
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王兴国主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:781012921X
  • 页数:191 页

三 易混易错词200组 1

一 易错易混词目录 1

1. abnormal formal normal 1

2. aboard abroad 1

3. access assess excess 1

4. account count 2

5. accuse acute excuse execute 2

6. acquire inquire require 3

7. adapt adopt 4

8. advice advise 4

9. affect effect 4

10. affiliate afflict 5

11. affirm afford confirm conform 5

12. altitude attitude 6

14. arm arms 6

13. anticipate participate 6

15. around round 6

16. asleep sleepy 7

17. aspect prospect respect suspect 7

18. assign design resign 8

19. attack attach attract 9

20. attempt contempt 10

21. attribute contribute distribute 10

22. authority authorities 10

24. award reward 11

23. awake wake 11

25. band bend bind 12

26. bare bear 12

27. bath bathe 12

28. beam bean 13

29. beast feast 13

30. beside besides 13

31. blame flame 14

32. boom doom 14

34. brake break 15

33. bounce bound 15

35. breath breathe 16

36. bribe bride 16

37. brick brisk 17

38. brief grief 17

39. bump dump lump pump 17

40. campus compas.s compress comprise compromise 18

41. cancel conceal 19

42. cast cost 19

43. cellar collar 19

44. cause course 20

45. cite sight site 20

46. classic classical 21

47. coach couch 21

48. column volume 21

49. command commend commence comment 22

50. complement compliment 23

51. comprehensible comprehensive 23

53. conclude include 24

52. compress depres,s oppress suppress 24

54. condense confess 25

55. confine define decline refine 25

56. confuse confute 26

57. consecutive executive 26

58. consent present resent 26

60. conserve preserve reserve 27

59. consequent subsequent 27

61. consist insist resist 28

62. constant distant instant 28

63. constrain restrain constraint restraint 29

64. consult result consultant resultant 29

65. consume presume resume 30

67. contend content contents 31

66. contain maintain refrain retain 31

68. contest context 32

69. contrast contract contact 32

71. convert divert revert 33

70. convention conversion 33

72. cooperate corporate 34

73. council counsel 34

74. crack crash crush 34

75. custom customs 35

76. damage damages 35

77. deceive derive deserve 36

78. defeat defect detect 36

79. deprive derive 36

80. descend descendant descent 37

81. desert dessert 37

82. designate dominate donate fascinate nominate 37

84. die dye 38

85. dip lip rip tip 38

83. device devise 38

86. disguise disgust 39

88. dive drive 40

87. dislike unlike 40

89. drawn drown 41

90. economic economical economics economy 41

91. eject elect select 42

92. eleetric electrical electronic 42

93. emigrate immigrate emigrant immigrant 42

94. entrance entry 43

95. evolve involve resolve revolve 43

96. exert exist exit 43

97. explosion exposition exposure 44

98. extend extent 44

99. fail fall 45

101. favourable favourite 46

102. feather feature 46

100. fair fare 46

103. flash flesh flush fresh 47

105. floor flour flower 48

104. flatter flutter 48

106. folk fork 49

107. force forces 49

108. formal former formula 49

109. forth fourth 50

110. fraction fracture friction fiction 50

112. gap lap nap tap 51

111. gaol goal 51

113. geography geology 52

114. good goods 52

115. graceful gracious 53

116. groan grown 53

117. hair heir hire 53

118. hard hardly 54

119. heal heel 54

120. herb herd 54

121. historic historical 55

122. hoist moist 55

123. humanity humidity 55

124. illuminate illustrate 55

125. imaginable imaginary imaginative 56

126. imitate intimate 56

127. inhabit inherit inhibit 56

128. intuition tuition 57

129. later latter 57

130. leisure measure pleasure treasure 57

131, loyal royal 58

132. manner manners 58

133. medal model 58

134. mode mold 59

135. modify notify rectify terrify testify verify 59

136. moral mortal 60

137. murder murmur 60

138. notable noticeable 60

139. obscure obstacle 61

140. pain pains 61

141. patent patient pattern 61

142. patrol petrol 62

143. perform perfume 62

144. personal personnel 62

145. physician physicist 63

146. pole poll 63

147. poesssess process precede proceed 63

148. poverty property 64

149. practice practise 64

150. precious previous 64

151. present pretend prevent 65

152. preserve reserve reverse 65

153. principal principle 65

154. produce product production productive productivity 66

155. profit prophet 67

156. publication publicity 67

157. quality quantity 67

158. quarter quarters 68

159. receipt reception 68

160. receive relieve 68

161. refuse refute 69

162. regard regards 69

163. relation relative 69

164. reserve reverse revise revive 69

165. residence resident 70

166. respect respects 70

167. respectable respectful respective 70

168. rob rub 71

169. role roll 71

171. sack sock suck 72

172. sand sands 72

170. ruin ruins 72

173. section sector session 72

174. series serious 73

175. sew sow 73

176. simulate stimulate 73

178. soar sore sour 74

177. slam slim slum 74

179. spacial(spatial) spacious special 75

180. spirit spirits 75

181. spit spite split 76

182. staff stuff 76

183. stain strain 76

184. stale stall 77

185. statue status 77

186. strip stripe 77

188. successful successive 78

187. success succession successor 78

189. sweat sweet sweets 79

190, tend tense tent 79

191. tone tune 80

192. unit unite unity 80

193. vain vein 81

194. variable various 81

195. variation variety 81

四 易混易错词组180组 82

196. veto vote 82

197. ware wear wire 82

198. weather whether 83

199. weigh weight 83

200. work works 83

1.形近意远 85

2. a godd (great) deal, a good (great) many 85

1. above all, alter all 85

3. all over, all over again 85

二 易混易错词组目录 85

5. a lot, a lot of 86

4. all the same, all the time 86

6. anything but, nothing but 86

7. as a result, as a result of 87

8. as far as, as far as…be concerned 87

9. as well, as well as 88

10. at all costs, at tile cost of 88

12. at any rate, at this rate 89

11. at all times, at times 89

13. at a premium, place a premium 89

15. at once, all at once 90

14. at a time, at one time 90

16. be friend with, make friends with 90

18. by far,so far 91

17. hy all means, by means of 91

19. by itself, in itself 91

20. by the way, by way of 92

21. get down, get down to 92

23. give way, give way to 93

22. get the best of, make the best of 93

24. go for, go in for 93

25. in a way, in the way 94

26. in consequence, in eonquenee of 94

28. in hand, at hand 95

27. in future, in the future 95

29. in line, in line with 95

31. keep one s head, keep one s word 96

30. in place, in place of 96

32. leave alone, let alone 96

34. make one s way, make way 97

33. look on, look down on (upon) 97

35. make up, make up for 97

36. no more, no more than 98

37. of no avail, avail oneself of 98

38. or else, or so 99

39. play a part in, take part in 99

40. put up, put up with 100

41. refer to, refer to…as 100

42. see to, see(to it) that 101

43. stand up, stand up for, stand up to 101

45. take place, take place of 102

44. takecare, take care of 102

46. think of, think of…as 102

47. to the point, on the point of 103

48. up to, up to date 103

49. word for word, in a word 104

50. with one accord, in accord with 104

2. all at once, all of a sudden 105

1. ahead of time, in advance 105

3. allow for, take into account 105

2.同义词组 105

4. and so forth, and so on 106

5. answer for, be responsible for 106

7. as for, as regards, as to 107

6. as a rule, as usual 107

8. at best, at most 107

9. at once, right away 108

10. at .someone s disposal, at the mercy of 108

12. because of, due to 109

11. bear in mind, keep in mind 109

13. bring forward, put forward 109

15. bringout, putout 110

14. bring into effect, bring into operation 110

16. by rea.son of, by virtue of 110

18. call up, ring up, 111

17. by oneself, on one s own 111

19. carry on, go on 111

21. come off, take place 112

20. catch fire, set fire to 112

22. count on, reckon on 112

24. drop by, drop in 113

23. do one s best, try one s best 113

25. fill in, fill out 113

27. for example, for instance 114

26. forever, for good 114

28. for the time being, for the moment 114

29. get across, put across 115

30. get the best of, get the better of 115

32. hand in, scnd in 116

31. give out, hand out 116

33. hand on, pars on 116

35. in a sense, in a way 117

34. hang on, hold on 117

36. in accordance with, according to 117

37. in alliance with, in collaboration with 118

38. in brief, in short, in a word 118

40. in effect, in fact 119

39. in case of, in the event of 119

41. in no case, in noway 119

43. in the world, on earth 120

42. in spite of, regardless of 120

44. keep an eye on, pay attention to 120

46. little by little, step by step 121

45. lay down, put down 121

47. live through, come through 121

49. make a difference, make the difference 122

48. look out, watch out 122

50. on average, on an average, on the average 122

52. on schedule, on time 123

51. on occasion(s), once in a while 123

53. switch on, turn on 123

55. pull on, put on 124

54. cast light on, shed light on, throw light on 124

56. put aside, set aside 124

58. run out of, use up 125

57. put off, set back 125

59. set down, take down 125

3.反义词组 126

60. set off, set out 126

1. at best, at any rate 126

3. at most, at least 127

2. at first, at last 127

4. beside thc point, to the point 127

6. catch sight of, lose sight of 128

5. by accident, on purpose 128

7. check in, check ont 128

9. get on, get off 129

8. cheer up, lose heart 129

10. hang on, hang up 129

11. have .something to do, have nothing to do 130

12. in accord with, out of accord with 130

14. in place, out of place 131

13. in detail, in brief 131

15. in practice, out of practice 131

17. in touch, out of touch 132

16. in sight, out of sight 132

18. keep one s head, lose one s head 132

20. on a large scale, on a small scale 133

19. live up to, let down 133

21. on duty, off duty 133

23. out of date, up to date 134

22. out of control, under control 134

24. out of question, out of the question 134

26. pull on, pull off 135

25. pull in, pull out 135

27. put on, take off 135

29. take for, mistake for 136

28. switch t,n, switch off 136

30. turn on, turn off 136

1. ask after, ask for 137

4.动词词组 137

2. break away, break down, break off, break out 137

3. break in, break into 138

4. bring about, bring down, bring forward, bring out, bring up 138

5. call for, call off, call on, call up 139

6. carry off, carry out 139

7. clear away, clear up 140

8. come up, come up against,come up to, come up with 140

10. count on, count up 141

9. compare…to, compare whth 141

11. cut across, cut back, cut down 141

12. deal in, deal with 142

13. die down, die out 142

14. draw in, draw on, draw up 143

15. drop by/in, drop off, drop out 143

17. give off, give out. 144

16. fall back on, fall behind, fall in with 144

18. go off, go out 144

20. hand out, hand over 145

19. had better, had rather 145

21. hang on, hang onto 145

22. head for, head on 146

23. keep back, keep down, keep off 146

25. lay aside, lay down, lay off, lay out 147

24. keep on, keep up, keep to 147

39. tuck away, tuck in 147

26. leave off, leave out 148

27. let off, let out 148

28. look in, look into 148

五 易混易错词练习180题及答案 149

29. make sense, make sure 149

30. pay hack, pay off 149

31. pull down, pull up 150

32. put aside, put away, put down, put forward 150

33. put off. put out 151

34. reckon on, reckon with 151

35. set about, set apart, set aside 151

36. take away, take down 152

37. throw away, throw up 152

40. tumble down, tumble over, tumble to 153

38. tick off, tick over 153

六 易混易错词组练习150题及答案 168