《高级法律英语选读 宪法学与行政法学》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:程洁编注
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7119027034
  • 页数:221 页

UNIT1 The Past of Constitutional Theory:A View from Outside 宪法理论回顾 1

UNIT2 Elements of Constitutionalism 立宪主义的要素 12

UNIT3 The Nature of the Legislature,the Executive and the Judiciary 立法、行政和司法的性质 24

UNIT4 The Powers of the Judiciary 司法权 36

UNIT5 Federalism and Rights 联邦主义与权利 47

UNIT6 The Enigmatic Place of Property Rights in Modern Constitu-tional Thought 现代宪法思想中财产权的神秘地位 55

UNIT7 Rules for the Constitutional Interpretation 宪法解释的规则 71

UNIT8 Constitutional Crisis 宪法危机 81

UNIT9 Unity of Constitutional Law 宪法性法律的统一 94

UNIT10 Law and Administration 法律与行政 104

UNIT11 Delegated Legislation:US and the UK 授权立法:美国与英国的比较研究 119

UNIT12 Administrative Rule-making and the Constitution 行政规章的制定与宪法 128

UNIT13 The Strategic Merits and Defects of Rules 行政规章的优点与缺陷 146

UNIT14 Administrative Review:the Experience of the First Twelve Years 行政审查:最初十二年的经验 159

UNIT15 Regulation by Contract:The New Prerogative 通过合同规制:新特权 171

UNIT16 The Legal Control of Administrative Discretion:Jurisdiction 对行政自由裁量权的法律控制:司法管辖 183

UNIT17 Administrative Reaction to Judicial Review 行政机关对司法审查的回应 193

UNIT18 The Rule of Law and the Welfare State 法治与福利国家 206

后记 221