
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:胡萃主编
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7536649487
  • 页数:366 页

前言 1

1 Introduction Hu Cui and Ming Jianxiong 1

1.1 Definition and content 1

1.2 Principal theoretical basis 1

Preface 1

1 绪论* 胡萃 闵建雄 1

1.2 法医昆虫学的主要理论依据 1

1.1 法医昆虫学的定义和内容 1

1.3 History 2

1.3 法医昆虫学历史 2

1.4 法医昆虫学现状 4

1.4 Present status 4

1.5 法医昆虫学展望 5

1.5 Prospects 5

1.6 On the establishment of modern forensic entomology in China in the near future 6

1.6 尽快建立我国的现代法医昆虫学 6

2.1 Role of insects in corpse decomposition 8

2 Insects and Corpse Decomposition Hu Cui and Ming Jianxiong 8

2 昆虫与尸体分解 胡萃 闵建雄 8

2.1 昆虫在尸体分解中的重要作用 8

2.3 Food webs of organisms associated with corpse 10

2.2 自尸体开始的食物网 10

2.3 Principal insect groups frequently associated with carrion 11

2.3 尸体上的主要昆虫类群 11

3 The Faunal Succession on Cadavers Hu Cui and Ma Yukun 22

3.1 Postmortem phenomena 22

3 尸体上的昆虫区系演替 胡萃 马玉堃 22

3.1 尸体现象 22

3.2 暴露尸体 23

3.2 Exposed corpses 23

3.3 Buried corpses 41

3.3 土埋尸体 41

3.4 水淹尸体 47

3.4 Corpses immersed in water 47

3.5 火烧尸体 55

3.5 Burnt bodies 55

3.6 Mummy 56

3.7 Influencing factors 56

3.6 干尸 56

3.7 影响因子 56

4.1 双翅目概说 66

4 Diptera with Forensic Importance Hu Cui and Wang Jiangfeng 66

4.1 General considerations 66

4 具法医学意义的双翅目昆虫 胡萃 王江峰 66

4.2 Trichoceridae(=Petauristidae) 75

4.2 冬大蚊科Trichoceridae(=Petauristidae) 75

4.3 毛蠓科Psychodidae 77

4.3 Psychodidae 77

4.5 蚤蝇科Phoridae 78

4.4 Stratiomyidae 78

4.5 Phoridae 78

4.4 水虻科Stratiomydae 78

4.6 Syrphidae 80

4.6 食蚜蝇科Syrphidae 80

4.8 日蝇科Heleomyzidae(=Helomyzidae) 82

4.8 Heleomyzidae(=Helomyzidae) 82

4.7 Coelopidae 82

4.7 扁蝇科Coelopidae 82

4.9 Sphaeroceridae(=Borboridae) 83

4.9 小粪蝇科Sphaeroceridae(=Borboridae) 83

4.10 Dryomyzidae 87

4.11 Sepsidae 87

4.10 圆头蝇科Dryomyzidae 87

4.11 鼓翅蝇科Sepsidae 87

4.12 酪蝇科Piophilidae 89

4.12 Piophilidae 89

4.13 Milichiidae 91

4.13 叶蝇科Milichirdae 91

4.14 Ephydridae(=Hydrellidae, Notiphilidae) 93

4.14 水蝇科Ephydridae(=Hydrellidae, Notiphilidae) 93

4.15 Drosophilidae 94

4.15 果蝇科Drosophilidae 94

4.16 Muscidae 96

4.16 蝇科Muscidae 96

4.17 丽蝇科Calliphoridae 112

4.17 Calliphoridae 112

4.18 Sarcophagidae 160

4.18 麻蝇科Sarcophagidae 160

5 Coleoptera with Forensic Importance Hu Cui and Ma Yukun 173

5.1 General considerations 173

5.1 鞘翅目概说 173

5 具法医学意义的鞘翅目昆虫 胡萃 马玉堃 173

5.2 Carabidae 174

5.2 步甲科Carabidae 174

5.3 Hydrophilidae 176

5.3 水龟虫科Hydrophilidae 176

5.4 阎甲科Histeridae 177

5.4 Histeridae 177

5.5 埋葬甲科Silphidae 179

5.5 Silphidae 179

5.6 隐翅甲科Staphylinidae 180

5.6 Staphylinidae 180

5.7 Scarabaeidae 182

5.7 金龟甲科Scarabaeidae 182

5.9 Aphodiidae 183

5.9 蜉金龟科Aphodiidae 183

5.8 Geotrupidae 183

5.8 粪金龟科Geotrupidae 183

5.11 Dermestidae 184

5.10 Trogidae 184

5.10 皮金龟科Trogidae 184

5.11 皮蠹科Dermestidae 184

5.12 Ptinidae 191

5.12 蛛甲科Ptinidae 191

5.13 Cleridae 192

5.13 郭公甲科Cleridae 192

5.14 Nitidulidae 194

5.15 Tenebrionidae 194

5.14 露尾甲科Nitidulidae 194

5.15 拟步甲科Tenebrionidae 194

5.16 蚁形甲科Anthicidae(=Notoxidae) 195

5.17 唼蜡虫科Rhizophagidae 195

5.16 Anthicidae(=Notoxidae) 195

5.17 Rhizophagidae 195

5.18 Miscellaneous families 196

5.18 其他鞘翅目昆虫 196

6 Lepidoptera with Forensic Importance Hu Cui and Ding Hong 198

6.1 General considerations 198

6 具法医学意义的鳞翅目昆虫 胡萃 丁宏 198

6.1 鳞翅目概说 198

6.2 Pyralidae 200

6.2 螟蛾科Pyralidae 200

6.3 Tineidae 203

6.3 谷蛾科Tineidae 203

6.4 织叶蛾科Oecophoridea(=Depressaridae) 206

6.4 Oecophoridae(=Depressaridae) 206

7.2 Vespidae and other predatory wasps 207

7 Hymenoptera with Forensic Importance Hu Cui and Li Juntao 207

7 具法医学意义的膜翅目昆虫 胡萃 李俊涛 207

7.1 膜翅目概说 207

7.2 胡蜂科及其他捕食性蜂类 207

7.1 General considerations 207

7.3 蜜蜂科Apidae 209

7.3 Apidae 209

7.4 蚁科Formicidae 210

7.4 Formicidae 210

7.5 寄生蜂 211

7.5 Parasitic wasps 211

8 Other Orders with Forensic Importance Hu Cui 216

8 具法医学意义的其他目昆虫 胡萃 216

8.1 弹尾目Collembola 216

8.1 Collembola 216

8.2 蜚蠊目Blattaria 217

8.2 Blattaria 217

8.4 直翅目Orthoptera 218

8.3 等翅目Isoptera 218

8.4 Orthoptera 218

8.3 Isoptera 218

8.5 Dermaptera 219

8.5 革翅目Dermaptera 219

8.6 Anoplura 220

8.6 虱目Anoplura 220

8.7 Hemiptera 220

8.7 半翅目Hemiptera 220

8.8 Siphonaptera 224

8.8 蚤目Siphonaptera 224

9.1 Arachnida 226

9.1 蛛形纲Arachnida 226

9 Other Arthropods with Forensic Importance Hu Cui 226

9 具法医学意义的其他节肢动物 胡萃 226

9.2 甲壳纲Crustacea 228

9.3 重足纲Diplopoda 228

9.2 Crustacea 228

9.3 Diplopoda 228

10.1 Collecting equipment 230

10 法医昆虫标本的采集、保存及饲养 胡萃 徐长苗 230

10.1 采集用品 230

10 Collection, Preservation and Rearing of Forensic Insects Hu Cui and Xu Changmiao 230

10.2 Collection of entomological evidence at the death scene 234

10.2 死亡现场的标本采集 234

10.3 尸体解剖中的标本采集 236

10.3 Collection of entomological specimens during autopsy 236

10.4 土埋尸体的标本采集 237

10.4 Collection of specimens from buried remains 237

10.5 密闭结构中的标本采集 238

10.5 Collection of specimens from enclosed structures 238

10.6 Collection of specimens from aquatic habitats 239

10.6 水生生境中的标本采集 239

10.7 分离 240

10.7 Processing litter and soil samples 240

10.8 保存液 241

10.8 Solutions for killing and preserving insects 241

10.9 Rearing procedures for flies 242

10.9 蝇类的饲养 242

10.10 Rearing of aquatic insects 245

10.10 水生昆虫的饲养 245

11 Application of Entomological Evidence Hu Cui and Chen Yi Charlie 247

11.1 Estimate of the time of death 247

11.1 死亡时间估计 247

11 昆虫学证据的实际应用 胡萃 陈益 247

11.2 Determining manner of death 267

11.2 死亡原因分析 267

11.3 Determining movement of the corpse from one site to another 268

11.3 死亡场所与抛尸场所推断 268

11.4 Miscellaneous application 269

11.4 其他 269

12.1 Modern techniques for micro-analysis 271

12 Application of Modern Techniques in Forensic Entomology Hu Cui and Ye Gongyin 271

12 现代新技术在法医昆虫学中的应用 胡萃 叶恭银 271

12.1 现代微量分析技术 271

12.2 Electron microscopy 292

12.2 电子显微技术 292

12.3 Computer technique 298

12.3 电子计算机技术 298

12.4 Molecular detection technique 303

12.4 分子检测技术 303

References Ye Congyin and Hu Cui 310

参考文献 叶恭银 胡萃 310

Index to Chinese Names Ye Gongyin and Hu Cui 320

中名索引 叶恭银 胡萃 320

Index to Scientific Names Ye Gongyin and Hu Cui 327

拉丁名索引 叶恭银 胡萃 327

Appendix 1 Glossary of Special Terms Ye Gongyin and Hu Cui 337

附录1 法医昆虫学上常用术语解释 叶恭银 胡萃 337

Appendix 2 A List of English-Chinese Special Terms Ye Gongyin and Hu Cui 355

附录2 法医昆虫学上常用术语英汉对照表 叶恭银 胡萃 355