第一章 Getting Along with People(与人相处) 1
1. Introductions(简介) 2
2. Small Talk(简单对话) 5
3. Distance and Space Requirements(距离与空间需要) 8
4. Hand Gestures(手势) 10
5. Facial Gestures(面部表情) 19
6. Summary(总结) 23
第二章 Attending School(加入学校) 27
1. Learning About North American Schools(了解北美的学校) 28
2. Rules for Attending School(入学规则) 31
3. Asking for Help(请求帮助) 36
4. Summary(总结) 39
第三章 Building Friendships(培养友谊) 43
1. Friendships Across Culturecs(超越文化的友谊) 43
2. Image(形象) 46
3. Sharing Good and Bad Times(患难与共) 48
4. Problem Situations(有问题的情况) 50
5. Summary(总结) 52
第四章 Dating(约会) 58
1. Dating Across Cultures(跨文化的约会) 58
2. Dating Customs(约会的风俗) 62
3. Compliments and Conversation(赞扬与对话) 65
4. Summary(总结) 67
第五章 Sharing Common Interests(分享共同的兴趣) 70
1. North American Humor(北美居民的幽默) 70
2. Superstitions(迷信) 76
3. Telling “Ghost Stories”(讲鬼的故事) 80
4. Attitudes Toward Wild Animals and Pets(对待野生动物与宠物的态度) 83
5. Debate Over Endangered Species(有关濒危物种的辩论) 86
6. Health(健康) 88
7. Music(音乐) 92
第六章 Participating in Social Events(参加社交活动) 94
1. Social Events(社交活动) 96
2. Saying the Right Thing at Weddings and Funerals(在婚宴和葬礼上如何得体地言语) 99
3. Celebrating Holidays and Special Events(庆祝节日及特殊活动) 101
4. Going Out With Friends(与朋友外出) 111
5. The Concept of Time(时间观念) 115
6. Dining Out with Friends(与朋友外出就餐) 118
7. Summary(总结) 123
第七章 Shopping(购物) 126
1. Places to Shop(购物的地点) 127
2. Making Your Purchase(购物) 131
3. Talking with Salespeople(与售货员交谈) 134
4. Problems and Solutions(问题与解决方案) 137
5. Summary(总结) 141
第八章 Using the Telephone(使用电话) 143
1. Learning About the Telephone(了解电话) 143
2. Talking on the Telephone(用电话交谈) 146
3. Business and Social Uses of the Telephone(电话的商业及社会用途) 149
4. Using the Directory(使用电话簿) 151
5. Exploring North America(探索北美) 153
6. Special Uses of the Telephone(电话的特殊用途) 157
7. Summary(总结) 159
第九章 Going to the Doctor(就医) 162
1. Preparing for a Visit to the Doctor(准备去看病) 162
2. Visiting the Doctor(拜访医生) 170
3. Summary(总结) 173
答案 177
词汇表 186