《最新美语流行语手册 实用商务篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:时宏,黄晓琳编著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:新世界出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800056708
  • 页数:346 页

1a buyer s market 买方市场 1

2 a country mile 一段很长的距离 1

3 a drug on the market 滞销商品,滞销货,供应过剩的商品 2

4 a fair shake 公平的待遇 3

5 a fat chance 微小的机会 4

6 a going concem 盈利企业 4

7 a leap in the dark 冒险举动 5

8 a mare s nest 海市蜃楼般的东西;镜花水月 6

9 a month of Sundays 很久,很长时间 7

10 a red carpet welcome 隆重的欢迎 8

11 a rule of thumb 单靠经验或实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法 9

12 a top banana 首领,掌权者 10

13 across the board 全面地 11

14 add up to 合计达;总括起来意味着 12

15 agree to differ 求同存异 13

16 all told 合计;总之 14

17 all wet 搞错了 14

18 an easy digging 轻而易举的事 15

19 any more 不再 16

20 as easy as one s eye 很容易 17

21 as sure as eggs is eggs 毫无疑问,千真万确 18

22 as well 也,还,又;完全的,足够的 19

23 ask for it 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 20

24 ask no odds 不要求特殊照顾 21

25 at a loose end 无所事事,无所适从 21

27 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟;意见不一 23

26 at one s wits end 智穷计尽 23

28 back to square one 退回起点;从头再来 24

29 back to the drawing board 从头开始,失败后另起炉灶 25

30 ballpark figure 近似数,大致正确的估计 26

31 band for the buck 货真价实 27

32 be brassed off doing 厌烦干……,对……满腹牢骚 28

33 be catty 爱搬弄是非的,爱诽谤人的 29

34 be down in the dumps 垂头丧气,神情沮丧 29

35 be in a jam 陷入困境 30

36 be in full swing 正在全力进行,处于活跃阶段 31

37 be in high gear 全力进行 32

38 be itching for a chance to do 很想找个机会试一试 32

40 be of two minds 拿不定主意 33

39 be of one mind 意见一致,看法相同 33

41 be on a gravy train 走运,有赚钱的机会 35

42 be on cloud nine 高兴得飘飘然 35

43 be on pins and needles 坐立不安 36

44 be over the hump 已度过难关 37

45 be saddled with 把任务或责任强加在某人身上 38

46 be short of hands 缺乏人手,人手不够 39

47 be supposed to 认为应该,必须;认为可以 40

48 be too quick on the trigger 操之过急,行动过于仓促 41

49 bear down 加紧努力 41

50 beat someone at his own game 将计就计地惩治某人 42

51 behind schedule 落后于计划或预定时间 43

52 behind the eightball 处于非常不利的地位 44

53 bell the cat 为众人利益而冒险 45

54 beside the point 离题,不中肯 45

55 big bucks 一大笔钱 46

56 bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,承担了过多的工作而不能完成 47

57 bite the bullet 下定决心;咬紧牙关 48

58 book off (尤指因与雇主未达协议)宣称某日不打算上班 49

59 bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死 50

60 brainstorm 绞尽脑汁,费尽心思 51

61 break a butterfly on the/a wheel 杀鸡用牛刀;小题大做 51

62 break even 得失相当,不赔不赚 52

63 bring home the bacon 谋生 53

65 bring something to a standstill 停住 54

64 bring in new/young blood 引进“新鲜血液”;雇用有办法的新人 54

66 bum one s boat/bridges 自绝退路,破釜沉舟 55

67 bum one s bridges 自断一切退路,义无返顾 56

68 bum the candle at both ends 胡乱消耗精力;劳累过度 57

69 bury one s head in the sand 不敢正视现实,鸵鸟政策 57

70 button up one s lips 闭口不言,守口如瓶 58

71 buy a pig in a poke 草率同意或接收;隔山买老牛 59

72 buy someone off 向……行贿送礼,收买 60

73 by all means (礼貌地)允许某人做某事,或同意某项建议;当然可以 60

74 by and large 大体上,总的来说 62

75 by the book 一丝不苟地按规则,依照惯例 62

76 cash in on someone 占某人的便宜 64

77 cash in on 占……的便宜 64

78 change color 面红耳赤 65

79 change hands 换主人,易手 66

80 chapter11/chapter13 破产经营 67

81 checkmate 使……进退维谷;使……一败涂地 67

82 chew the cud 好好琢磨琢磨 68

83 chicken feed 一小笔钱 69

84 cinch 容易做的事 70

85 come to a head 严重关头,关键时刻,达到决定性阶段 71

86 come to grief 失败;遭难 72

87 come up with 提出,想出 73

88 come/go to one s aid 赶来/去援助某人 74

89 cook the books 伪造账目;做假账目 75

90 cook with gas 做得很好 75

91 crocodile tears 假慈悲 76

92 cross that bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直 77

93 cross/pass the Rubicon 采取断然行动;破釜沉舟 77

94 death-trap 危险建筑、车辆;危险的境遇 78

95 diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手;强中自有强中手 79

96 do a land-office business 生意大为兴隆 80

97 don t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 不要杀鸡取卵 81

98 double trouble 困难重重 82

99 double-take 再次打量 83

100 drag someone through the mire 使某人名声蒙受耻辱,把某人的名声搞臭 83

101 draw the longbow 吹牛,夸口,说大话 84

102 eat crow 被迫收回自己说过的大话 85

103 egg someone on to do something 怂恿,鼓动某人去干某事 86

104 eke out a living 仅能糊口,勉强度日 87

105 enter one s head 想到 88

106 every bit 完全;全部 88

107 every cloud has a silver lining 乌云之后总有阳光;黑暗中总存在希望 89

108 explain oneself 表明自己的意思 90

109 eye-catcher 令人大开眼界的情形 91

110 eye-sore 丑陋 92

111 face the music 面对困难;承担后果 92

112 fall apart 破碎,破裂,崩溃 94

113 fall behind 过时未缴纳或未完成 95

114 fall between two stools 鸡飞蛋打 96

115 fall foul of 因违反规定而受挫,从而失败 96

116 fall short 未达到预期结果,标准等 97

117 feel (it) in one s bones 从心里感到 98

118 fill in供应最新资料;代替 99

119 flex one s muscles (为准备大干而)小试身手 100

120 flub 捅娄子,闯祸 100

121 fly by the seat of one s pants 全凭自己摸索 101

122 fly in the hace of 与某事物相悖;反对 102

123 fly off the handle 大发雷霆 103

124 fly-by-night 无信用的,不可靠的 104

123 follow one s nose 一直向前走 104

126 follow through 坚持到底 105

127 follow-up 后续的,连续广告 106

128 free from 免于……;不受…… 107

130 gain the upper hand 占上风 108

129 gain acceptance with 得到……的认可,受到……的欢迎…… 108

131 get around 旅行,四处行动 109

132 get away with it 逍遥法外 110

133 get down to brass tacks 直截了当 111

134 get off on the right foot 开门红 111

135 get off to a flying start 来了个开门红 112

136 get over 克服,战胜 113

137 get round to 抽出时间来做某事 113

138 get/have/catch/take one on the hip 抓住某人的要害;制服对手;战胜对手 114

139 get/pull one s fingers out 工作取得进展 115

140 give enough (plenty of) rope to hang oneself 自作自受;自绝后路 116

141 give one s adhesion to 表示接受,拥护 117

143 give someone a lift 给(某人)搭个便车 118

142 give somebody a dressing down 严厉训斥 118

144 give someone the air 把某人给甩了 119

145 give someone the runaround 敷衍搪塞 120

146 give something a second thought 对某事三思而后行 121

147 give up the ghost 灵魂出壳、断气;停止做某种工作的努力 122

148 go ahead 开始,继续进行 123

149 go any length 不遗余力,无所不为 123

150 go by the board 落空,断送,完全失败 124

151 go far (货币)值钱;大有帮助;大有成就 125

152 go hog-wild 行动放肆 126

153 go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other 充耳不闻 127

154 go into a rage 勃然大怒 127

155 go native 入乡随俗 128

156 go out of business 歇业;破产 129

157 go out 出游消遣 130

158 go round in circles 瞎忙;忙得团团转而无收获 131

159 go the whole hog 干到底;彻底地干 131

160 go up 破产 132

161 God s medicine 毒品 133

162 grasp the nettle 大胆抓棘手问题,迎着艰险上 133

163 great oaks from litter acoms grow 合抱之木,生于毫末 134

164 grin and bear it 毫不抱怨地忍受痛苦或失望等 136

165 gung ho 同心协力的,热情的,有事业心的 137

166 half-and-half 马马虎虎 137

167 hand it to someone 甘拜某人的下风 138

168 handle with kid gloves 小心(谨慎、温柔)地对待 139

169 handout 施舍 140

170 hands off 不干涉,旁观 141

171 hang in there 撑下去 141

172 hangdog look 羞愧的神态;垂头丧气的样子 142

173 hard cash 可换黄金等价高而稳定的货币 143

174 have a bone to pick with someone 对……有意见 144

175 have a few buttons missing脑子里缺根弦;神经不正常 145

176 have a grudge against 对……怀恨在心 146

177 have a hunch that…预感到 147

178 have an eye to the main chance 谋私利,惟利是图 148

179 have another think coming 大错特错 149

180 have butterflies in one s stomach 忐忑不安 150

181 have gone to the dogs 穷途末路 151

182 have had one s day 不再应时,已过全盛时期 152

183 have one s back to the wall 进退维谷 153

184 have something on the ball 有干某事的能耐 154

185 have the cards stacked in/against someone 处于有利/不利的状况 155

186 have the Midas touch 手气好;有生财的运气 155

187 have to the last laugh 获得最后胜利 156

188 haywire 混乱,出现故障 157

189 head for 前往,直驱 158

190 heaven have mercy on your bones 一定给你吃苦头 158

191 hedge about with 感情受到限制;感到不自由 159

192 high and dry 孤立无援,被遗弃 160

193 hit the road 出发;动手 161

194 hold all the cards in one s hands 手中有好牌;稳操胜券 162

196 hold on to the purse strings 控制金钱的使用 163

195 hold it over 自认高人一筹 163

197 hold the market 操纵或控制市场 164

198 hold/have the aces 掌握了王牌 165

199 hot and bothered 焦躁不安 165

200 ifs and buts 借口,托词 166

201 in business 马上要开始干,准备状态(阶段) 167

202 in cement 坚定不移的;坚固的;不会再改变的 168

203 in stock 有存货 169

204 in the bag 稳操胜券,十拿九稳 169

205 in the black 有赢余 170

206 in the red 赤字 170

207 in the same boat 同舟共济 171

208 in the way 阻挡;妨碍 172

209 it was a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马,焉知非福 173

210 it s a hard act to follow 难以为继;无可取代 173

211 it s a short step from lip service to ass-kissing 少拍马屁 174

212 it s like looking for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针 175

213 jump down one s throat 粗鲁地对待某人,让某人受不了 176

214 just the same 仍然,一回事儿 176

215 keep a dog and bark oneself 有了下属还亲自操劳 177

216 keep abreast of/with 跟上 178

217 keep one s head above water 不必举债度日 179

218 keep one s finger on the pulse 掌握行情;消息灵通 180

220 keep tabs on something/someone 掌握情况,密切注视 181

219 keep one s head 保持镇定 181

221 keep up appearances 在经济状况不好时仍以有钱的方式装扮自己或行为处世;维持门面、保持体面 182

222 kick against the pricks 以卵击石;螳臂挡车 183

223 kick-back 回扣,佣金,外快 184

224 knock on one s door 上门拜访 184

225 knock on the head 泡汤了 185

226 know (on) which side one s bread is buttered 颇知轻重 186

227 know one s beans 精通自己的业务 187

228 know the ropes 精通业务 188

229 know what s what 懂行;通晓世事 188

230 lay low 陷匿,避风头;病倒 189

231 legwork 外勤 190

232 like a house on fire 火起来 190

233 like water off a duck s back 毫无影响,不起作用 191

234 look before you leap 三思而后行 192

235 look like a dying duck in a thunder-storm惊慌失措,全然丧失 193

236 look up 有起色;拜访 194

237 lose one s cool 沉不住气 194

238 make (a) shift 尽力设法利用;拼拼凑凑过日子,勉为其难 196

239 make…a hit 使……大获成功 197

240 make a big deal out of…对……小题大做 197

241 make a case for 提出有利于……的理由 198

242 make a convenience of 利用……之便 199

243 make a killing 大走财运,鸿运亨通 199

244 make a reservation 定位子 200

245 make bundles in something 赚大钱,发大财 201

247 make common cause with 与……联合起来 202

246 make bundles 赚大钱,发大财 202

248 make do with 用……凑合 203

249 make much/little account of 十分(不很)重视 204

250 make neither head in nor tail of 对……摸不着头脑 205

251 make or break sb. 不成功,便成仁 206

252 make the dust fly 干得很起劲 206

253 meet one s Waterloo 惨败 207

254 mind your own business 注意你自己的事,不要多管闲事 208

255 money order 汇款单 209

256 move along 驱散 209

257 never say die 不要轻言放弃 210

258 nickel and dime one s way 积少成多取得成功 211

259 no soap 无结果,不成功 212

260 not have a dog s chance 绝无机会 213

261 not having any 不愿参与,不予理会;无法容忍 213

262 not know the first thing about something 对某事一窍不通,对某事什么也不知道 214

363 not to know beans about something 对……一无所知 215

264 null and void 无效的,无法律效力的 216

265 nurse it back to life 恢复元气 217

266 off the hook 脱身;脱离窘境;(电话)未挂好 217

267 on eggs 谨慎行事 218

268 on one s last legs 山穷水尽 219

269 on sale 廉价出售;上市 220

270 on special 特价销售 221

272 on the fence 保持中立;犹豫不定 222

271 on the drawing board 在设计阶段 222

273 on top of 在……之上;除……之外 223

274 one after another 一个接一个 224

275 out in left field 不合理的,不明智的,不可能的 225

276 pad the bill 报假账 226

277 part and parcel of 重点,核心 226

278 pass in a crowd 还过得去,还可以 227

279 pay back 还债 228

280 pay someone s way 支付费用 229

281 pick up the bits 收拾残局 229

282 pie in the sky 不现实的,空想的计划 230

283 pin someone s ears back 教训某人 231

284 pipe dream 幻想,空洞的计划 231

285 place a call 打电话 232

286 play (it) safe 稳扎稳打,谨慎行事 233

287 play along with 假意与……合作 234

288 play ducks and drakes with 打水漂,挥金如土;浪费,挥霍;对某人或某事制造混乱 234

289 play footsie 调情 236

290 play heck with 破坏;给……制造麻烦 236

291 play into someone s hand 正中某人下怀 237

292 play into someone s hands 干对于对手有利的事,中对手之计…… 238

293 play it cool 不露声色,沉着冷静 239

294 play one s cards well 办事高明,做事有心计 240

295 play one s cards well/right 办事高明,巧于运筹 241

296 play the field 不正经干,尝试多样 242

297 play the game (right) 行为正派;有绅士风度 242

298 play the game 行为正派;有绅士风度 243

299 play up to someone 讨好某人;顺从某人 244

300 pocket litter 口袋里装的零碎东西 245

301 podspeak 庸俗讨厌的谈吐 246

302 point sb. /sth. out 提出;提醒注意 246

303 point-blank 近距离平射,直截了当 247

304 posh 豪华;昂贵;时髦 248

305 pull in 逮住;赚钱 249

306 pull one s weight 尽自己的本分;努力做好自己份内的事 249

307 put a bug in someone s ear 事先暗示某人,私下叮嘱某人 250

308 put a spoke in a someone s wheel 阻挠某人的计划 251

309 put all one s eggs in one basket 太冒险了,孤注一掷 252

310 put into action 把……付诸实施 253

312 put one s pride in one s pocket 抑制自尊 254

311 put one s back into 不遗余力、全力以赴地去做 254

313 put one s best leg forward/foremost 尽最大努力;全力以赴 255

314 put the squeeze on someone 对某人施加压力 256

315 put their/your/our heads together 一起讨论(尤指为了解决问题) 256

316 put…into effect 使……生效,开始实施 257

317 Pyrrhic victory 损失惨重的胜利;得不偿失的胜利 257

318 rack one s brains 绞尽脑汁,冥思苦思 259

319 rat race 激烈竞争 260

320 read someone loud and clear 对某人了如指掌 260

321 reckon without one s host 打如意算盘;未经考虑重要因素而做出重大决定 261

322 red herring 熏鲱鱼;转移别人的注意力的话或事物 262

323 red tape 繁文缛节,文牍主义 263

324 renew the certificate 续存 264

325 retum to one s muttons 言归正传 265

326 ride for a fall 自趋失败,自招不利 266

327 ring the changes 以不同的方式说、做同一件事;以不同的方式重述同一个观点 267

328 rip off 敲竹杠,诈骗 268

329 rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙 269

330 rock bottom 跌到底 270

331 rock the boat 捣乱;把事情弄糟 271

332 rough and ready 简单的,简易的 272

333 rubber stamp (例行公事的)认可,承认 273

334 rug joint 很讲究的俱乐部,高级饭店 273

335 run (one s eyes) over 粗略地浏览 274

336 run around the circles 忙得团团转 275

337 run one s course 自然的发展 276

338 rush hour 高峰时间 277

339 see about 去处理 278

340 sell like hot cakes 畅销 278

341 serve two masters 不忠 279

342 set somebody up as… (使自己或他人)从事某种职业 280

343 set something back 耽搁,延迟 280

344 set/put (the) wheels in motion 推展,进行 281

345 shake something up 重新组合;改组 282

346 share weal and woe 同甘共苦 283

347 shift one s ground 改变立场或论据等;转变口风 284

348 shoot one s last bolt 竭尽全力,智穷才尽 285

349 short-handed 人手不足 285

350 show one s cards 表明态度 286

351 show one s horns 怒形于色,准备争辩 287

352 side with someone 与某人站在一起,支持某人 288

353 sign on the dotted line 全部接受,毫不迟疑地同意 289

354 sing sb s praise (s) 高度赞扬别人 289

355 sink or swim 成败全靠自己;自力更生 290

356 sit in 代替别人主持会议或工作 291

357 six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两 292

358 smell rat 察觉事情不对头 293

359 snap one s fingers at someone 瞧不起某人 293

360 start from scratch 从头开始 295

361 stay in touch 常联系 296

362 stay on the line 电话不要挂断 296

363 steal a march on someone 抢在某人的前面 297

364 sugar the pill 给点儿甜头安慰一下 298

365 sweeten the pot 加大筹码 299

366 take…with a pinch of salt 不轻易相信 300

367 take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同 301

368 take it or leave it 接不接受随你便 302

369 take over 接收,接管 303

370 take shortcuts 走捷径,抄近路 304

371 take stock of 充分估计 305

372 take the cake 最坏不过了,坏极了;再妙不过了,妙得无以复加 306

373 take the gilt off the gingerbread 除去诱人的外表,剥去美丽装饰 306

374 take the long view of 长远打算 307

375 take time by the forelock 抓紧时机,乘机 309

376 take wing 迅速发展,飞走 310

377 talk a mile a minute 说话像连珠炮,滔滔不绝地讲 311

378 talk Turkey 直言不讳 312

379 thank one s lucky stars 感到万幸 313

380 that s that 就此而已;就这样决定了,再没什么可说的了 314

381 the break 好运,特殊照顾;晦气,丧事 315

382 the fat is in the fire 为时已晚,欲罢不能 316

383 the fickle finger of fate 命运的捉弄,倒霉 317

384 the grass is always greener on the other hill 这山望着那山高 318

385 the last of the big spenders 铁公鸡 319

386 the men s room 男洗手间 320

387 the more you have, the more you want 欲望是无止境的 321

388 the show must go on 节目总得继续 321

389 throw caution to the winds 不顾一切;卤莽从事 322

390 throw/pour good money after bad 吃了亏又吃亏;孤注一掷,做绝望的挣扎 323

391 time deposit 定期存款 324

392 to one s liking 合某人的意,合某人的胃口 325

393 to one s name 为某人所有 325

394 to the backbone 彻底 326

395 try it on with 对……粗野无理,行骗 327

396 tum down 拒绝,摒弃 327

397 turn one s back on/upon 背弃;不闻不问;拒绝 328

398 turn someone s head 使人感到骄傲;使人头脑发热 329

399 under the cover of… 以……为幌子,以……为借口 330

400 up a gum-tree 进退两难,进退维谷 331

401 up to one s ears 很忙;完全介入某件事的意思 332

402 walk on eggs 谨慎行事 333

403 walk tall 傲然自视 334

404 water down 打折,降低 335

405 weigh on someone s conscience 使某人良心不安 335

406 well out of it 幸能脱身 336

407 well-lined purse 有钱人 337

408 wet blanket 煞风景的事情;对别人泼冷水的人 338

409 what one loses on the swings one gets bask on the roundabouts 失之东隅,收之桑榆 339

410 wheel within wheels 相互影响,理由错综复杂 340

411 wheels 汽车 341

412 when someone s ship comes in/home 事业发达时,期望实现时 341

413 white mule 酒 342

414 wild-goose chase 徒劳的搜索;无益的举动 343

415 wipe off 擦去,洗刷,勾销 344

416 with one s back to the wall 处境艰难 345