《英语科普阅读 3》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李庆明等编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7560512836
  • 页数:341 页

1.Start School with a Click(点击鼠标开学) 1

2.A Global Challenge for the New Century(新世纪的全球挑战) 4

3.Smoke Signals(森林火警) 8

4.A Princely Pioneer(皇室先锋) 12

5.Neural Engineering(神经工程学) 16

6.A Bigger Hole in the Ozone(臭氧空洞的扩大) 20

7.As I Was Going up the Stair...(登上全新概念车) 23

8.Aging?(衰老) 27

9.The Free Juke Box(免费自动唱片点唱机) 31

10.The CIA s Next Generation?(美国中央情报机关的下一代) 36

11.Japan-Land of Videos,Microchips and Cherry Blossom(日本--电视、微型集成电路与樱花之乡) 41

12.Family Reunion(亲人团圆) 45

13.Start Me up(助我创业) 50

14.City of the Gods(众神之城) 55

15.Hot Air at the Earth Summit?(世界环境保护高峰会上的热风) 60

16.Battle of the Music Giants(音响产品巨头之间的搏斗) 64

17.Metastasis(癌细胞的转移) 68

18.Tipping the Mideast Political Scales(扭转中东政治局势) 74

19.Toward a Democratic Science(迈向民主的科学) 79

20.Wait till Next Time(等待下一次) 85

21.Off Target(难以达到的目标) 90

22.Stormy Weather(风暴天气) 96

23.A Probing Prelude(火星水源探秘) 102

24.The Right Stuff-Again(重操旧业) 106

25.Family Patterns Today(现代的家庭模式) 111

26.Our Picture of the Universe(我们的宇宙图像) 116

27.Engineering Schools Neglect Innovation(工程教育忽视了创新) 121

28.Talking with Your Computer(与计算机倾心交谈) 127

29.How to Prevent a Meltdown(怎样防止地球熔化) 132

30.Deforestation(全球性的砍伐森林问题) 138

31.Conservation of Natural Resources(自然资源的保护) 144

32.While You re Sound Asleep Your Computer Could Be Hunting for Aliens(在你酣睡之时,计算机可能正在搜寻外星生命) 149

33.The Importance of Myth in Our Lives(神话在我们生活中的重要作用) 155

34.The Race for HDTV(向高清晰度电视冲刺) 161

35.From Sea to Space(由海洋迈向太空) 169

36.A Brave New Web(奇妙的新网络世界) 174

37.Killer App of the Wired World(情有独钟的有线世界:网上购物) 180

38.The Inevitable Limits of Security(安全体系中无法避免的局限) 186

39.Strategic Cost Management(战略成本管理) 194

40.On Contemporary Employment(谈当代就业) 203

41.Is out of Africa Going out the Door?(现代人类起源理论之争) 213

42.Who Is Guilty?(谁是全球气温上升的罪魁祸首?) 219

43.The Tools That Started the Journey to the Moon(开启月球之旅的古老工具) 229

44.Who Will Be Able to Afford the New Information Super Highway?(过路收费--几人能驰骋信息高速公路?) 235

45.Universality of Science and International Cooperation(科学的普遍性与国际合作) 243

46.News Fronts(科技前沿新闻报道) 251

47.Condition Critical(濒临危急) 260

48.Star Travellers(星际遨游者) 269

49.Are You Man Enough?(你够男子汉吗) 279

50.Children of Inca Sacrifice Found Frozen in Time(印加祭童出土记) 290

51.DNA Detectives(DNA基因侦探) 301

52.Return to Star Wars(重返星球大战) 310

53.New Communications Services-What Does Society Want?(Ⅰ)(新的通信业务--社会需要什么?(Ⅰ)) 320

54.New Communications Services-What Does Society Want?(Ⅱ)(新的通信业务--社会需要什么?(Ⅱ)) 326

55.New Communications Services-What Does Society Want?(Ⅲ)(新的通信业务--社会需要什么?(Ⅲ)) 333