
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郎景和著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7504628247
  • 页数:235 页

Chapter 1.The Making of a Surgeon,an Obstetrician and a Gynecologist 1

第一章 做外科和妇产科医生 1

1.外科解剖刀就是剑 3

1.The scalpel is a sword 3

2.外科医生的哲学理念和人文修养 6

2.Philosophy and humanity cultivation of a surgeon 6

3.The making of obstetrician and gynecologist 12

3.妇产科医生 12

Chapter 2.Vuluar,Vaginal and Cervical Surgery 19

第二章 外阴、阴道和子宫颈的手术 19

4.Artificial vaginoplasty(1):creation of a tunnel 21

4.人工阴道成形术(之一):造穴 21

5.Artificial vaginoplasty(2):with pelvic peritoneum 24

5.人工阴道成形术(之二):腹膜法 24

6.Artificial vaginoplasty(3):with Williams method 26

6.人工阴道成形术(之三):魏式法 26

7.阴道斜隔 28

7.Oblique septum of vagina 28

8.A new repair method of rectocele 30

8.一种阴道后壁膨出修补法 30

9.Colpocleisis of vaginal apex prolapse and enterocele 32

9.兼治肠疝的阴道封闭术 32

10.Removal of large myomatous uterus via vagina 34

10.从阴道切除大子宫 34

11.Plastic repair of hymen 36

11.处女膜修补及整形术 36

12.Plastic operation of labium minus 39

12.小阴唇整形术 39

13.阴蒂整形术 41

13.Clitoroplasty 41

14.“Latitude and longitude”theory on plastic repair of vagina and vulva 45

14.会阴阴道修补“经纬论” 45

15.子宫颈Sturmdorf缝合法 47

15.Sturmdorf suture of the cervix 47

Chapter 3.Uterine,Tubal and Ovarian Surgery 49

第三章 子宫和附件的手术 49

16.An unexpected procedure--Wedge resection of the ovary 51

16.意外发现的术式--卵巢楔形切除 51

17.卵巢囊肿剔除术(之一):适应证与切口选择 53

17.Removal or enucleation of ovarian cyst(1):indication,incision and enucleation 53

18.卵巢囊肿剔除术(之二):止血与缝合 55

18.Removal or enucleation of ovarian cyst(2):hematotasis and suture 55

19.Removal or enucleation of ovarian cyst(3):laparoscopic procedures and problems 57

19.卵巢囊肿剔除术(之三):腹腔镜手术 57

20.输卵管显微外科(之一) 59

20.Microsurgery of the fallopian tube(1) 59

21.输卵管显微外科(之二) 61

21.Microsurgery of the fallopian tube(2) 61

22.Uterine abnormalities and metroplasty 63

22.子宫畸形的矫治 63

23.子宫肌瘤剔除术(之一):最初的考虑 66

23.Myomectomy(1):the primary consideration 66

24.Myomectomy(2):removal of fibroids 68

24.子宫肌瘤剔除术(之二):技巧 68

25.Myomectomy(3):closure of the cavity 70

25.子宫肌瘤剔除术(之三):缝闭瘤腔 70

26.经阴道子宫黏膜下肌瘤去除术 72

26.Transvaginal removal of prolapsed submucosal myoma 72

27.筋膜内子宫切除术 75

27.Intrafascial hysterectomy 75

Chapter 4.Gynecologic Cancer Surgery 77

第四章 妇科癌瘤的手术 77

28.卵巢癌的手术(之一):手术种类 79

28.Surgical therapy for ovarian cancer(1):the types of operation 79

29.Surgical therapy for ovarian cancer(2):cytoreductive surgery and omentectomy 82

29.卵巢癌的手术(之二):肿瘤细胞减灭术 82

30.卵巢癌的手术(之三):盆腔包块切除 86

30.Surgical therapy for ovarian cancer(3):removal of pelvic mass 86

31.Pelvic lymphadenectomy(1):anatomy of pelvic blood vessels and lymph nodes 90

31.盆腔淋巴结清除术(之一):盆腔血管淋巴解剖 90

32.Pelvic lymphadenectomy(2):skills of lymph nodes dissection 92

32.盆腔淋巴结清除术(之二):淋巴结清除技巧 92

33.Pelvic lymphadenectomy(3):dealing with emergency 94

33.盆腔淋巴结清除术(之三):应急处理 94

34.股三角解剖及Cloquet s淋巴结 96

34.Anatomy of inguinal triangle and Cloquet s lymph node 96

35.高位腹主动脉旁淋巴结切除术 98

35.High para-aortic lymphadenectomy 98

36.根治术中的两个侧窝和一个隧道 105

36.Dissection of perirectal,Perivesical spaces and ureteral tunnels in radical hysterectomy 105

37.骶前区的解剖和手术 111

37.Anatomy and operation in pre-sacral area 111

第五章 其他的手术 119

Chapter 5.Other Procedures 119

38.Gonadorectomy in sexual development abnormalities 121

38.性发育异常时的性腺切除 121

39.张力性尿失禁的手术 123

39.Surgical management of stress urinary incontinence 123

40.一种有意思的阑尾去除术 125

40.An interesting procedure of appendectomy 125

41.如何分离粘连 127

41.Release of adhesion 127

42.Operative position of patients in obstetric and gynecologic surgery 130

42.妇产科手术的病人体位 130

43.腹腔镜手术铺巾法 132

43.Laying surgical drape for laparoscopic operation 132

44.腹腔镜手术箴言 134

44.Admonitions for successful laparoscopic operations 134

附录 Appendix 137

1.腹部横切口 139

2.阴道疾病与阴道手术 142

3.子宫脱垂与膀胱、直肠膨出的鉴别 145

4.阴式大子宫切除术25例临床分析 147

5.妇科手术后阴道出血的观察和处理 150

6.张力性尿失禁病人不同术式比较 152

7.输卵管妊娠的保守性手术 155

8.妇科显微外科 159

9.子宫颈机能不全和内口环扎术(附10例分析) 167

10-1.子宫肌瘤剔除术--手术技巧 173

10-2.子宫肌瘤剔除术--154例临床分析 176

11.妇科癌瘤的手术治疗 182

12.卵巢恶性肿瘤的手术治疗 185

13.卵巢癌肠道转移的手术治疗(附62例分析) 188

14.卵巢癌的淋巴转移及腹膜后淋巴清除术 193

15.卵巢肿瘤的术中诊断 198

16.卵巢肿瘤手术时卵巢本身的处理 201

17.腹腔镜在妇科临床诊断上的应用 204

18.关于妇科手术中“切除”与“保留问题的探讨 207

19.妇科盆腔手术时阑尾内翻包埋术 212

20.阔韧带内肿瘤手术副损伤的发生与防治 214

21.妇科手术后并发输尿管阴道瘘的诊断与处理 216

22 妇科手术后的泌尿系感染 220

23 妇科大手术后伪膜性结肠炎 223

24 妇科腹腔镜手术的现状、争议和发展 228

主要参考书目 233