《朗文快捷英语教程 第2版 学生用书 1 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)(斯蒂芬·J.莫林斯基)(StevenJ.Molinsky),(美)(比尔·比利斯)(BillBliss)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7508309200
  • 页数:176 页
图书介绍:《朗文快捷英语教程》系列口语精品图书,由美国权威英语教学专家Steven J. Molinsky和Bill Bliss专门针对全球非英语国家学生编写的一套经典英语口语教程,在全世界,尤其是在日、韩及东南亚地区备受欢迎。2001年末,中国电力出版社从培生教育出版集团朗文公司引进版权,力邀北大、清华等著名高校英语教授进行详细编注、审校出版,以其生动灵活的画面安排、国际流行的精美包装、纯正地道的美音美语,以及优惠的价格首次向读者亮相,受到众多专家、教授的好评和英语学习爱好者的喜爱。 本系列教程的出版受到众多媒体的关注,新华社、中央电视台、中国教育电视台、北京电视台、中央人民广播电台、新浪网、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国教育报》、《中国青年报》、《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《21世纪报》、《新闻出版报》、《中华读书报》、《中国图书商报》、《中国文化报》、《英语沙龙》、《英语世界》等几十家媒体均在第一时间进行了深度报道。2002年,中国青少年发展服务中心响应江泽民总书记《关于教育问题的谈话》精神,落实共青团十四届五中全会的任务,首次举办“全国青少年英语口语大赛”,全力贯彻“倡导英语口语交


EXIT 1.Meeting and Greeting People 1

Hello Greet someone and introduce yourself. 2

I d Like to Introduce... Introduce members of your family. 4

What s Your Last Name? Give your name and tell how to spell it. 6

What s Your Address? Give your address and telephone number.Interview other students. 8

Where Are You From? Tell where you re from. 10

Nice to Meet You Exchange information, using to be, yes/no questions and wh-questions. 12

Meet These People Learn about people, do interviews, and report about your interviews. 14

EXIT2. People and Places 17

I d Like the Number of Mary Nielson Call directory assistance, using wh-questions. 18

You Have the Wrong Number Make a phone call, using to be. 20

Is Peter There? Call and find out where people are. Learn places in the community. 22

Where Are You Going? Find out where people are going. 24

What Are You Doing? Tell about everyday activities, using the present continuous tense. 26

I Can t Talk Right Now. I m Taking a Shower. Talk with friends on the telephone. 30

Steve s Friends Can t Talk Right Now Read about busy people. Tell a story about your family. 31

EXIT3. Getting Around Town 33

Is There a Post Office Nearby? Find out the location of places in the community. 34

Does This Bus Go to Westville? Use public transportation. 40

Is This Bus Number 42? Access public transportation, using to be and the simple present tense. 42

Can You Tell Me How to Get to the Bus Station? Give directions to places in the community. 44

Can You Please Tell Me How to Get to the Museum? Give directions to places in the community. 46

Can You Tell Me How to Get to Franklin s Department Store? Use public transportation. 48

Excuse Me. I m Lost! Give someone directions by car. 50

Nancy s Neighborhood Read about someone s neighborhood. Tell a story about your neighborhood. 51

REST STOP Role-Play Review of Exits 1,2, 3 53

EXIT4.Housing and Food 55

We re Looking for a Two-Bedroom Apartment Downtown Identify rooms in the home. Describe houses and apartments. 56

Is There a Rafrigerator in the Kitchen? Tell about features of an apartment, using there is/there are and singular/plural. 58

How Much Is the Rent? Discuss rent and utilities. 60

Where Do You Want This Sofa? Identify furniture in the home, using this/that/these/those. 62

There Aren t Any More Cookies Identify count food items. 64

There Isn t Any More Milk Identify non-count food items. 66

Excuse Me. Where Are the Carrots? Locate items in a supermarket, using count/non-count nouns. Visit a local supermarket. 68

Mmm! This Cake Is Delicious! Discuss ingredients, using count/non-count nouns. 70

Jim s New Apartment Read about someone s apartment. 71

EXIT5. At Work 73

What Do You Do? Describe occupations, using the simple present tense. 74

What Do They Do? Describe occupations, using the simple present tense. Tell the occupations of members of your family. 76

Can You...? Tell about work skills, using can and can t. Tell about your work skills. 78

What Do They Lood Like? Describe people, using abjectives. 80

How Am I Doing? Ask for and give feedback at word,using the present continuous tense and object pronouns. Visit a community work site. 82

What Day Is It? Tell about everyday activities, using the simple present tense and days of the week. 84

Keeping in Touch Tell about family dynamics, using adverbs of frequency. 86

My Best Friend Read about a friendship. Tell about yourself. 87

What Kind of Tv Shows Do You Like? Discuss recreation, using like. 88

EXIT6.Health and Emergencies 91

I Have a Headache Identify common ailments, using have. 92

What Do You Recommend? Ask for recommendations and locate items in a drug store. Visit a local drug store. Discuss home remedies. 94

Do You Want to Make an Appointment? Make a doctor s appointment, using time expressions. 96

Do You Smoke? Give a medical history, using to be and the simple present tense. 98

Touch Your Toes Follow instructions during a medical exam, using imperatives. 100

You Should Go on a Diet Receive a doctor s medical advice with should. Give medical advice to others. 102

Take One Tablet Three Times a Day Receive a pharmacist s directions for taking medication. Tell about remedies for common ailments. 104

I Want to Report an Emergency! Report an emegency. 106

Call 911 Read about emergency calls. Reenact an emergency situation. 107

REST STOP Rloe-Play Review of Exits 4,5, 6 109

EXIT7. Shopping 111

I m Looking for a Shirt Ask for articles of clothing in a department store, using singular/plural. 112

May I Help You? Select articles of clothing by size and color. Describe what people are wearing. 114

It s Too Short Find the right article of clothing, using singular/plural and adjectives. 116

Excuse Me. Where Are the Rest Rooms? Locate items and facilities in a department store, using ordinal numbers. 118

I d Like to Buy This Watch Purchase items in a department store. Visit a local department store.Discuss and evaluate prices. 120

Shopping in Department Stores Read about department stores. Tell about personal shopping experiences. 123

I Want to Return This Fan Return items to a department store, using adjectives. Reenact a department store scene. 124

I Want to Buy Some Stamps, Please Use the services of a post office. Compare stamps from different countries. 126

I d Like to Mail This Package Use the services of a post office. Visit a local post office. 128

EXIT8.Recreation 131

What Are You Going to Do This Weekend? Tell about weekend plans, using going to. 132

What Do You Want to Do Today? Make plans for the day, using want to and weather expressions. 134

I m Afraid I Can t. I Have to Work Late. Make and respond to invitations, using can t and have to. 138

What Did You Do? Tell about weedend activities, using the past tense. 140

Let s Do Something Outdoors Today Make plans, using want to and the past tense. 144

What Movie Did You See? Share information, using to be in the past. Discuss cultural and sporting events in your community. 146

Howie Just Wanted to Have Fun! Read about recreation activites. Relate personal experiences. 149

What Do You Like to Do? Tell about things you like to do. 150

REST STOP Role-Play Review of Exite 7 8 153


Grammar Constructions 157

Cardinal Numbers 166

Ordinal Numbers 167

Irregular Verbs 168

Scripts for Listening Exercises 169

Grammar Index 175

Topic Index 176