《大学英语 精读 第2册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:翟象俊主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7810094114
  • 页数:228 页

ContentsUnit OneText:Is There Life on Earth? 1

Study Practice 6

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading Attack Skill ⅡUsing Word Part Clues for Word Meanings 12

Passage:Fresh Air Will Kill You 13

Writing PracticeSkill:Coherence 16

UnitTwoText:The Dinner Party 17

Study Practice 21

Reading Practice 27

Skill:Reading Attack Skill Ⅱ(Follow-up)More Prefixes and Suffixes 27

Passage:An Important Lesson 28

Writing PracticeSkill:Combining Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs 30

Unit ThreeText:Lessons from Jefferson 32

Study Practice 38

Passage:The American Ideal of a Great Leader 44

Reading PracticeSkill:Reviewing Work 44

Writing PracticeSkill:Developing a Paragraph from the Topic Sentence 47

Unit FourText:My First Job 49

Study Practice 53

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading Comprehension Skill ⅢMaking Inferences While Reading 61

Passage:Black Boy 61

Writing PracticeSkill:Combining Sentences with Subordinating Conjunctions or Relative Pro-nouns 65

Unit FiveText:The Professor and the Yo-Yo 66

Study Practice 72

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading Beyond the Lines 79

Passage:Alfred Nobel—A Man of Contrasts 79

Writing PracticeSkill:Rearranging Sentences in Logical Order 82

Test Yourself:Test Paper Ⅰ(for Unit 1—Unit 5) 83

Unit SixText:The Making ofa Surgeon 94

Study Practice 98

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading for Implied Meanings 104

Passage:A Doctor on Night-call 105

Writing PracticeSkill:Parallelism 107

Unit SevenText:There’s Only Luck 109

Study Practice 114

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading Comprehension Skill ⅣDrawing Conclusions While Reading 120

Passage:38 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police 121

Writing PracticeSkill:Writing from Personal Experience 124

Unit EightText:Honesty:Is It Going out ofStyle? 126

Study Practice 132

Reading PracticeSkill:Review ofDrawing Conclusions While Reading 140

Passage:A Question ofHonor 140

Writing PracticeSkill:Transition Ⅰ 144

Unit NineText:What Is Intelligence,Anyway? 146

Study Practice 150

Reading PracticeSkill:Reading Comprehension Skill Ⅴ Understanding Figurative Language 157

Passage:Angels on a Pin 158

Writing PracticeSkill:Transition Ⅱ 161

UnitTenText:Profits ofPraise 163

Study Practice 169

Reading PracticeSkill:A General Review ofReading Skills 176

Passage:My Wonderful Lousy Poem 176

Writing PracticeSkill:Paragraph Development 180

Test Yourself:Test Paper Ⅱ(for Unit 6—Unit 10) 181

AppendixⅠ:Glossary 192

Appendix Ⅱ Key to Test PaperⅠ 226

Key to Test Paper Ⅱ 227