
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Agency for Instructional Technology South-Western Educational Publishing
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:156 页

目录 1

前言 1

各分册的内容设置 1

简介 1

LESSON 1 Negotiation in the Workplace(工作中的谈判) 1

LESSON 2 Negotiating the Wrong Way——Positional Bargaining(执迷不悟——定位的讨价还价) 11

LESSON 3 Problem-Solving Negotiation(以解决问题为目的的谈判) 19

LESSON 4 Relationships(家庭成员之间的关系) 29

LESSON 5 Learn How Others See the Problem(知己知彼) 45

LESSON 6 Listening-A Powerful Tool in Negotiation(倾听——谈判的强大工具) 55

LESSON 7 Focus on Interests,Not Positions(重点是利益,而不是立场) 63

LESSON 8 Negotiating with Dad(与爸爸谈判——谈判中的调解者) 73

LESSON 9 Establish Options that Are Good for Both Sides(互惠互利地解决问题) 87

LESSON 10 Base Your Agreements on What Is Fair(公正地达成协议) 93

LESSON 11 When to Walk-Away(何时放弃谈判) 99

LESSON 12 Practicing Negotiation(练习谈判) 107

LESSON 13 Negotiating With Mom(与妈妈谈判——父母与子女之间冲突的解决) 115

LESSON 14 Electronic Communication(电子沟通——通过电子邮件谈判) 123

LESSON 15 Applying What You Have Learned(学以致用) 131

Assessment of Student Performance(学生表现评估) 143

Appendix:Glossary(词汇表) 151

Additional Resources(补充材料) 152

Acknowledgments(致谢) 153