Part1 Reading Guidance阅读理论与技巧 3
Reading Guidance1 3
Reading Guidance2 21
Reading Guidance3 31
Part2 Preliminaries of IELTS Reading(1)雅思预科阅读(上篇) 47
UNIT1 Learning学习类 47
UNIT2 Language语言类 51
UNIT3 Education教育类 55
UNIT4 Arts,Sports Architecture艺术与体育类 67
UNIT5 Environment环境类 73
UNIT6 Energy能源类 85
UNIT7 Population人口类 91
UNIT8 Women妇女类 95
UNIT9 Heaalths Medicine卫生健康类 107
UNIT10 Diet饮食类 125
UNIT11 Physiology生理类 135
UNIT12 Psychology心理类 143
UNIT13 Modern Way of Life现代生活方式 151
UNIT14 Transportation交通类 155
UNIT15 Advertising广告类 161
UNIT16 Shopping购物类 169
UNIT17 Planst Animals动物 179
UNIT18 Natural Disaster自然灾害类 187
UNIT19 Sea Ocean海洋类 195
UNIT20 Economics经济学类 203
UNIT21 Finance Securities金融证券类 211
UNIT22 Management管理类 217
UNIT23 Division of Labour Employment社会分工与就业 223
UNIT24 Scientific Research科学实验类 227
UNIT25 Secience Technology科技类 241
UNIT26 Aeronautics Astronautics航空航天类 249
UNIT27 Human Culture人类与文化 255
UNIT28 Inventions人类的发明创造 263
Test Paper1(35 minutes) 273
Test Paper2(35 minutes) 279
Test Paper3(35 minutes) 285
Test Paper4(35 minutes) 291
Appendix:key to the reading exercises阅读练习答案(上篇) 297
Part3 Preliminaries of IELTS Reading(2)雅思预科阅读(下篇) 311
UNIT1 Readubg Skills阅读技能 311
UNIT2 Educationsv教育类 317
UNIT3 Language Culture人类语言与文化 329
UNIT4 Human Society Inventions 人类社会与人类文明 339
UNIT5 Women Population妇女与人口问题类 349
UNIT6 Modern Technology航空航天与现代科技 355
UNIT7 Biology,Psychology,Medicine HealthCare生物、心理、医疗保健 363
UNIT8 Sea Ocean海洋类 371
UNIT9 Transportation Shopping交通与购物 377
UNIT10 TV Media电视传媒 385
UNIT11 Diet饮食类 393
UNIT12 Economics经济类 405
Test Paper1(35 minutes) 425
Test Paper1(35 minutes) 431
Test Paper1(35 minutes) 439
Appendix:key to the reading exercises阅读练习答案(下篇) 445