters to Hawthorne 2142

April 16(?), 1851 [Melville Criticizes The House of the Seven Gables in the Pittsfield Secret Review] 2142

June 1(?), 18 51 [The Whale—“All My Books Are Botches”] 2144

June 29, 1851 [A Very Susceptible andPeradventure Feeble Temperament”] 2147

July 22, 1851 [A Plan to “Vagabondize” with Hawthorne] 2148

November 17(?), 1851 [Hawthorn’s Praise of Moby-Dick: “The Good Goddess’s Bonus”] 2149

Moby-Dick 2150

Chapter 54: The Town-Ho’s Story 2150

Bartleby, the Scrivener 2164

The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles 2189

Sketch First.The Isles at Large 2189

Sketch Second.Two Sides to a Tortoise 2193

Sketch Third. Rock Rodondo 2195

Sketch Eighth. Norfolk Isle and the Chola Widow 2198

The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids 2208

Benito Cereno 2224

The Piazza 2279


The Portent 2289

Misgivings 2289

The March into Virginia 2290

A Utilitarian View of the Monitor’s Flight 2291

The Housee-top 2292


The Maldive Shark 2293

To Ned 2293


After the Pleasurearty 2294

Monody 2298

The Bench of Boors 2298

The Enthusiast 2299

Art 2300

Billy Budd, Sailor 2300


Lemome versus Huell 2357

EMILY DICKINSON (1830—1886) 2370

49 I never lost as much but twice 2373

67 Success is counted sweetest 2373

125 For each ecstatic instant 2373

130 These are the days when Birds come back— 2374

185 “Faith” is a fine invention 2374

187 How many times these low feet staggered— 2374

214 I taste a liquor never brewed— 2375

216 Safe in their Alabaster Chambers— [Two Versions] 2375

241 I like a look of Agony 2376

249 Wild Nights—Wild Nights! 2376

258 There’s a certain Slant of light 2376

280 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain 2377

287 A Clock stopped— 2378

303 The Soul selects her own Society— 2378

305 The difference between Despair 2378

314 Nature—sometimes sears a Sapling— 2379

315 He fumbles at your Soul 2379

322 There came a Day at Summer’s full 2379

328 A Bird came down the Walk— 2380

341 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— 2381

348 I dreaded that first Robin, so 2381

435 Much Madness is divinest Sense— 2382

441 This is my letter to the World 2382

448 This was a Poet— It is That 2383

449 I died for Beauty—but was scarce 2383

465 I heard a Fly buzz—when I died— 2384

501 This World is not Conclusion 2384

505 I would not paint —a picture— 2385

510 It was not Death, for I stood up 2385

520 I started Early—Took my Dog— 2386

528 Mine—by the Right of the White Election! 2387

536 The Heart asks Pleasure—first— 2387

547 I’ve seen a Dying Eye 2387

585 I like to see it lap the Miles— 2387

632 The Brain—is wider than the Sky— 2388

640I cannot live with You— 2388

650 Pain—has an Element of Blank 2390

664 Of all the Souls that stand create— 2390

709 Publication—is the Auction 2390

712 Because I could not stop for Death— 2391

744 Remorse—is Memory—awake 2391

754 My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun— 2392

822 This Consciousness that is aware 2393

824 The Wind begun to knead the Grass— 2393

824 The Wind begun to rock the Grass 2394

829 Ample make this Bed— 2394

986 A narrow Fellow in the Grass 2394

1078 The Bustle in a House 2395

1099 My Cocoon tightens—Colors teaze—— 2395

1100 The last Night that She lived 2396

1125 Oh Sumptuous moment 2397

1129 Tell all the Truth but tell it slant—— 2397

1138 A Spider sewed at Night 2397

1397 It sounded as if the Streets were running 2397

1400 What mystery pervades a well! 2398

1405 Bees are Black, with Gilt Sureingles—— 2398

1463 A Route of Evanescence 2399

150 As imperceptibly as Grief 2399

1545 The Bible is an antique Volume— 2399

1575 The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings— 2400

1581 The farthest Thunder that I heard 2400

1593 There came a Wind like a Bugle— 2401

1624 Apparently with no surprise 2401

1651 A Word made Flesh is seldom 2402

1670 In Winter in my Room 2402

1732 My life closed twice before its close— 2403

Letters to Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2403

15 April 1862 [Say If My Verse Is Alive?] 2403

25 April 1862 [Thank You for the Surgery] 2404

June 1862 [Will You Be My Preceptor?] 2405

7 July 1862 [My Business Is Circumference] 2406

[Letters on “E.D.”from T.W.Higginson to His Wife] 2407

[August 16, 1870] 2407

[August 17, 1870] 2408

REBECCA HARDING DAVIS (1831—1910) 2409

Life in the Iron-Mills 2411


INDEX 2452