社会文化与贫困——从西盟佤族看边疆民族地区贫困的深层原因与反贫困的新思路 郑晓云 1
Society,Culture and Poverty:A Perspectives of the Deep-Rooted Reasons of Poverty of the Ethnic Regio 1
●Studies on the Ethnic Development Issues● 1
●民族发展问题研究● 1
藏区反贫困制度的选择与创新——四川省小金县沃日乡的案例调查 李锦 袁晓文 16
Alternatives and Initiatives of the Combat Against Poverty Mechanism of the Tibetan Areas:A Case Rep 16
云龙县脱贫与实现小康目标的特点和途径研究 董建中 33
Studies on the Features and Methods of Poverty-Alleviation and the Realization of Well-being of Yunl 33
Combat Against Illiteracy and Poverty:Typical Experiences and Destitute Poverty Issues of Ninglang Y 56
治愚与治穷——宁蒗彝族自治县的典型经验与特困问题 郑成军 56
A Preliminary Discussion on the Sustainable Traditional Farming Techniques of the Dulong People LUO 75
独龙族传统农耕技术的可持续性初探 罗荣芬 75
滇西北生态旅游开发与藏族社区文化调查研究 洪颖 84
Development of the Eco-tourism of the Northwestern Yunnan and the Studies and Investigation of the C 84
绿色食品产业:民族地区新的经济增长点——兼论绿色食品产业开发战略框架 史新辰 93
Green Food Industry:A New Point of Economic Growth:Framework of the Development Strategies of the Gr 93
中缅边境景颇族村落跨境关系个案调查研究 金黎燕 111
Case Studies and Investigations on the Cross-Border Relations of the Jingpo Villages along the Sino- 111
●两性与发展研究● 132
纳西族妇女在社区资源使用和管理中的角色 杨福泉 132
●Gender and Development Studies● 132
Role of Naxi Women in the Utilization and Management of Community Resources YANG Fuquan 132
哈尼族梯田农耕社会中的女性角色 王清华 145
Role of Women in the Terraced Farming Society of the Hani People WANG Qinghua 145
●Studies on the Traditional Culture and Customs● 157
Funeral Ceremonies of the Yi People in Wu Village XUE Jinling 157
雾村彝族的丧葬礼仪 薛金玲 157
●传统文化习俗研究● 157
Several Issues Related to the Shamanism of the Manchurians HE Fuying 180
满族萨满教的几个问题 何溥滢 180
Brief Discussion on the Hemp Weaving Culture of the Miao People GU Wenfeng 190
苗族麻纺织文化略论 古文凤 190
Case Studies on the Interaction Between Land Tenureship and Indigenous Knowledge:A Case Study of the 209
林地权属与乡土知识互动关系案例研究——丽江俄罗村调查 杜娟 209
Features and Experiences of the Communist Party in the Ethnic Work of Yunnan During the Neo-Democrat 224
●Studies on the History of Ethnic Peoples● 224
●民族历史研究● 224
新民主主义革命时期党在云南民族工作的特点及经验 高旗 224
On the Ethnic Policies of the Western Han Dynasty towards the Huns and Its Impacts WANG Lihua 238
论西汉对匈奴的民族政策及其影响 王丽华 238
He Jixian s Running of Schools in the Old Town of Lijiang in the Late Qing Dynasty HE Boqun 246
清末丽江古城和积贤兴学事略 和伯群 246
●Studies on the Ethnic Language Learning● 257
Investigation on the Bilingual Phenomenon in the Tibetan Areas of Diqing Prefecture ZHANG Zhongyun 257
迪庆藏区双语现象调查 章忠云 257
●民族语文研究● 257
●Visual Anthropology● 287
Relationship Between Sound and Image in TV Documentaries WANG Jing 287
浅谈电视专题片的声画关系 王京 287
●影视人类学● 287
Documentation and Aesthetics:My Reflections on the Photography of the Ethnic Peoples BI Yun 293
纪实与审美——我对少数民族摄影的思考 毕云 293
●Construction of the Ethnology Discipline● 301
Institute of Ethnology of Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences towards the 21st Century GUO Dalie 301
迈向21世纪的云南省社会科学院民族学研究所 郭大烈 301
●民族学科建设● 301
●Academic Exchanges● 314
Summary of the Academic Conference of the 99 International Lijiang Dongba Culture Studies 314
●学术信息报道● 314
’99中国丽江国际东巴文化学术研讨会述略 民文 314
A Sketch of the Academic Conference of Dongba Culture and Tourism Development of Lijiang 320
东巴文化与丽江旅游学术研讨会概况 320
照片 王京 毕云等供稿 326
致读者 331