编者的话 1
头盘及汤 Appetizer and soup 2
沙爹串烧虾 Cluster of Shrimps Brochette in Satay Sauce 2
香酥炸鱼丸 Deep Fried Fish Balls 4
炸虾圈 Deep Fried Shrimp Rings 6
脆皮炸生蚝 Deep Fried Oysters 8
千岛香酥虾 Deep Fried Shrimps with Breaderumbs 10
奇异酥香鱼盒 Deep Fried Fish Toasl with Figs 12
蝴蝶虾 Butterfly Prawns 14
响螺片炖鳄鱼肉 Murex with Crocodile Soup 16
海鲜酸辣汤 Seafood Hot and Sour Soup 18
菊花黄鱼羹 Chrysanthemum and Thickened Fish Soup 20
牛奶花蛤汤 Clams and Milk Soup 22
海皇羹 Seafood Soup 24
鲍鱼炖乳鸽 Abalone with Pigeons Soup 26
蒸原只澳大利亚鲍鱼 Steamed Australia Abalones 28
海鲜主菜 Seafood of Main Dish 28
鲍鱼海鲜汇 Abalones with Seafood 30
蒸百花鲍鱼盒 Steamed Stuffed Abalones 32
豉汁青口 Sea Conch in Black Bean Sauce 34
双笋炒花枝片 Two Kinds of Shoots with Cuttle Fish 36
花菇炆油? Champignons with Sea Eel in Hot Pot 38
海龙抱白玉 Bean Curd with Shrimps 40
椒盐三鲜 Seafood with Pepper and Salt 42
姜葱生蚝煲 Ginger with Oyster in Hot Pot 44
油泡扇贝球 Stir Fried Clam Balls 46
原只蒸花蟹 Steamed Sea Crab 48
沙爹蚝油炆竹鱼 Fish with Oyster and Satay Sauce 50
白焯蚝油施蚶 Steamed Clams in Oyster Sauce 52
味极焗鳝鱼 Water Eel with Soy Sauce 54
XO酱玉兰花枝片 Cuttle Fish in XO Sauce 56
清蒸鲜扇贝 Steamed Fresh Clams 58
海鲜西兰花 Seafood with Broeeolis 60
海味扒瓜脯 Seafood with Gourds 62
锦绣炒鱼丁 Mixed Vegetables with Fish Diee 64
酱爆海螺肉 Conch with Fish Flavour 66
椒盐银鱼 Whitebait with Pepper and Salt 68
XO酱鳕貂球 Codfish in XO Sauce 70
双色海鲜炒蛋 Assorted Eggs with Seafood 72
豉椒黄鳝煲 Ell in Black Bean Sauce 74
什锦炒鱼丝 Shredded Fish with Chowchow 76
油泡双鱿 Stir Fried Two Kinds of Squids 78
味极姜葱蒸石斑 Steamed Garoupa with Soy Sauce 80
珧柱粉丝蟹煲 Crab with Bean Flour Vermicelli in Hot Pot 82
原汁煎虾碌 Pan Fried Prawns 84
油浸左口鱼 Sea Fish in Oil Sauce 86
青口煎蛋饼 Sea Conch with Fried Eggs 88
五柳黄花鱼 Five Kinds of Vegetables with Garoupa 90
古法蒸海鲈 Classie Style Steamed Sea Perch 92
碧绿蒸酿鲜鱿 Steamed Stuffed Squid with Vegetables 94
火腩鲑鱼煲 Salmon Fish in Hot Pot 96
柠檬喼汁煎龙脷 Sole in Ji Zhi Sauce 98
豉椒墨鱼仔 Inkfish with Black Bean Sauce 100
芝士牛油焗银? Panfried Pomfred with Butter and Cheese Sauce 102
豉汁蒸蛏子皇 Steamed Chams with Black Bean Sauce 104
龙虾刺身二食 Two Kinds of Cooked Lobster 106
西汁咖喱焗龙虾 Lobster in Curry Sauce 108
炒饭、面 Fried Rice with Noodles 110
鸳鸯海鲜炒饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Two Colors 110
蟹皇拌面 Crab with Noodles 112
海鲜乌冬煲 Seafood with Janpanese Noodles 114
父子虾窝面 Prawn and Shrimps with Noodles 116
龙凤咖喱炒饭 Chicken and Shrimps Fried Rice in Curry Sauce 118
海鲜炒面 Fried Noodles with Seafood 120