第一章 一般护理 2
1-1 化学治疗(Chemotherapy) 2
1-2 出院指导(Education For Discharge) 5
1-3 悲伤(Grief) 11
1-4 疼痛处理(Pain Management) 15
1-5 放射治疗(Radiation Therapy) 18
1-6 手术前护理(Preoperative Cape) 23
1-7 手术后护理(Postoperative Care) 28
1-8 婴儿手术前护理(Preoperative Cape,Infant) 33
1-9 婴儿手术后护理(Postoperative Care,Infant) 37
第二章 内科护理 46
2-1 虐待/疏忽(Abuse/Neglect) 46
2-2 再生不良性贫血(Aplastic Anemia) 51
2-3 喘息性毛细支气管炎(Asthma,Bronchiolitis) 55
2-4 自主反射障碍(Autonomic Dysreflexia) 59
2-5 胆道闭锁(Biliary Atresia) 64
2-6 肉毒杆菌病(Botulism) 68
2-7 脑瘤(Brain Tumor) 71
2-8 癌症(Cancer) 74
2-9 脑性瘫痪(Cerebral Palsy) 76
2-10 婴儿化学物质成瘾/戒断(Chemical Addiction/Withdrawal,Infant) 81
2-11 青春期化学物质依赖(Chemical Dependency,Adolescent) 86
2-12 慢性肺疾病(肺、气管发育不良)(Chronic Lung Disease(Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia)) 90
2-13 唇裂、腭裂(Cleft Lip,Cleft Plalate) 96
2-14 充血性心力衰竭(Congestive Heart Failure) 100
2-15 克隆病(Crohn Disease) 106
2-16 喘鸣(Croup) 111
2-17 囊性纤维变性(Cystic Fibrosis) 116
2-18 糖尿病性酮症酸中毒(Diabetic Ketoacidosis) 123
2-19 糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus) 127
2-20 腹泻、脱水(Diarrhea,Dehydration) 133
2-21 饮食障碍(Eating Disorders(Anorexia Nervosa,Bulimia)) 137
2-22 会厌炎(Epiglottitis) 144
2-23 生长发育不良(Failure To Thrive) 147
2-24 不明原因的发热(Fever Of Undetermined Origin) 152
2-25 肠胃炎(Gastroenteritis) 155
2-26 胃食管反流(Gastroesophageal Reflux) 159
2-27 格林-巴综合征(Guillain-Barre Syndrome) 162
2-28 头部创伤(Head Trauma) 167
2-29 血友病(Hemophilia) 172
2-30 肝炎(Hepatitis) 176
2-31 人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS) 181
2-32 高胆红素血症(Hyperbilirubinemia) 190
2-33 高血压(Hypertension) 197
2-34 特发性血小板减少性紫癜(Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) 200
2-35 感染性疾病(Infectious Disorders) 205
2-36 颅内压增高(Intracranial Pressure Increased) 209
2-37 幼年型类风湿性关节炎(Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) 213
2-38 白血病(Leukemia) 217
2-39 脑膜炎(Meningitis) 222
2-40 脊髓脊膜膨出修复(较大儿童)(Meningomyelocele,Repaired(Older Child)) 226
2-41 婴儿猝死综合征(Near-SIDS Event(Sudden lnfant Death Syndrome)) 232
2-42 肾病综合征(Nephrotic Syndrome) 235
2-43 神经母细胞瘤(Neuroblastoma) 240
2-44 骨髓炎(Osteomyelitis) 245
2-45 肺炎(Pneumonia) 249
2-46 中毒(Poisoning) 253
2-47 四肢瘫痪/脊椎损伤(Quadriplegia,Spinal Cord Injury) 256
2-48 呼吸窘迫综合征(Respiratory Distress) 263
2-49 雷氏综合征(Reye Syndrome) 266
2-50 抽搐(Seizure Disorders) 271
2-51 镰状细胞疾病(Sickle Cell Disease) 275
2-52 系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) 283
2-53 结核病(Tuberculosis) 289
2-54 溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis) 292
2-55 威廉姆肿瘤(Wilms Tumor) 296
第三章 外科护理 300
3-1 阑尾切除术(Appendectomy) 300
3-2 烧伤与植皮(Burns And Grafts) 303
3-3 心脏手术(Cardiac Surgery) 310
3-4 唇腭裂修补(Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Repair) 316
3-5 青少年期的结肠手术(Colon Surgery,Adolescent) 321
3-6 胃底折叠术(Fundolplication) 323
3-7 胃造瘘术(Gastrostomy) 326
3-8 头部创伤的手术(Head Trauma,Surgical Management) 329
3-9 巨结肠症的手术(Hirschsprungs Pull-Through) 336
3-10 尿道下裂修补术(Hypospadias Repair) 339
3-11 乳突窦切除术(Mastoidectomy) 343
3-12 神经母细胞瘤切除术(Neuroblastoma,Surgical,Repair) 346
3-13 骨科修补术:肢体骨折(Orthopedic Repair,Limb Fracture 351
3-14 幽门狭窄修补术(Pyloric Stenosis Repair) 356
3-15 肾脏手术(Renal Surgery) 360
3-16 气管造瘘术(Tracheostomy) 364
3-17 脑室分流修正术(Ventricular Shunt Revision) 368
附录 371
附录 缩写名词(Abbreviations) 371