《solid state physics》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
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  • 出版年份:2222
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1.The Drude Theory of Metals 1

2.The Sommerfeld Theory of Metals 29

3.Failures of the Free Electron Model 57

4.Crystal Lattices 63

5.The Reciprocal Lattice 85

6.Determination of Crystal Structures by X-RayDiffraction 95

7.Classification of Bravais Lattices and Crystal Structures 111

8.Electron Levels in a Periodic Potential: General Properties 131

9.Electrons in a Weak Periodic Potential 151

10.The Tight-Binding Method 175

11.Other Methods for Calculating Band Structure 191

12.The Semiclassical Model of Electron Dynamics 213

13.The Semiclassical Theory of Conduction in Metals 243

14.Measuring the Fermi Surface 263

15.Band Structure of Selected Metals 283

16.Beyond the Relaxation-Time Approximation 313

17.Beyond the Independent Electron Approximation 329

18.Surface Effects 353

19.Chassification of Solids 373

20.Cokesive Energy 395

21.Failures of the Static Lattice Model 415

22.Classical Theory of the Harmonic Crystal 421

23.Quantum Theory of the Harmonic Crystal 451

24.Measuring Phonon Dispersion Relations 469

25.Anharmonic Effects in Crystals 487

26.Phonons in Metals 511

27.Dielectric Properties of Insulators 533

28.Homogeneous Semiconductors 561

29.Inhomogeneous Semiconductors 589

30.Defects in Crystals 615

31.Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism 643

32.Electron Interactions and Magnetic Structure 671

33.Magnetic Ordering 693

34.Superconductivity 725


A.Summary of Important Numerical Relations in the Free Electron Theory of Metals 757

B.The Chemical Potential 759

C.The Sommerfeld Expansion 760

D.Plane-Wave Expansions of Periodic Functions in More Than One Dimension 762

E.The Velocity and Effective Mass of Bloch Electrons 765

F.Some Identities Related to Fourier Analysis of Periodic Systems 767

G.The Variational Principle for Schrodinger’s Equation 769

H.Hamiltonian Formulation of the Semiclassical Equations of Motion, and Liouville’s Theorem 771

I.Green’s Theorem for Periodic Functions 772

J.Conditions for the Absence of Interband Transitions in Uniform Electric or Magnetic Fields 773

K.Optical Properties of Solids 776

L.Quantum Theory of the Harmonic Crystal 780

M.Conservation of Crystal Momentum 784

N.Theory of the Scattering of Neutrons by a Crystal 790

O.Anharmonic Terms and n-Phonon Processes 796

P.Evaluation of the Lande g-Factor 797