《世界军事情势 (2004年版)》PDF下载

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  • 出版年份:2222
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Contents 5

Preface 7

Khomeini & His Ideas 9

Importance of Quran 19

Quran on the People's Sovereignty, God & Apostle 26

Yelayat-e Faghih 32

Brief Introduction to Suras of Quran 37

Conditions for Hearing Disputes 38

Judgments in Islam 39

Duties of a Judge 40

In the Name of God, the Compassionable 44

Explanations 45

Pre-Khomeini Iran 51

The Teheran Papers (Secret Intelligence Documents on Iran) 51

The Islamic Revolution 84

Guards and Army 87

US Spy Net 89

Elections & Referenda-The Intervening Period 95

Seeds of Revolution 97

New Constitution 99

Earlier Presidential Elections 108

Ban on Liquor 109

Supreme Court Abolished 110

50 Years of Communism in Iran 111

Iranian Revolution: Motive Force 119

Shah's Iran 123

The White Revolution 123

Foreign Policy 125

Peace 125

Co-existence 126

International Co-operation 126

Independence of all Nations 126

Colonialism and Racial Discrimination 127

Against Ignorance, Disease and Hunger 127

Non-Material Values 128

Sovereignty and Independence 129

The U.N. Charter 130

Relations with Other Countries 130

With the Neighboring Countries 131

USSR 131

Afghanistan 134

Pakistan 134

Turkey 135

Union of Arab Emirates 138

Bahrain 141

Oman 142

Qatar 142

Kuwait 142

Saudi Arabia 143

Algeria 144

Egypt 144

Jordan 145

Lebanon 146

Libya 146

Morocco 147

Syria 148

Tunisia 148

North Yemen 149

The Yemen People's Democratic Republic 149

Dahomey 149

Ethiopia 149

Guinea 150

Kenya 150

Lesotho 150

Madagascar 150

Senegal 151

Malawi 151

Mauritius 151

Somalia 151

South Africa 151

The Sudan 152

Swaziland 152

With Asian Countries 152

China 152

India 153

Indonesia 153

Japan 155

Republic of Korea 156

Malaysia 156

Mongolia 157

Nepal 157

The Philippines 157

Sri Lanka 158

Thailand 158

Republic of Vietnam 158

With European Countries 158

Austria 158

Belgium 159

Denmark 160

Finland 161

France 161

Federal Republic of Germany 162

Greece 164

Italy 165

The Netherlands 166

Norway 166

Portugal 166

Spain 167

Sweden 167

Switzerland 167

United Kingdom 168

The Vatican 169

Albania 170

Bulgaria 170

Czechoslovakia 171

German Democratic Republic 172

Hungary 172

Poland 173

Rumania 174

Yugoslavia 176

Canada 176

USA 177

Argentina 180

Brazil 180

Mexico 181

Venezuela 181

Australia 181

New Zealand 181

International Cooperation 181

Cooperating with UN 181

The Islamic Conference 191

O.P.E.C. 193

R.C.D. 194

Cento 195

Conclusion 197

Iran-the Shah's Constitutional Law 199

The Organization of the National Consultative Assembly 199

The Duties, Sphere of Authority and Rights of the National Consultative Assembly 202

National Constituent Assembly 204

Consultative Assembly 205

Formation of the Senate 206

General Principles 209

The Rights of the Iranian People 210

Powers of the State 212

Rights of the Members of the two Houses 213

Rights of the Throne in Iran 214

The Ministers Powers of the Courts 219

The Provincial and District Councils 221

Finance 222

Army 223

Copy of the Imperial Prescript 223

Resolution by the Constituent Assembly 223