
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:汪福祥等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7119025465
  • 页数:337 页

to abandon oneself to... 纵情于…,沉溺于…,肆意… 1

to be abashed at ...因…而感惭愧,窘迫,不好意思 2

to take up one s abode with(in)...和…住在一起;住在… 3

to aboud in(with) ...充满,盛产…;有大量的… 4

to keep abreast of (with) ...与…并驾齐驱;跟得上… 5

to absolve someone from(of)...免除(解除,宽恕)某人的… 6

to be absorbed in...专心于…,全神贯注于…;沉醉于… 7

to abstract someone s atten-tion from ...转移某人对…的注意力 8

to heap abuse on ...辱骂,谩骂,责骂… 9

to have access to...能够进入,使用,得到,获得… 10

to accommodate oneself to...使自己适应于… 11

to be accomplished in... 擅长于…;在…方面很有成就 12

to do something of one s own accord 自愿干某事,主动干某事 13

to leave something out of ac-count 忽视了某事;没想到、没料到 14

to bring an accusation against...控诉…;指控… 15

to accuse scmeone of doing something 控告,指责某人干某事 16

to accustom oneself to...使自己习惯,适应于… 17

to be acknowledged as ... 被公认为是… 18

to acquaint oneself with ...认识,熟悉,了解… 19

to act on the square to ...以诚相待… 20

to adapt oneself to ...使自己适应于… 21

to be adept at ...善于,擅长,精于… 22

to be adjacent to ...与…毗邻,邻接;靠近,贴近… 23

to adjust oneself to ...使自已适应于… 24

to administer a crushing blow at ...给…以毁灭性的打击 25

to admonish someone against...告诫某人不要… 26

to sing in adoraticn of ...歌颂…;赞颂… 27

to adom ...with ...用…点缀,装扮… 28

to take advantage of ...利用…;占…的便宜 29

to advertise for ...为…做广告;登广告招聘… 30

to follcw scmeone s advice 听从某人的劝告、意见 31

to advise someone against...劝告,劝阻某人不要… 32

to have an affair with ...与…有不正当的(男女)关系 33

to be affected with ...受…的影响;与…息息相关 34

to afliliate cneself with ...与…来往,结合;加入…的行列 35

to have an affinity for ...对…有吸引力;喜欢… 36

to be afraid of ...为…担心;害怕… 37

to be dead against...断然反对…;顶着,迎着… 38

to obtain the agency for ...获得…的经营权 39

to be aggrieved at ... 因…感到焦虑;对…感到悲伤 40

to be agitated about ...对…感到焦虑;因…而心绪不宁 41

to agree on ...就…取得一致意见;在…方面达成协议 42

to come to someone s aid 前来援助(求援)… 43

to be aimed at 旨在…;目的在于… 44

to give somecne the air 抛弃某人;不理睬某人;解雇某人 45

to be alarmed for ...对…放心不下;对…提心吊胆 46

to put someone on the alert…使某人对…警惕起来,防备起来 47

to make an allegation that …硬说,偏偏说…;断言… 48

to be allergic to ...对…有过敏反应;厌恶… 49

to make an alliance against 联合抵御(反对)… 50

to allure someone into ...引诱某人去…,诱惑某人去… 51

to have no alternative but ...除了…别无选择 52

amuse oneself by(with) ...以…自得其乐 53

be analogous to(with) ...类似于…;与…相似 54

be annoyed with ...因…而感到烦恼或厌烦 55

to come into antagonism with...与…闹翻,对抗 56

to feel an antipathy for ...厌恶,嫌弃…,对…反感 57

to go ape over ...被…搞得神魂颠倒 58

make an apology to someone for ...因…而向某人道歉 59

to make one s appeal to ...向…发出呼吁;求助于… 60

to apply ...to...把…应用于,运用到… 61

to make appointment with ...与…约定,约会 62

to be appreciative of ...欣赏…;感激… 63

to feel an apprehension for(over) ...对…感到不安(焦虑、恐惧) 64

to be apprehensive for(of)...对…感到不安,焦虑,恐惧 65

to be(become) apprised of ...熟悉,了解…;得知… 66

to make approaches to ...接近…;和…打交道 67

to be appropriate for ...适合于…;适用于… 68

to be apt to do ...有…的倾向;很容易…;有可能… 69

to argue someone into doing something 说服某人去干某事 70

to get into arguments with ...与…发生争执,展开辩论 71

to arise from ...从…中产生;由…而引起,起因于… 72

to keep someone at arm s length 对某人敬而远之 73

to make arrangements for ...为…做准备,安排 74

to arrive at(in) ...到达…;抵达… 75

to be ashamed of oneself for ...因…而感到害羞,惭愧 76

to aspire after(for,to,to-wards) ...渴望,向往,追求,有志于… 77

to be assigned to ...被分配从事…;被派到… 78

to assoclate oneself with 赞同,支持…;与…交往 79

to associate ...with ...把…与…联系在一起 80

to assume the role of ...担任…的角色;承担…的任务 81

to assure someone of ...使某人确信…,向某人保证… 82

to be assured of ...得到…的保证;对…感到放心 83

to be astonished at ...对…感到震惊 84

to be astounded at ...因…而惊诧 85

to create an atmosphere of ...创造的…气氛,环境 86

to make atonement for ...弥补…,报偿… 87

to attach great importance to ...极其重视… 88

to make an attempt at ...企图,试图,打算… 89

to dance attendance on ...奉承,讨好…,向…大献殷勤 90

to catch the attention of 引起…的注意 91

to have attraction for ...对…有吸引力 92

to attribute ...to ...把…归因于…;认为…与…有关 93

to have authority over(with)...对…有权威 94

to avall oneself of ...利用,趁…的机会 95

to be avaricious of ... 贪图…;贪念… 96

to be averse to ... 嫌恶…;对…反感;反对… 97

to be aware of ...意识到…;注意到…;明白… 98

to do away with ...废除…;除掉…;干掉… 99

to do in bad with ...失去…的欢心;不讨…的喜欢 100

to be banned ...from...…被禁止… 101

to bare one s heart to ...对…讲真心话;向…倾吐衷肠 103

to bargain with ...与…讨价还价 103

to set up a barrier between...and ...在…与之间设置障碍,产生隔阂 104

to base ...on ...把…建立在…的基础之上 105

be someone(something)...or ...无论某人(某事)是…还是… 106

to be through with ...完成…;结束…;厌倦… 107

to bear resemblance to ...与…相似;与…有类似之处 108

to bear something in mind ...记住…;牢记住… 109

to beef about ...抱怨…;因…大发牢骚 110

to beg of someone to do ...恳求某人去做… 111

to beguile someone into 欺骗(哄骗)某人干… 112

to cherish(nures)the belief that...怀有…的信念;确信… 113

to have a fine in one s belfy that...心里明白… 114

to bend one s efforts for 致力于…,为…全力以赴 115

to bend one s mind to...一心想要…;专心致志地从事… 116

to benefit from ...从…获利;受益于… 117

to bereave someone of all hope使某人失去一切希望 118

to keep a clear berth of some-one 对…敬而远之,避开… 119

to think better of...改变…的主意;对…评价更高 120

to be closely bound up with...与…紧密联系在一起 121

to bind someone with ...用…约束,束缚某人 122

to bite one s thumb at ...对…嗤之以鼻;侮辱… 123

to be to blame for ...对…应负责任;因…应受到责备 124

to be a blank on the subject of...对…(科目)毫无研究 125

to blind someone to some-thing 使某人看不到某物 126

to make someone s blood boil 使某人无比愤怒 127

to put a blot on ...使…留下污点;损害…的名誉 128

to blush for ...因…而感到脸红 129

to get bogged down in ...深深陷入… 130

to make no bones about ...对…毫不犹豫…;毫不掩饰地… 131

to boost the price of ...提高…的价格 132

to be bored with ...对…感到厌倦 133

to speak one s bosom freely 畅所欲言,倾诉衷肠 134

to bother oneself about ...为…大伤脑筋;为…费心 135

to know no bounds无限,无止境 136

to brace cneself for ...为…做好思想准备;准备… 137

to bracket ...with ...把…与…相提并论 138

to put a brake on ...对…加以限制 139

to brand someone as ...称某人是…;指责某人为… 140

to widen the breach between ...and ...加大…与…之间的隔阂 141

to be a different breed of cat form ...…和…不是一回事 142

to lay a gold bridge for ...为…留一条退路 143

to bring ...under control 对…加以控制;使…得到控制 144

to have on brow of ...对…没有好感,对…印象不好 145

to brush ...aside 把…搁置一边;扫除,排除… 146

to buckle down to...认真干起…;努力从事… 147

to keep oneseof busy with 使自己忙于… 148

to have capacities for ...有…的能力,有能力做… 149

to make a career of ...在…方面有所建树;以…为生涯 150

to be careful with ...当心(留意)…;对…很仔细 151

to carry someone back to ...使某人想起… 152

to cash in on ...占…的便宜;趁机利用*… 153

to cast a cloud over ...给…蒙上一层阴影 154

to cast in one s lot with ...与…共命运 155

to play cat and mouse with ...与…玩猫捉老鼠的游戏 156

to be certain of ...确信…;对…有把握 157

to chalk ...up to ...把…归因于… 158

to be characteristic of ...所特有的…;…的特征 159

to charm someone into doing...哄骗某人去干… 160

to cheat someone into doing...骗某人去做(干)… 161

to take good cheer from ...因…而感到振奋 162

to get something off one s chest 把憋在心里的话说出来 163

to put a chill into someone 使某人大为扫兴 164

cannot choose but ...非…不可;只好… 165

to run close to ...可同…媲美;与…不相上下 166

to coat ...with ...给…涂上一层… 167

to make a collection for ...为…而募捐 168

to come to terms with ...与…达成协议;慢慢习惯于… 169

to be commensurate with ...与…相称(相当…相同) 170

to be committed to ...致力于…;保证…;受…的束缚 171

to part company with ...和分手(告别) 172

to be comparable to ...可以与…相比;比得上… 173

compare ...with...把…与…做一比较 174

conceal ...from ...对…隐瞒… 175

take ...into one s confidence和…推心置腹的谈话,对…说知心话 176

to be confined to ...被限制在…,局限于… 177

to conform to ...与…一致;遵守(遵循,遵照)… 178

to be confronted with ...面临…,面对… 179

to congratulate someone on ...因…向某人表示祝贺,祝贺某人… 180

to be connected with ...和…有关,与…有联系 181

to consider ...as ...把…看作是…,认为…是… 182

to take something into consid-eration 把某事考虑进去,考虑到某事 183

to be consistent with ...与…一致,与…相符 184

to lose contact with ...与…失去了联系 185

to be contaminated with ...被…污染 186

to run counter to ...与…相抵触,与…背道而驰 187

be covered with ...被…覆盖着,覆盖着… 188

to crack down on ...严厉打击…,严厉制裁…,严惩… 190

to give someone credit for ...应该承认某人的…;因…而称赞某人 190

to criticize someone for ...批评某人…,因…而批评某人 191

to be cross with someone 生某人的气,对某人很不高兴 192

to be crowded with ...挤满了…,充满了… 193

to be cut out for ...天生适合… 194

to speak daggers to ...恶语中伤… 195

to do damage to ...有损于…,毁坏,损害… 196

to run the danger of ...冒着…的危险 197

to keep someone in the daik baout ...不让某人知道有关…的事情 198

to turn a deaf ear to ...对…置若罔闻,把…当作耳旁风 199

to be dedicated to ...献身于…,全身心地投入到… 200

to deprive someone of ...剥夺某人…的权力;使某人丧失… 201

to be deserving of ...值得…;配得上… 202

to have designs on...对…心怀叵测,对…用心不良 203

to repress one s desire for...抑制…的欲望 204

to watch the development of...注视…的发展 206

to be devoid of...毫无,没有,缺乏… 207

to devote ...to ...把…献给…;把…用于… 208

to die of...死于…,因…而死 209

to differ from ...与…不同,有异于… 210

to be difficult of ...难以…,不易… 211

to dig into ...深入地钻研… 212

to get in a dig at ...挖苦…,讽刺… 213

to take a dim view of ...对…抱悲观态度;不赞成… 214

to do the dirty on ...对…采取卑鄙的手段 215

to be disappointed at(with)...对...感到失望 216

to sow discord between ...and ...在…和…之间制造矛盾,挑拨离间 217

to discourage someone from doing ...阻劝(阻挠)某人去干… 218

to be disgraced for ...因…而丢脸,因…而出丑 219

to make no disguise of ...毫不掩饰… 220

to feel disgust at ...对…感到厌恶 221

to enjoy the distinction of ...享有…的盛誉 222

to distinguish between ...and ...把…和…区分开来 223

to divest oneself of the idea about ...摆脱…的念头 224

to have a lot to do with ...与…有很大的关系 225

to be doomed to ...注定要… 226

to have a great deal of dope on ...有关于…的大量情报 227

to cast doubt on ...对…产生怀疑 228

to get down to ...开始认真地于… 229

秋be dubious about ...对…半信半疑 230

to be earnest about(over)...认真地对待… 231

to move heaven and earth to do ...竭尽全力地去干… 232

to go easy on ...对…手下留情;节省使用…;宽宏大量地对待… 233

to economize on ...节约…,节省… 234

to efface one s memory of ...消除某人对…的记忆 235

to have an effect on ...对…有影响,对…有作用 236

to make every effort to do ...竭尽一切努力… 237

to elaborate on(upon) ...详细阐述… 238

to rub elbows with ...与…接近,与…套近乎 239

to be elevated from ...to ...从…提升到… 240

to be eligible for ...适合…,有资格… 241

to achieve eminence in ...在…方面取得卓越的成就 242

to place emphasis on ...重视,强调…;着重于… 243

to be enamored of ...倾心于…,迷恋于… 244

to be endowed with ...天生具备…,赋有… 245

to be engaged in ...从事…,致力于… 246

to be engrossed in ...埋头于…,热衷于… 247

to inquire of someone about ...向某人打听有关…的情况 248

to be enthusiastic about ...对…充满热情 249

to be entitled to do ...有资格干… 250

to be envious of ...忌妒,对…很羡慕 251

to feel equal to ...感到有能力做…,能胜任… 252

to establish ...as ...确立…的地位,使…成为… 253

to speak evil of ...说…的坏话,诽谤… 254

to find an exeuse for ...为…找借口 255

to exercise influence on ...对…施加影响 256

to drive ...to extinction 使…灭绝(绝种) 257

to exult over ...对…幸灾乐祸;为…欢欣鼓舞 258

to keep an eye open for ...密切注视 259

to see eye to eye with ...与…意见一致 260

to face up to ...敢于(勇敢)面对… 261

to cultivate a faculty of(for)...培养…的能力 262

to fag for ...为…跑腿,为…疲于奔命 263

to be too familiar with ...…有暧昧关系 264

to familiarize oneself with ...使自己熟悉… 265

to find fault with ...挑剔,指责…,对…吹毛求疵 266

to curry favor with ...拍…的马屁,巴结… 267

to feast one s eyes on ...饱赏…,对…一睹为快 268

to feel like doing ...想要…,有…的心思 269

to fight against ...与…做斗争 270

to be filled with ...充满,填满,装满… 271

to forgive someone for ...原谅某人… 272

to be in a happy frame of mind 心情愉快 273

to take freedoms with ...对…放肆,随便,无礼 274

to fret about ...为…着急,因…感到烦躁不安 275

to be frightened of ...害怕…,对…感到恐惧 276

to be furnished with ...配备有…,装备有… 277

to be glad of ...为…感到高兴 278

to steal glance at ...偷看…一眼,瞥…一眼 279

to gloat over someone s mis-fortunes 对…幸灾乐祸 280

to handle ...with kid gloves 谨慎对待…,小心对待… 281

to remain glued to...和…粘在一起,离不开… 282

to do grace to ...为…增添光彩 283

to graduate from ...in ...毕业于…学校…学科 284

to express one s gratitude for...对…表示感谢 285

to be greedy of ...贪图… 286

to hold a grudge against...对…怀恨在心 287

to feel guilty about ...对…感到有罪,内疚 288

to break oneself of the habit of ...克服…的习惯 289

to do harm to...有害于… 290

to feel hate towards ...憎恨…,仇恨… 291

to play havoc with ...对…造破坏,使…陷入混乱 292

to get to the heart of ...抓住…的要点,触及…的实质 293

to open one s heart to...向…倾诉衷肠;同情(帮助)… 294

to have a hunch that ...预感到,总觉得… 295

to be imbued with ...充满…,富有… 296

to be immersed in ...沉浸于…,埋头于…,陷入… 297

to have an impact on ...对…有影响(冲击) 298

to impose ...on ...把…强加给…,对…施加影响 299

to be impressed with(by)...被…所感动,对…留下深刻印象 300

to be incompatible with ...与…不一致(不协调,不相容) 301

to be indifferent to ...对…漠不关心,无动于衷 302

to indulge in ...沉溺于…,纵情于… 303

to be inferior to ...劣于(次于,低于,不如)… 304

to inform someone of ...使某人了解… 305

to inhibit someone from doing ...禁止某人干(做)… 306

to give someone an inkling of...给某人一丝…的暗示;使某人了解一些… 308

to inquire into ...追究(调查,查问)… 308

to be inseparable from ...与…密不可分 309

to have the inside on ...掌握有关…的内幕 310

to insist on ...坚持要… 311

to inspire something into...向…灌输某种思想 312

to draw inspiration from ...从…中得到灵感,从…中得到启发 313

to have an instinct for ...有…的本能,天性爱好… 314

to intend ...as ...打算使…成为,想拿…作为… 315

to interfere with ...干涉(干预,防碍)… 316

to intervene in ...插手(干预,调停)… 317

to be involved in ...被卷入…;与…有牵连 318

to be irritated against(at)...对…感到恼火,生…的气 319

to keep up with ...赶上…,不落后于… 320

to get a kick out of ...从…中得到乐趣 321

to kneel at someone s feet 拜倒在某人的脚下 322

to be known for ...因…而著称 323

to lay a finger on ...触碰(伤害)… 324

to qo to the lenqth of ...居然会…,竟然会… 325

to be licensed to do ...被许可干… 326

to keep the lid on ...隐瞒(掩盖)… 327

to place a limit on ...对…加以限制 328

to keep close links with ...与…保持密切联系 329

to pay lip service to...对…开空头支票 330

to be at loggerheads with ...和…发生争执,和…顶牛 331

to louse up ...把…搞得一团糟 332

to be mad about ...对…着迷,狂热地迷恋… 333

to make do with ...用…凑合 334

to make place for ...让位于…;为…腾出地方 335

to have the makings of ...具备…所需要的品质(素质) 336

to bear malice to(twoards)...对…怀有恶意 337

to map out a plan for ...制定(拟定)…的计划 338

to strip off the mask of ...剥去…的伪装,扯下…的面罩 339

to measure up to ...符合(达到)…的要求 340

to meditate on(upon)对…沉思,深刻思索… 341

to meet the needs of...满足…的需求 342

to cherish the memory of ...怀念…,回忆… 343

to make a mental note of ...记住… 344

to leave ...at the mercy of ...听任…由…摆布 345

to merge with ...与…合并 346

to give one s mind to ...专心于…,致力于… 347

to give a mirror to ...真实(准确)地反映… 348

to dispatch a mission to ...派遣代表团前往… 349

to mistake ...for ...误把…当作… 350

to be not in the mood for...没有…的兴趣(心情) 351

to leave a bad taste in someone s mouth ...给某人留下不好的印象 352

to make the first move to-wards ...朝…迈出第一步 353

to fling mud at ...往…脸上抹黑;诽谤(诬蔑)… 354

to make a mystery of ...把…搞得十分神秘 355

to feel the necessity of ...感到有必要… 356

to(meet)satisfy the needs of ...满足…的需要 357

to negtiate with ...over...就…与…进行谈判(协商,交涉) 358

to be mervous about ...对…感到很紧张(担心,害怕) 359

to give a nod to ...同意(答应,允许,批准)… 360

to be noted for ...以…著名,因…而出名 361

to make nothing of ...不把…当回事 362

to notify someone of sth ...通知某人某事 363

to be objective to ...客观对待…,对…无偏见 364

to have an obligation to do ...有义务… 365

to be obliged to do...被迫(不得不)…;有责任(应该)… 366

to be oblivious of ...忘记(没注意,不顾)… 367

to be obsessed with(by)...被…所缠绕(困扰) 368

to take the occasion to do ...抓住(利用)机会做(干)… 369

to be occupied in ...忙于(专注于)… 370

to have an open mind to ...虚心接受…,对…思想开明 371

to have a high opinion of ...对…评价很高,尊重… 372

to be opposed to ...反对…,与…对抗 373

to be optimistic about ...对…持乐观态度 374

to place an order for ...提交…的订单,订购… 375

to owe ...to ...把…归功于… 376

to keep pace with...与…保持同步,跟得上… 377

to play a part in ...在…中扮演角色,在…起作用 378

to have a partiality for(to,to-wards)...袒护…,偏爱… 379

to bring ...to a pretty pass使…陷入困境,把…搞得一团糟 380

to pave the way for ...为铺平道路 381

to have no patience with ...对…失去信心;对…没有耐心 382

to pay off old scores with ...和…算老账,报复… 383

to be peculiar to ...是…所特有的 384

to put a period to ...结束(终止)… 385

to be pessimistic about ...对…持悲观态度 386

to be touched with pity for ...对…动了恻隐之心 387

to take pity on ...同情(怜悯,可怜)… 388

to play up to ...向…献媚,拍…马屁 389

to take a pleasure in ...以…为乐,喜欢… 390

to plume oneself on ...因…而自鸣得意(沾沾自喜) 391

to be popular with ...深受…的喜爱(欢迎) 392

to be in a position to ...有能力…,能够…,有权… 393

to be plssessed of ...拥有(具有)… 394

to praise ...for ...因…而称赞… 395

to sing high praise for ...为…大唱赞歌 396

to prefer ...to ...喜欢…而不喜欢… 397

to have a prejudice against ...对…有偏见 398

to make a pretest for ...为…找借口,为…辩护 399

to prevent ...from...阻止(防止)…,使…不能 400

to pride oneseof on ...为…而感到自豪,自夸… 401

to have priority over...比…优先,优先于… 402

to be proficient at(in)...精通于… 403

to prohibit ...from ...禁止…做…,限制…去… 404

to be prone to ...易于…,有…的倾向,很容易… 405

to be prophetic of...预言到…,预见到… 406

to protect ... against ...保护…免受…,防御… 407

to be proud of ...为…感到骄傲,为…感到自豪 408

to provide ...for ...向…提供… 409

to keep one s finger on the pulse of...了解(熟悉)…的情况 410

to be qualified for ...胜任…,有资格… 411

to possess the qualifications of ...具备…的条件(资格) 412

to make no uqestion of ...对…不加怀疑,认为…是理所当然的 413

to quote for...提出…的报价 414

to rain benefits on ...施恩惠于… 415

to rain praise on ...对…赞不绝口 416

to raise money for ...为…募捐(筹款) 417

to raise wide concern about ...引起人们对…的广泛关注 418

to rank second(nest) to...位居…之下,仅次于… 419

to have reason for ...有…的理由 420

to pay due recognition to ...给…以应有的承认 421

to reduce ...to ...使…沦为…,把…贬低为… 422

to give a reference to ...提及(介绍)… 423

to regard ...as ...把…视为… 424

to keep a register of ...登记(记录)… 425

to feel regret for ...对…感到遗憾 426

to bear no relationship to ...与…毫无关系 427

to be relevant to ...与…有关,与…很贴切 428

to give relish to...对…添油加醋,给…增加乐趣,给…增加色彩 429

to be reluctant to do ...勉强…,不情愿… 430

to replace ...with ...用…取代…,用…代替… 431

to be replete with ...充满(塞满)… 432

to bring reproach on (upon)...给…带来耻辱 433

to reproach someone for ...因…而责备(谴责,责难,斥责)某人… 434

to meet the requirements for...符合…的要求(需要) 435

to harbor resentment against...对…怀恨在心 436

to be resolved to do ...决心要… 437

to resort to ...诉诸于…,求助于…,使用… 438

to be respectful of(to)...尊敬…,尊重… 439

to bear no responsibility for ...对…不负任何责任 440

to be responsible for ...对…负责,其原因在于… 441

to rest content with ...满足于… 442

to reveal an aptitude for ...显示出…的倾向(才干,素质,天赋) 443

to take revenge on ...对…进行报复,向…报仇 444

to feel reverence to ...觉得…可敬,对…肃然起敬 445

to reward someone for ...因…而奖赏(酬谢)某人 446

to get rid of ...摆脱,除掉,戒掉… 447

to take the risk of ...冒…的危险,冒…的风险 448

to assume the role of ...承担…的责任,承担…的任务 449

to leave room for ...留有…的余地 450

to rub shoulders with ...与…接近,与…来往密切 451

to rule out ...把…排除在外 452

to run around with ...与…一起鬼混 453

to run out of ...用完…,耗尽… 454

to satisfy the interest of...满足(迎合)…的兴趣 455

to be scarce of ...缺乏…,缺少… 456

scarcely ... when ...一…就…;刚…就… 457

to schedule ...for ...把…安排在… 458

to give someone scope for ...给某人以施展…的机会 459

to put the screw on ...对…施加压力,强迫… 460

to scruple about ...对…有所顾忌 461

to be sensible of ...意识到…,察觉到… 462

to be sensitive about ...对…十分敏感 463

to separate ...from ...把…与…分离开 464

to shed one s blood for ...为…而献身 465

to be under the shelter of ...在…的庇护下 466

to take a shine to ...爱上(看中,喜欢上)… 467

to run short of ...缺乏,缺少… 468

to be sick of ...厌恶…,对…感到厌倦 469

to show no sign of ...没有显示出…的迹象 470

to be similar to ...类似于…,与…相似 471

to sing one s own praises 自我标榜,自吹自擂 472

to have a smack of ...有…的味道(风格,特色),有点像… 473

to find a solution for ...找到…的解决办法 474

to be sparing of ...节约(爱惜)…,缺乏… 475

to speak volumes for ...充分证明…,有力地说明… 476

to be the spitting image of...和…一模一样的人或物 477

to have a soft spot for ...对…有特别的好感 478

to be squeamish about ...对…过分讲究;过分挑剔… 479

to stay clear of ...回避(躲避)…,不接近… 480

to get stuck on ...一时想不起…的答案,因…而停顿下来 481

to keep a large stock of ...储备有大量…的存货 482

to strike ...as ...给…以…的印象 483

to strive for ...为…而努力,力争… 484

to be stuffed with ...填满(塞满,充满)… 485

to stumble on(upon)...无意中发现…,偶然找到 … 486

to be subject to ...易遭受…;受…的支配;必须以…为条件 487

to subsist on ...靠…维持生计,靠…度日 488

to suffer from ...受…之苦(折磨) 489

to come as no surprise to ...不会为…感到吃惊 490

to be susceptible ...对…很敏感,易受…,易患… 491

to suspect someone of ...怀疑某人… 492

to be suspicious of (about)...对…怀疑,怀疑… 493

to be swamped with ...忙于应酬…,对…应接不暇 494

to be taken for ...被当作… 495

to be tender for(of)...害怕…,顾虑… 496

to turn thumbs down on ...反对(贬低,不赞成) … 497

to tickle someone s vanity(fancy) 满足某人的虚荣心;投其所好 498

to keep track of ...记录…,了解…的动态 499

to warn someone of ...提醒某人…,警告某人… 500