1.We Can All Share American Culture 我们共同构成的美国文化 1
2.My Fight for Justice 为公正而战 8
3.Three Tales of Computer Romance:Wired for Love 编织爱的网络--电脑罗曼斯 19
4.Videotape 摄像机 27
5.Sewing My Own Clothes 自己的衣服自己缝 37
6.Who Should Keep the Key? 谁管谁? 44
7.The Fallout of the Burnout 死灰复燃--库本的烛光晚祷 53
8.Your Chips or Your Life! 要命还是要芯片? 59
9.Film s Fairest Lady 银幕上最美丽的女人 65
10.The Science behind Baywatch 海滨倩影何处来? 71
11.A Museum of Hate 恨的博物馆 82
12.Glorious Food 美味食品 89
13.No Thanks for the Memories 日记风波 97
14.The Price Is Right 价格公道 105
15.Are You and Your Lover Compatible? 情侣和谐测试 115
16.The Sting to Save“the Screen”名画失窃案 131
17.How Not to Be a Model 如何放弃做模特儿 144
18.Condemned to Life 带罪而生 150
19.Mr.Maugham and Mr.Gauguin 毛姆与高更 157
20.Cornucopia or Crisis? 繁荣还是危机? 164
21.We Are Not a Nation of Tax Cheats 我们的国家岂容逃税 176
22.The Apple Is Back 重归“大苹果城” 183
23.Beer Lovers Going With the Flow 嗜啤者源源不绝 193
24.No Guns Wanted Here! 反对持枪! 198
25.Thin Skin But Great Heart 黑色的皮肤,伟大的心灵 207
26.Show Business 演艺业 213
27.Cutting through the Myth 揭开神秘 222
28.Kuno and the German Computer 计算机的始祖 229
29.Win One for the Gipper 里根初闯好莱坞:为吉普尔赢一球 237
30.Flights of Goodwill 祝福伴伊行 246
31.Jung:Problems of Modern Psychotherapy 荣格的现代精神分析观点 253
32.My Fight against Skin Cancer 与皮肤癌之战 263
33.Hollywood Rocks Madison Avenue 好莱坞震撼麦迪逊街 275
34.For Better for Worse 是好,是坏 281
35.What Is Love? 什么是爱? 292
36.Bluff Your Way in Publishing 扎势干出版 300
37.Oh,I Say! 嘿,听着! 307
38.Far beyond White Gloves and Teas 戴白手套,饮茶--女子大学的复兴 312
39.Physics and Reality 爱因斯坦论物理学与现实 318
40.The Greatest Pianist of All?是最伟大的钢琴家吗? 325
Answer Keys 329